svg-buddy fails to embed font due to a reported 503 error when downloading a google font:
svg-buddy 1.2.3
Detecting Fonts...
Downloading Fonts [Noto Sans]...
Downloading font Noto Sans and caching it at /home/molecularonco/github/nccs-met-rerun/.svg-buddy/
Failed to download google font noto-sans. Message: Unknown error, status code 503
Usage: svg-buddy INPUT [OUTPUT] [--optimize]
If the OUTPUT path is not submitted a new file is created with the postfix '-e' in the same directory as the INPUT file. If --optimize is set the postfix '-eo' is used.
usage: gnu
-o,--optimize If set, simple optimizations are applied to the output
SVG to reduce the file size.
Also reported in another unrelated issue in this repository, The solution proposed in that comment works: download the ZIP file manually and place it in the expected cache directory; but is of course not ideal.
svg-buddy fails to embed font due to a reported 503 error when downloading a google font:
Also reported in another unrelated issue in this repository, The solution proposed in that comment works: download the ZIP file manually and place it in the expected cache directory; but is of course not ideal.