phax / ph-ubl

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EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType value only Bytes() can't be String #48

Closed ssdf34 closed 2 years ago

ssdf34 commented 2 years ago

//input String VTL_Base64="ATjZhdik2LPYs9ipINi52KjYr9in2YTZhNmHINit2LPZhiDYp9mE2YbYp9i12LEg2YTZhNiw2YfYqAIOMzAwMTg4ODY1MDAwMDMDEzIwMjItMDQtMDhUMjM6MzI6MTYEBzEwOTcuMDAFBjE0My4wOQ=="; //-------------------------------- DocumentReferenceType drt3 = new DocumentReferenceType(); drt3.setID ("QR"); AttachmentType atype3= new AttachmentType(); EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType Emdb3 = new EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType(); Emdb3.setMimeCode("text/plain");
Emdb3.setValue(VTL_Base64.getBytes()); //output is Something else not like input. Is there a solution to this problem?

phax commented 2 years ago

You don't need to Base64 encode yourself. In the code you provide the source binary content, and the Base64 encoding happens automatically in the background

ssdf34 commented 2 years ago

does Base64 encode support StandardCharsets.UTF_8 because I encode Arabic char to hex then I encode it to Base64 UTF_8

ssdf34 commented 2 years ago

It's suppose when I enter 012a416264756c6c61682048617373616e20416c2d4e617373657220476f6c6420436f72706f726174696f6e020F3331303132323339333530303030330314323032322d30342d32355431353a33303a30305a0407313030302e303005063135302e3030 it gave me ASpBYmR1bGxhaCBIYXNzYW4gQWwtTmFzc2VyIEdvbGQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24CDzMxMDEyMjM5MzUwMDAwMwMUMjAyMi0wNC0yNVQxNTozMDowMFoEBzEwMDAuMDAFBjE1MC4wMA==

But unfortunately it gave me another result

ssdf34 commented 2 years ago

thinks I solve the issue

String originalInput="012a416264756c6c61682048617373616e20416c2d4e617373657220476f6c6420436f72706f726174696f6e020F3331303132323339333530303030330314323032322d30342d32355431353a33303a30305a0407313030302e303005063135302e3030"; HexBinaryAdapter adapter = new HexBinaryAdapter(); byte[] bytes = adapter.unmarshal(originalInput); Emdb3.setValue(bytes );

the output is matched ASpBYmR1bGxhaCBIYXNzYW4gQWwtTmFzc2VyIEdvbGQgQ29ycG9yYXRpb24CDzMxMDEyMjM5MzUwMDAwMwMUMjAyMi0wNC0yNVQxNTozMDowMFoEBzEwMDAuMDAFBjE1MC4wMA==

phax commented 2 years ago

Okay if the original String is already encoded (as in hex encoding in your example), then this needs to be considered separately. This is independent of Base 64 :)

Assume I have a String that contains German Umlauts, I need to explicitly use the character set when calling getBytes() as in this (untested) example:

String s = "Test äöü";
byte[] b = s.getBytes (StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType Emdb3 = new EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType();

How you get your raw "byte[]" is up to you and you need to know what to do, And the difference between char and byte might be confusing when dealing with these issues for the first time.....