phax / jcodemodel

A heavily extended fork of the com.sun.codemodel (from 2013/09)
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Clash when importing inner class with the same name as package suffix #30

Closed WonderCsabo closed 8 years ago

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Importing inner classes can introduce not expected compilation problems

For example in AndroidAnnotations, the user can have a following annotated class.

package id.mypapp;
public class R {
  public static class id {
     public static final int myItem = 1;
   public static class menu {
     public static final int menu = 2;
import id.myapp.R;
// other imports

public class HelloAndroidActivity extends Activity {
    void myItemClicked() {


This is generated:

// other imports

public final class HelloAndroidActivity_ extends HelloAndroidActivity {

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu(Menu menu) {
        // compilation error:
        // id is a package name part here, but compiler thinks its
        // inner class
        menuInflater.inflate(, menu);
        return super.onCreateOptionsMenu(menu);

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        if (itemId_ == id.mymenuitem) { //
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

So the main problem is that jcodemodel imports inner class, however when it references field , the compiler will think the first part of it is not a package part, but the inner class

The most easier solution would be to never import inner classes or maybe add an option to not to do so. (BTW, in Android, it is conventional to only import the id.myapp.R class, and not its inner classes.)

phax commented 8 years ago

Oh dear lord - another very exciting bug :) Will look into it, but this seems to be a tricky one

phax commented 8 years ago

Can you point me to the code where you are doing the generation? I found an issue with JFieldVar where the type was not emitted. Maybe that helps?

phax commented 8 years ago

Can you modify in a way so that it comes close to your problem? Thanks

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

I also use direct classes instead of defined classes here:

AbstractJClass rClassId = cm.directClass("");
AbstractJClass rClassMenu = cm.directClass("");

JFieldRef myItem = rClassId.staticRef("myItem");
JFieldRef myMenu = rClassMenu.staticRef("myMenu");

final JPackage aPkg2 = cm._package("id.aa");
final JDefinedClass aClassAct = aPkg2._class("HelloAndroidActivity_");
final JMethod aMethodCreate = aClassAct.method(JMod.PUBLIC, cm.BOOLEAN, "onCreateOptionsMenu");
final JMethod aMethodSelected = aClassAct.method(JMod.PUBLIC, cm.BOOLEAN, "onOptionsItemSelected");

This is generated:


public class HelloAndroidActivity_ {

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu() {

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected() {
        if (itemId_ == id.myItem) {

So there is one problem: codemodel does not know that is an inner class actually, because i just use directClass on the FQCN of the inner class. I guess it thinks (correctly), that is a top-level class. However, in your example, it does know that, but it still generates a bad code:

public class HelloAndroidActivity_ {

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu() {

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected() {
        if (itemId_ == myItem) {

I could not reproduce my exact problem with modifying your test case. But i created an simple case in the AndroidAnnotations test suite, which reproduces the issue. If i publish that, you can debug into it and access the codemodel object, and you can easily debug through the generation. Is that OK for you?

phax commented 8 years ago

Sounds like a plan!

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Here is the branch. Nothing special is needed to run the test, just import it into your IDE, and run the test with JUnit. However it is more safe to build the project on command line (mvn install) before importing into the IDE. We use IntelliJ, but for this test Eclipse should also work.

phax commented 8 years ago

Well I have no Android SDK installed and it is all together quite cumbersome to import this. Sorry. But I may found something helpful for you: pull and checkout final JDirectClass rClassId = cm.directClass ("id.aa.R")._class ("id"); - I added JDirectClass the possibility to specify nested classes. For me the output with the changed example:

    final JCodeModel cm = new JCodeModel ();

    final JDirectClass rClassId = cm.directClass ("id.aa.R")._class ("id");
    final JDirectClass rClassMenu = cm.directClass ("id.aa.R")._class ("menu");

    final JFieldRef myItem = rClassId.staticRef ("myItem");
    final JFieldRef myMenu = rClassMenu.staticRef ("myMenu");

    final JPackage aPkg2 = cm._package ("id.aa");
    final JDefinedClass aClassAct = aPkg2._class ("HelloAndroidActivity_");
    final JMethod aMethodCreate = aClassAct.method (JMod.PUBLIC, cm.BOOLEAN, "onCreateOptionsMenu");
    aMethodCreate.body ().add (JExpr.ref ("menuInflater").invoke ("inflate").arg (myMenu));
    final JMethod aMethodSelected = aClassAct.method (JMod.PUBLIC, cm.BOOLEAN, "onOptionsItemSelected");
    aMethodSelected.body ()._if (JExpr.ref ("itemId_").eq (myItem)); (new SingleStreamCodeWriter (System.out));

looks like:

package id.aa;

public class HelloAndroidActivity_ {

    public boolean onCreateOptionsMenu() {

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected() {
        if (itemId_ == {
WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago
final JDirectClass rClassId = cm.directClass ("id.aa.R")._class ("id");

I am afraid the _class() method is only available in JDefinedClass. Of course, because you cannot add new inner classes to an unknown class which is not generated by you.

phax commented 8 years ago

No, its not. In the current HEAD revision I added a new inbetween class AbstractJClassContainer which is the super class for JDirectClass and JDefinedClass

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Nice! I just build HEAD and changed our code based on your solution. It works well, the R.\ inner classes are not imported at all, so there cannot be such name clashes.

