phate09 / ToDoChores

a mod for the game Don't Starve Together
6 stars 3 forks source link

Bug with planting marble beans #11

Closed phate09 closed 7 years ago

phate09 commented 7 years ago

Just as a reminder for myself: Game crashed when trying to plant marble beans, could not register the log in that occasion Needs further investigation

taichunmin commented 7 years ago

How about watch this file? 2017-06-25_001229 in My Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether

taichunmin commented 7 years ago
[00:07:39]: [string "scripts/modutil.lua"]:35: modname must be supplied manually if calling GetModConfigData from outside of modmain or modworldgenmain. Use ModIndex:GetModActualName(fancyname) function [fancyname is name string from modinfo].
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
=[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1>
scripts/modutil.lua:35 in (global) GetModConfigData (Lua) <34-55>
   optionname = planting_x
   modname = nil
   get_local_config = nil
../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:188 in (method) showPlacer (Lua) <146-234>
   self =
      focus_flow_args = table: 275FD120
      focus_target = false
      placers = table: 23169288
      enabled = true
      flag = table: 275FD6C0
      layout = table: 275FD558
      root = Image - images/fepanels.xml:panel_mod1.tex
      can_fade_alpha = true
      callbacks = table: 275FCEC8
      parent = Controls
      name = Chores
      focus = false
      focus_flow = table: 275FD378
      shown = true
      children = table: 275FCE50
      inst = 100828 -  (valid:true)
   prefab_name = pinecone
   placerGap = 2
   _find_placer = function - ../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:158
   placer_item = 101069 - pinecone (valid:true)
   placer_name = pinecone_placer
../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:119 in (method) OnGainFocus (Lua) <117-120>
   arg = nil
scripts/widgets/widget.lua:559 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <549-570>
   self =
      image_normal = book_gardening.tex
      shown = true
      OnGainFocus = function - ../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:117
      textfocuscolour = table: 22B46D40
      selected = false
      fontdisabled = normalfont
      help_message = 選擇
      image_scale = table: 22B47060
      text = Text - 
      font = normalfont
      name = BUTTON
      textselectedcolour = table: 22B46FE8
      focus_flow = table: 22B46BD8
      image_focus = book_gardening.tex
      textcolour = table: 22B46DB8
      callbacks = table: 22B46700
      OnLoseFocus = function - ../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:122
      onclick = function - ../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:127
      inst = 100902 -  (valid:true)
      focus = true
      parent = Image - images/fepanels.xml:panel_mod1.tex
      normal_scale = table: 22B47330
      children = table: 22B466D8
      textdisabledcolour = table: 22B46F70
      focus_flow_args = table: 22B46C28
      focus_target = false
      atlas = images/inventoryimages.xml
      focus_scale = table: 22B47038
      move_on_click = true
      image = Image - images/inventoryimages.xml:book_gardening.tex
      can_fade_alpha = true
      clickoffset = (0.00, -3.00, 0.00)
      image_offset = table: 22B47470
      scale_on_focus = true
      has_image_down = false
      control = 29
      enabled = true
      image_disabled = book_gardening.tex
      down = false
      image_down = book_gardening.tex
   from_child = Image - images/inventoryimages.xml:book_gardening.tex
scripts/widgets/widget.lua:595 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <572-604>
   self =
      enabled = true
      focus_target = false
      atlas = images/inventoryimages.xml
      tint = table: 22B47718
      shown = true
      callbacks = table: 22B47150
      can_fade_alpha = true
      parent = BUTTON
      focus_flow_args = table: 22B47100
      inst = 100904 -  (valid:true)
      focus = true
      focus_flow = table: 22B47088
      name = Image
      children = table: 22B46F20
      texture = book_gardening.tex
scripts/frontend.lua:660 in (method) Update (Lua) <543-695>
   self =
      tracking_mouse = true
      fade_title_out = false
      overlayroot = overlayroot
      save_indicator_time_left = 0
      fade_title_time = 0
      topwhiteoverlay = Image - images/global.xml:square.tex
      helptextbg = Image - images/global.xml:square.tex
      helptext = HelpText
      subtitle = Text - 
      updating_widgets_alt = table: 0E42F448
      spinner_repeat_time = -1
      helptexttext = Text - 
      scroll_repeat_time = -1
      vigoverlay = Image - images/bg_vign
[00:07:39]: [string "scripts/modutil.lua"]:35: modname must be supplied manually if calling GetModConfigData from outside of modmain or modworldgenmain. Use ModIndex:GetModActualName(fancyname) function [fancyname is name string from modinfo].
LUA ERROR stack traceback:
    =[C]:-1 in (global) assert (C) <-1--1>
    scripts/modutil.lua:35 in (global) GetModConfigData (Lua) <34-55>
    ../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:188 in (method) showPlacer (Lua) <146-234>
    ../mods/workshop-928706300/scripts/widgets/chores.lua:119 in (method) OnGainFocus (Lua) <117-120>
    scripts/widgets/widget.lua:559 in (method) SetFocusFromChild (Lua) <549-570>
    scripts/widgets/widget.lua:595 in (method) SetFocus (Lua) <572-604>
    scripts/frontend.lua:660 in (method) Update (Lua) <543-695>
    scripts/update.lua:92 in () ? (Lua) <33-129>