phaserjs / phaser

Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
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BitmapText tint when rendering with Phaser.CANVAS - solution #3855

Closed SBCGames closed 5 years ago

SBCGames commented 6 years ago

Hi, currently there is no tint support for sprites nor bitmap text when rendering with Phaser.CANVAS. I was playing with BitmapText class and found solution for it.

First, I have question: BitmapText class uses interanal variable _dirty to prevent bounds calculation every frame. _dirty is set to true when text changes... but, it is never set to false. So bounds are recalculated every frame again and again. This looks like bug.

I took this _dirty variable and I am reseting it in method that replaces renderCanvas (BitmapTextCanvasRenderer.js)

Below is whole listing for class that supports tinted BitmapText for Canvas. If it was adopted into Phaser, it does not have to be separate class... Main points are:

Here is .zip with file and below listing:

namespace GameObjects {

    export class AdjustedBitmapText extends Phaser.GameObjects.BitmapText {

        private _cachedTint: number = 0xFFFFFF;
        private _cachedTextCanvas: HTMLCanvasElement = null;
        private _cachedTextCanvasCtx: CanvasRenderingContext2D = null;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public renderCanvas(renderer, src, interpolationPercentage, camera, parentMatrix) {

            var text = src._text;
            var textLength = text.length;

            if (Phaser.GameObjects.GameObject.RENDER_MASK !== src.renderFlags || textLength === 0 || (src.cameraFilter > 0 && (src.cameraFilter & {

            var textureFrame = src.frame;

            var chars = src.fontData.chars;
            var lineHeight = src.fontData.lineHeight;
            var letterSpacing = src._letterSpacing;

            var xAdvance = 0;
            var yAdvance = 0;

            var charCode = 0;

            var glyph = null;
            var glyphX = 0;
            var glyphY = 0;
            var glyphW = 0;
            var glyphH = 0;

            var x = 0;
            var y = 0;

            var lastGlyph = null;
            var lastCharCode = 0;

            var ctx = renderer.currentContext;
            var image = src.frame.source.image;

            var textureX = textureFrame.cutX;
            var textureY = textureFrame.cutY;

            var scale = (src._fontSize / src.fontData.size);

            var align = src._align;
            var currentLine = 0;
            var lineOffsetX = 0;

            //  Update the bounds - skipped internally if not dirty
            var bounds = src.getTextBounds(false);

            var lineData = src._bounds.lines;

            if (align === 1) {
                lineOffsetX = (lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[0]) / 2;
            else if (align === 2) {
                lineOffsetX = (lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[0]);

            //  Alpha

            var alpha = camera.alpha * src.alpha;

            if (alpha === 0) {
                //  Nothing to see, so abort early
            else if (renderer.currentAlpha !== alpha) {
                renderer.currentAlpha = alpha;
                ctx.globalAlpha = alpha;

            //  Blend Mode
            if (renderer.currentBlendMode !== src.blendMode) {
                renderer.currentBlendMode = src.blendMode;
                ctx.globalCompositeOperation = renderer.blendModes[src.blendMode];

            //  Smoothing
            if (renderer.currentScaleMode !== src.scaleMode) {
                renderer.currentScaleMode = src.scaleMode;

            var tx = (src.x - camera.scrollX * src.scrollFactorX) + src.frame.x;
            var ty = (src.y - camera.scrollY * src.scrollFactorY) + src.frame.y;

            var roundPixels = camera.roundPixels;

            if (roundPixels) {
                tx |= 0;
                ty |= 0;


            if (parentMatrix !== undefined) {
                var matrix = parentMatrix.matrix;
                ctx.transform(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5]);

            ctx.translate(tx, ty);


            ctx.translate(-src.displayOriginX, -src.displayOriginY);

            ctx.scale(src.scaleX, src.scaleY);

            // tinted text? Check if tint changed or text changed
            var tint = this.tintTopLeft;
            var drawTinted = tint !== 0xFFFFFF;
            var refreshCached = drawTinted && (this._cachedTint !== tint || this["_dirty"]);
            var cachedWidth = bounds.local.width;
            var cachedHeight = bounds.local.height;

            if (refreshCached) {
                if (this._cachedTextCanvas === null) {
                    this._cachedTextCanvas = Phaser.Display.Canvas.Pool.create(this, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);
                    this._cachedTextCanvasCtx = this._cachedTextCanvas.getContext("2d");

                this._cachedTextCanvasCtx.clearRect(0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);
                this._cachedTint = tint;

            this["_dirty"] = false;