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Hmm, i found a regression with your new code:

[ERROR] Stacktrace: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JClass name GenericFragmentArguments<S,P> contains illegal character <
[ERROR] at com.helger.jcodemodel.AbstractJClassContainer.<init>(
[ERROR] at com.helger.jcodemodel.JDirectClass.<init>(
[ERROR] at com.helger.jcodemodel.JCodeModel.directClass(
[ERROR] at com.helger.jcodemodel.JCodeModel.directClass(

This was not a problem before.

phax commented 8 years ago

Will look at it. I think I know the problem

Am 15. September 2015 10:02:19 MESZ, schrieb "Csaba Kozák"

Hmm, i found a regression with your new code:

[ERROR] Stacktrace: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: JClass name
GenericFragmentArguments<S,P> contains illegal character <
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at
[ERROR] at

This was not a problem before.

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phax commented 8 years ago

Updated version is on HEAD. I ensured that name(), fullName() and _package() work as expected

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

I am seeing multiple regressions:

import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
import android.content.Context;
import dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass;
import org.androidannotations.api.BackgroundExecutor;
import org.androidannotations.copyannotations.HasOtherAnnotations.Event;

@dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass(String.class){ = String.class)
public final class HasOtherAnnotations_
phax commented 8 years ago

Thanks for noting this. Both regresssions were fixed. Please re-check. Thanks

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

New regression:

Now classes which could be imported, and was imported before, are not imported now. Example:

import org.androidannotations.api.BackgroundExecutor;

@dalvik.annotation.TestTargetClass(String.class){ = String.class)
public final class HasOtherAnnotations_

Another example:

package org.androidannotations.generation;

import org.androidannotations.api.builder.ActivityIntentBuilder;
import org.androidannotations.api.view.HasViews;
import org.androidannotations.api.view.OnViewChangedNotifier;

public final class WindowFeatureAppCompatActivity_
    extends org.androidannotations.generation.WindowFeatureAppCompatActivity
    implements HasViews

As you can see, interestingly some classes are imported, some classes are not.

Not really a regression, but it would be nice to import outer classes of inner classes, instead of only using the FQCN in the code all the time:



Would be nice:

import org.androidannotations.generation.R;


Maybe this is related to the regression.

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

I reduced the project, so it now only contains pure java modules. You should be able to import it into any IDE. Hopefully it will help you investigate regressions.

phax commented 8 years ago

Okay, now I can import the project and run the test. Both the regressions you found did not render the project uncompilable, but are simply suggestions for improvement. Did I get this right?

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

I would say the first is really a regression, because it killed the good import strategy of code model which was working before. :S

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

I think it is also a regression in another aspect: lots of projects' test suite will fail because of this, just like mine. This should not happen.

phax commented 8 years ago

I did some stuff and it worked for me on the example branch. It is still not error free, but I think this is because of missing Android dependencies (like So can you also please check. One problem I see is when using generics. In this case you should not use cm.directClass ("com.test.GenericFragmentArguments<S,P>") but instead use (JNarrowedClass) cm.parseType ("com.test.GenericFragmentArguments<S,P>") whilch results in a JNarrowedClass whichs erasure is a JDirectClass. hth

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Great, this is a great enhancement! The test failures were because of me, i think.

Unfortunately i found a new regression:

JCodeModel cm = new JCodeModel();

JPackage aPkg1 = cm._package("id.myapp.activity");

JDefinedClass testClass = aPkg1._class("TestClass");

JDirectClass androidR = cm.directClass("android.R");
JDirectClass androidRId = androidR._class("id");
JDirectClass myR = cm.directClass("id.myapp.R");
JDirectClass myRId = myR._class("id");

JBlock constructorBody = testClass.constructor(JMod.PUBLIC).body();
JVar myInt = constructorBody.decl(cm.INT, "myInt", androidRId.staticRef("someId"));
JVar myInt2 = constructorBody.decl(cm.INT, "myInt2", myRId.staticRef("otherId")); (new SingleStreamCodeWriter(System.out));


package id.myapp.activity;

import android.R;
import id.myapp.R;

public class TestClass {

    public TestClass() {
        int myInt =;
        int myInt2 =;

Clash on the two R class!

phax commented 8 years ago

I got it, I tried it, but I failed. Maybe tomorrow is a better day :) In the meantime I fixed all the JavaDoc errors - also of relevance I guess ;-)

This one is tricky because the imports work on the outer class but the usage works on the direct type and I haven't figured out how this works together....

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your work so far, hope you can fix this. :)

phax commented 8 years ago

Hopefully it has now been fixed. At least the provided example works. Please also cross-check. Thanks

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

It seems the problem is fixed. I ran the whole AndroidAnnotations test suite, and everything seems to be fine.

phax commented 8 years ago

Release 2.7.11 is on its way to Maven Central...

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

Thanks! It is now on Maven Central. BTW, why do you deploy the test-sources artifact? I do not see much reason for it, but maybe i am wrong.

phax commented 8 years ago

I do it for all the products. No need for you to download it. Maybe it was a requirement to publish on Maven Central - can't remember exactly. This configuration is part of the parent POM I'm using for all my 80 repos :)

WonderCsabo commented 8 years ago

This is not a requirement of Central, i am sure. However, it does not really matter, i was just curious.