phax / ph-schematron

Java Schematron library that supports XSLT and native application
Apache License 2.0
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'if' in 'let' causes error #108

Closed lueck closed 3 years ago

lueck commented 3 years ago


I have written the following schematron rule, which works in oXygen:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<sch:schema xmlns:sch="" queryBinding="xslt2"

        <sch:rule context="*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d+$')]">
                value="number(replace(local-name(.), 'h', ''))"/>
                value="./preceding-sibling::*[matches(local-name(.), '^h\d+$')][1]"></sch:let>
                value="if (exists($preceding-head)) then number(replace(local-name($preceding-head), 'h', '')) else 0"/>
                test="($level - $preceding-level > 1)"
                >Missing headline level: Level <sch:value-of select="$level"/> follows on level <sch:value-of select="$preceding-level"/></sch:report>


I use it to find missing headline levels in a flat structure like in the following xml, where h3 follows on h1:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <p>Ich bin ein Antibeispiel eines XML-Dokuments, das Konventionen der Hierarchisierung von Überschriften einfach missachtet. Denn ich gönne mir die Freiheit hier einfach eine</p>
    <h3>Überschrift auf dritter Ebene</h3>
    <p>einzufügen, obwohl der Konvention nach eigentlich nur eine</p>
    <h2>Überschrift auf zweiter Ebene</h2>
    <p>stehen sollte.</p>
    <p>ist es nun als <a href="">Einführung in Schematron</a> zu entwickeln, welches genau diesen Knoventionsbruch aufspürt.</p>
    <p>Am Ende kann man eine<a href="">Validierung in Schematron im oXygen durchführen.</a></p>

Using the ph-schematron-maven-plugin I get the following error:

[ERROR] /home/clueck/src/scdh/brownbag-coding/xslt-basics/sch/assert-nonsloppy.sch [0:0]: Failed to compile XPath expression in
 <report>: '(number(replace(local-name(.), 'h', '')) - if (exists(./preceding-sibling::*[matches(local-name(.), '^h\d+$')][1]))
 then number(replace(local-name(./preceding-sibling::*[matches(local-name(.), '^h\d+$')][1]), 'h', '')) else 0 > 1)' with the f
ollowing variables: {$preceding-level=if (exists(./preceding-sibling::*[matches(local-name(.), '^h\d+$')][1])) then number(repl
ace(local-name(./preceding-sibling::*[matches(local-name(.), '^h\d+$')][1]), 'h', '')) else 0, $preceding-head=./preceding-sibl
ing::*[matches(local-name(.), '^h\d+$')][1], $level=number(replace(local-name(.), 'h', ''))} - net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathExceptio
n: Unexpected token "if(" at start of expression
net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException: Unexpected token "if(" at start of expression
[ERROR] /home/clueck/src/scdh/brownbag-coding/xslt-basics/sch/assert-nonsloppy.sch [0:0]: Error creating bound schema - com.helger.schematron.pure.binding.SchematronBindException: Failed to precompile the supplied schema.
com.helger.schematron.pure.binding.SchematronBindException: Failed to precompile the supplied schema.

To me, it seem that after expanding the expression from the second let-binding (i.e. $preceding-level) in the test-expression, the syntax tree is not parsed correctly.

If I put parentheses around the if from the let-binding, value="(if ... else 0)", the error disappears. But then the rule is apparently not run, since there is no message that the validation has failed. This seems to be #88, then.

Here is my pom.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


    <name>BBC XSLT</name>





I have tried different versions from the latest back to 4.0.8. Neither pure, nor schematron nor xslt works as I would expect.

Regards, Chris

phax commented 3 years ago

Basically I have no clue, but lets see where we get:

Btw. you can remove this from the POM:


Having it in the is sufficient

lueck commented 3 years ago

Saxon is fine with the 'if' without parentheses. I cloned the Schematron/schematron repo and used trunk/schematron/code/iso_svrl_for_xslt2.xsl to compile a stylesheet from my schematron file using Saxon-HE. Then I applied the resulting stylesheet to my xml sample using Saxon-HE again and the result is as I would expect:

<svrl:successful-report test="($level - $preceding-level &gt; 1)" location="/doc[1]/h3[1]">
      <svrl:text>Missing headline level: Level 3 follows on level 1</svrl:text>

I tried Saxon-HE version 10.2 and 9.9.1-7, both successfully.

With the maven plugin I have no success, even when setting schematronProcessingEngine to schematron or xslt. schXslt also works as expected.

phax commented 3 years ago

In the test file I created, I also receive this output:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<schematron-output xmlns="" title="" schemaVersion="">
  <active-pattern document="C:\dev\git\ph-schematron\ph-schematron\src\test\resources\issues\github108\test.xml" />
  <fired-rule context="*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d+$')]" />
  <fired-rule context="*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d+$')]" />
  <successful-report location="/doc[1]/h3[1]" test="($level - $preceding-level > 1)">
    <text>Missing headline level: Level 3 follows on level 1</text>
  <fired-rule context="*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d+$')]" />
  <fired-rule context="*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d+$')]" />
  <fired-rule context="*[matches(local-name(), '^h\d+$')]" />
phax commented 3 years ago

When using the Maven plugin, please use


and check the created SVRL

lueck commented 3 years ago

Hm, using schematron as engine, there are no reports at all. So I conclude, that no test is run. The fact that the exit code of the maven command is 0, suggests that, too.

lueck commented 3 years ago

Well, after experimenting with the directory layout I can see clearer:

So this turned out to be a configuration problem! Sorry taking your time! But thanks for your help!

phax commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the clarification - that somehow makes sense. Regarding the Maven plugin: I checked and saw, that it only checks for failed asserts but not for successful reports - that was fixed. Also the stupid error message was fixed. I wonder nobody complained about it so far ;-) Building v5.6.4 now

lueck commented 3 years ago

Nice! I've build 5.6.4 locally and it works!

Thanks! Chris