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Resource channel; suggestion from WiLD #33

Open jdotrjs opened 6 years ago

jdotrjs commented 6 years ago

Suggested by WiLD#4832 / 180708488144486400, on Sunday, April 29, 2018, 19:54 UTC:

a resource channel would be nice

jdotrjs commented 6 years ago

WiLD: with new tutorials, examples and so on jdotr: to some degree I kind of wanted the FAQ to serve as that

jdotrjs commented 6 years ago

The reason behind opting for a FAQ over a channel is that the FAQ is easier to organize, search, point people to, and can be maintained by any body. A channel can be maintained (in that people can drop stuff there) but other than that it seems less beneficial.

Well, not quite, discoverability is much higher until folks start thinking about the FAQ as a thing.

(As always, I'm happy to entertain other opinions and talk about what iterative steps we might take to improve the state of things)

AleBles commented 6 years ago

We could use github wiki for that, would also be a solid place to add resources / links and what not

jdotrjs commented 6 years ago

Agreed. My rough thought was to keep throwing things into a FAQ / various markdown docs until they became too hard to navigate or so many folks wanted to contribute I couldn't keep up with PRs (that hasn't been the case :wink:) and then fall back to a wiki.

Eventually I'd like for us to be managing a github pages space with a bunch of docs but that's far enough out that I haven't really put much thought into it.

16patsle commented 5 years ago

Some recent discussion on this from #discord-feedback:

Any Key#8000

We have a resources channel in a guild I’m part of that’s not engine specific and it’s basically a wall of links at this point. If you know that a resource was posted you can search the channel, the single channel not being granular makes it a bit of an issue. If you want resource channels that are a good reference I would suggest a group if channels with specific ones dedicated to some group/type of resources.


A wiki would be extremely helpful sometimes the plain documentation just confuses me more


I would be very appreciative of a well curated wiki.


Too bad there is no channel to share links, like in many discord dev servers. Something like #awesome-links #news-and-links :thinking: +1 for the wiki. I'd love something along the line of discord bots community guide: . It's made using