phax / as2-lib

A generic Java AS2 library, servlet and server
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Improve MAVEN build Performance #125

Closed ChenZhangg closed 3 years ago

ChenZhangg commented 3 years ago

Parallel builds in Maven 3 Maven 3.x has the capability to perform parallel builds.

Apache Maven Dependency Plugin can be used to find unused dependencies. And I found following list. Maybe we can remove them. as2-lib-parent-pom as2-lib {groupId='org.slf4j', artifactId='slf4j-simple', version='1.7.30', scope='test'} as2-partnership-mongodb {groupId='org.slf4j', artifactId='slf4j-simple', version='1.7.30', scope='test'} as2-servlet {groupId='org.slf4j', artifactId='slf4j-simple', version='1.7.30', scope='test'} as2-demo-webapp {groupId='org.slf4j', artifactId='slf4j-simple', version='1.7.30', scope='compile'} {groupId='com.sun.xml.bind', artifactId='jaxb-impl', version='2.3.3', scope='compile'} {groupId='javax.servlet', artifactId='javax.servlet-api', version='3.1.0', scope='provided'} as2-server {groupId='org.slf4j', artifactId='jul-to-slf4j', version='1.7.30', scope='compile'} {groupId='org.apache.logging.log4j', artifactId='log4j-core', version='2.14.1', scope='compile'} {groupId='org.apache.logging.log4j', artifactId='log4j-slf4j-impl', version='2.14.1', scope='compile'} {groupId='com.sun.xml.bind', artifactId='jaxb-impl', version='2.3.3', scope='compile'} as2-demo-spring-boot {groupId='org.springframework.boot', artifactId='spring-boot-starter-web', version='2.5.3', scope='compile'} {groupId='com.sun.xml.bind', artifactId='jaxb-impl', version='2.3.3', scope='compile'} {groupId='org.springframework.boot', artifactId='spring-boot-starter-test', version='2.5.3', scope='test'} {groupId='org.slf4j', artifactId='slf4j-api', version='1.7.30', scope='compile'}

===================== If there are any inappropriate modifications in this PR, please give me a reply and I will change them.

phax commented 3 years ago

Hi @ChenZhangg thanks for your PR, but I will not merge it:

ChenZhangg commented 3 years ago

I just run dependency:analyze command and thought some dependencies are forgotten to be removed. The Apache Maven Dependency Plugin still need to be improved.......

phax commented 3 years ago

Well, I guess this is something the Maven Dependency plugin can never solve, because the dependencies via Reflection are more or less impossible to find, except you execute the code....