phaserjs / phaser

Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
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setPollRate() no longer working in Phaser 3.8? #6754

Open orcomarcio opened 4 months ago

orcomarcio commented 4 months ago



I was testing 3.80 on my project and found out that a fix I made is no longer working. I dind't want to keep pollRate on, but i wanted my cursor to refresh if it was hovering on a button that got disabled. this was my inelegant solution: image

In 3.80 this no longer works, but in 3.7 it does. I compared the codes and I found the "culprit". In the method Phaser.Input.InputPlugin#disable, manager.resetCursor(input) is no longer called. image

I tried manually putting it back in and with that my fix works again. I'm not sure what I'm tampering with though so I wouldn't call this a solution. I'm just wondering if setPollRate broke. Side Note: I tried to leave poll rate on for longer (600 instead of 60ms) to make sure it needed more time now to kick in, but this fix didn't work.

photonstorm commented 4 months ago

Can you confirm you mean v3.80 please? As v3.8 was released years and years ago.

orcomarcio commented 4 months ago

Yes my bad, it's the most recent version, I edited the post. I googled 3.8 to check the nickname of version and didn't realize there was a different 3.8 out there.

photonstorm commented 4 months ago

Just to clarify, our version numbers are sequential, you don't drop the zero - so 3.8 means 'version 8' and 3.80 means 'version 80', hence much more recent! Even so, thanks for reporting this. We'll look into it for v3.90 (not 3.9 :) )