phax / ph-ubl

Java library for reading and writing UBL 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.4 documents
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LocationType #12

Closed pdeleg closed 7 years ago

pdeleg commented 7 years ago

Hi Philip, I have a problem for generate correctly the Delivery / DeliveryLocation (which is a LocationType). Indeed, the LocationType class contains only a Language notion, and not an adress, id, description... I work with frencyh financial administration and i have to generate this sequence :

    <cbc:Description>Site numéro 1</cbc:Description>
      <cbc:StreetName>2 avenue Charles de Gaulle</cbc:StreetName>

I use the ph-ubl21 / 5.1.0.

Thanks for your attention,


phax commented 7 years ago

Hi Pierre, what you basically need to do is the following:

AddressType address = new AddressType ();

LocationType location = new LocationType ();
location.set... ();
location.setAddress (address);

DeliveryTye delivery = new DeliveryType ();
delivery.setDeliveryLocation (location);
delivery.set... ();

hth, Philip

pdeleg commented 7 years ago

Hi philip, Thanks for your quick response. Excuse me my poor english, but it seems you dont't understand my problem :

In fact, I can't do that :

location.set... (); location.setAddress (address);

The LocationType extends TextType without any overrides.


phax commented 7 years ago

There is one LocationType in the commonbasiccomponents_21 and one in the commonaggregatecomponents_21. Use the one from package commonbasiccomponents_21 to solve the issue :)

pdeleg commented 7 years ago

Hoo good, I didn't make care when editor purposed me to import the class. Thank you.