            // render characters either into game canvas (rendering.currentContext or into temporary canvas
            if (!drawTinted || refreshCached) {

                var targetCtx = ctx;

                // change context if refreshing cached tinted text
                if (refreshCached) {
                    var tmpCanvas = Phaser.Display.Canvas.Pool.create(null, cachedWidth, cachedHeight, Phaser.CANVAS, true);
                    var tmpCtx = tmpCanvas.getContext("2d") as CanvasRenderingContext2D;
                    tmpCtx.clearRect(0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);

                    targetCtx = tmpCtx;

                // draw characters
                for (var i = 0; i < textLength; i++) {
                    charCode = text.charCodeAt(i);

                    if (charCode === 10) {

                        if (align === 1) {
                            lineOffsetX = (lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[currentLine]) / 2;
                        else if (align === 2) {
                            lineOffsetX = (lineData.longest - lineData.lengths[currentLine]);

                        xAdvance = 0;
                        yAdvance += lineHeight;
                        lastGlyph = null;


                    glyph = chars[charCode];

                    if (!glyph) {

                    glyphX = textureX + glyph.x;
                    glyphY = textureY + glyph.y;

                    glyphW = glyph.width;
                    glyphH = glyph.height;

                    x = glyph.xOffset + xAdvance;
                    y = glyph.yOffset + yAdvance;

                    if (lastGlyph !== null) {
                        var kerningOffset = glyph.kerning[lastCharCode];
                        x += (kerningOffset !== undefined) ? kerningOffset : 0;

                    x *= scale;
                    y *= scale;

                    x += lineOffsetX;

                    xAdvance += glyph.xAdvance + letterSpacing;
                    lastGlyph = glyph;
                    lastCharCode = charCode;

                    //  Nothing to render or a space? Then skip to the next glyph
                    if (glyphW === 0 || glyphH === 0 || charCode === 32) {

                    if (roundPixels) {
                        x |= 0;
                        y |= 0;


                    targetCtx.translate(x, y);

                    targetCtx.scale(scale, scale);

                    targetCtx.drawImage(image, glyphX, glyphY, glyphW, glyphH, 0, 0, glyphW, glyphH);


                // create cached image and return temporary canvas into pool
                if (refreshCached) {
                    var tCan = this._cachedTextCanvas;
                    var tCtx = this._cachedTextCanvasCtx;

                    // resize canvas?
                    if (tCan.width !== cachedWidth || tCan !== cachedHeight) {
                        tCan.width = cachedWidth;
                        tCan.height = cachedHeight;

                    var rgb = (tint >> 16) + (tint & 0xff00) + ((tint & 0xff) << 16);
                    var color = "#" + ("00000" + (rgb | 0).toString(16)).substr(-6);

                    tCtx.fillStyle = color;
                    tCtx.fillRect(0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);

                    tCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "multiply";
                    tCtx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);

                    tCtx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-atop";
                    tCtx.drawImage(tmpCanvas, 0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);


            // draw tinted image if tinted text
            if (drawTinted) {
                ctx.drawImage(this._cachedTextCanvas, 0, 0, cachedWidth, cachedHeight);


        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public set tint(color: number) {
            this.setTint(color, color, color, color);

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public setTint(topLeft?: number, topRight?: number, bottomLeft?: number, bottomRight?: number): this {
            super.setTint(topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight);

            let currentTint = this.tintTopLeft;
            if (currentTint !== 0xFFFFFF && this._cachedTint !== currentTint) {
                this["_dirty"] = true;

            return this;

        // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        public preDestroy(): void {
            if (super["preDestroy"]) {


            // remove canvas
            if (this._cachedTextCanvas !== null) {
                this._cachedTextCanvas = null;
                this._cachedTextCanvasCtx = null;
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neon-dev commented 6 years ago

Any solution to make tint work with images when using Phaser.CANVAS?

SBCGames commented 6 years ago

You can make something similar to what I did for BitmapText. In short, you need to take canvas, render image with tint into it and use this new texture instad of image from images/atlas.

photonstorm commented 5 years ago

Thank you for opening this feature request (all those months ago!). As the development of Phaser 4 has now started I am tidying-up the repo and closing off old issues that won't be directly fixed or implemented in Phaser 3 by me. I would still consider community PRs that address this issue, however, and have left the GitHub tags intact so others can track them if they wish to get involved. However, I'm afraid this is no longer a feature that will be added to v3.

photonstorm commented 2 years ago

This issue has been mentioned on Phaser. There might be relevant details there: