phaserjs / phaser

Phaser is a fun, free and fast 2D game framework for making HTML5 games for desktop and mobile web browsers, supporting Canvas and WebGL rendering.
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createFromObjects incorrect object position for isometric tiled map #6790

Open ddanushkin opened 7 months ago

ddanushkin commented 7 months ago



I wanted to create the tilemap objects myself and copied logic from here But the positions of the objects were not correct

I created a new map and got exactly the same result with createFromObjects

image image

Example Test Code

const tilemap = this.add.tilemap(Timemaps.test);

const tile_grass = tilemap.addTilesetImage('tile_grass', Images.tile_grass)!;
tilemap.createLayer('Tile Layer 1', tile_grass);

tilemap.createFromObjects('Object Layer 1', {
    gid: 2,
    key: Images.marker
Tiled JSON ``` { "compressionlevel": -1, "height": 4, "infinite": false, "layers": [ { "data": [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "height": 4, "id": 1, "name": "Tile Layer 1", "opacity": 1, "type": "tilelayer", "visible": true, "width": 4, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, { "draworder": "topdown", "id": 2, "name": "Object Layer 1", "objects": [ { "gid": 2, "height": 40, "id": 1, "name": "", "rotation": 0, "type": "", "visible": true, "width": 40, "x": 178.41935483871, "y": 179.58064516129 } ], "opacity": 1, "type": "objectgroup", "visible": true, "x": 0, "y": 0 } ], "nextlayerid": 3, "nextobjectid": 2, "orientation": "isometric", "renderorder": "right-down", "tiledversion": "1.10.2", "tileheight": 108, "tilesets": [ { "columns": 1, "firstgid": 1, "image": "tile_grass.png", "imageheight": 108, "imagewidth": 186, "margin": 0, "name": "tile_grass", "spacing": 0, "tilecount": 1, "tileheight": 108, "tilewidth": 186 }, { "columns": 0, "firstgid": 2, "grid": { "height": 1, "orientation": "orthogonal", "width": 1 }, "margin": 0, "name": "marker", "spacing": 0, "tilecount": 1, "tileheight": 40, "tiles": [ { "id": 0, "image": "marker.png", "imageheight": 40, "imagewidth": 40 } ], "tilewidth": 40 } ], "tilewidth": 186, "type": "map", "version": "1.10", "width": 4 } ```
ddanushkin commented 7 months ago

I managed to solve my problem I used this code from tiled as reference I dont know if it breaks while scale/rotate objects in tiled, but if works for me)

const tilemap = this.add.tilemap(Timemaps.test);

const tileWidth = tilemap.tileWidth;
const halfTileWidth = tileWidth * 0.5;
const tileHeight = tilemap.tileHeight;
const originX = tilemap.height * tileWidth * 0.5;

const tile_grass = tilemap.addTilesetImage('tile_grass', Images.tile_grass)!;

const layer = tilemap.createLayer('Tile Layer 1', tile_grass)!;

//! Layer position fix
const tilemapWidth = tilemap.widthInPixels;
const halfTilemapWidth = tilemapWidth * 0.5;
layer.setPosition(halfTilemapWidth - halfTileWidth, 0);

const objects = tilemap.objects[0].objects;
for (let i = 0; i < objects.length; i++) {
     //! Ref:
    const object = objects[i];

    const tileY = object.y! / tileHeight;
    const tileX = object.x! / tileHeight;

    const x = (tileX - tileY) * tileWidth * 0.5 + originX;
    const y = (tileX + tileY) * tileHeight * 0.5;

    const sprite = this.add.sprite(x, y, (Images as any)[]);
    sprite.setOrigin(0.5, 1);

image image

About "Layer position fix" part, layer getBounds doesn't match its rendered position

this.input.enableDebug(layer, 0);


ivryb commented 4 weeks ago

@ddanushkin you are the beast! Thank you!

I spent more than a day on this.

I had a lot of map layers and "layer position fix" just broke my game, but I iterated a bit and found an alternative.

const tileWidth = tilemap.tileWidth;
const tileHeight = tilemap.tileHeight;

// magic offset difference between tiled and phaser
const offsetY = tileHeight * 3;
const offsetX = tileWidth / 2;

const convertObjectCoordinates = (object) => {
  const tileY = object.y / tileHeight;
  const tileX = object.x / tileHeight;

  const x = offsetX + (tileX - tileY) * tileWidth * 0.5;
  const y = offsetY + (tileX + tileY) * tileHeight * 0.5;

  return { x, y };

const objectLayer = tilemap.getObjectLayer("objects");
const objects = objectLayer.objects; => {
  const { x, y } = convertObjectCoordinates(item);

    .text(x, y, `I'm here!`, {
      fontSize: "16px",
      color: "#ffff00",
      stroke: "#000000",
      strokeThickness: 4,
      align: "center",