phax / phoss-smp

phoss SMP - a Peppol and OASIS BDXR SMP Server, CEF eDelivery compliant
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Error upgrading from 5.7.0 to 6.0.5 #234

Closed Kristieb closed 1 year ago

Kristieb commented 1 year ago

I'm having troubles upgrading from 5.7.0 to 6.0.5.

Looks like the new version is having trouble reading some of the configuration values.

There is a message saying the Certificate configuration is invalid. When I click on Certificate information I can see the following:

java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 16 out of bounds for length 16 1.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper._nextCharConsiderMasking( 2.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper._findStartOfVarName( 3.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper.splitByVariables( 4.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper.forEachTextAndVariable( 5.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper.getWithReplacedVariables( 6.: com.helger.config.Config._getWithVariablesReplacedRecursive( 7.: com.helger.config.Config.lambda$_getWithVariablesReplacedRecursive$2( 8.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper.lambda$getWithReplacedVariables$0( 9.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper.forEachTextAndVariable( 10.: com.helger.commons.text.util.TextVariableHelper.getWithReplacedVariables( 11.: com.helger.config.Config._getWithVariablesReplacedRecursive( 12.: com.helger.config.Config.getValue( 13.: com.helger.config.Config.getValue( 14.: com.helger.commons.traits.IGetterByKeyTrait.getConvertedValue( 15.: com.helger.commons.traits.IGetterByKeyTrait.getAsString( 16.: com.helger.config.fallback.ConfigWithFallback.getAsStringOrFallback( 17.: com.helger.pd.client.PDClientConfiguration.getKeyStorePassword( 18.: com.helger.pd.client.PDClientConfiguration.loadKeyStore( 19.: 20.: 21.: 22.: com.helger.photon.bootstrap4.uictrls.ext.BootstrapPageRenderer.getPageContent( 23.: com.helger.photon.bootstrap4.uictrls.ext.BootstrapPageRenderer.getPageContent( 24.: 25.: com.helger.phoss.smp.ui.SMPLayoutHTMLProvider.fillBody( 26.: com.helger.photon.core.html.AbstractSWECHTMLProvider.fillHeadAndBody( 27.: com.helger.photon.core.html.AbstractHTMLProvider.createHTML( 28.: 29.: com.helger.photon.core.servlet.AbstractApplicationXServletHandler.handleRequest( 30.: com.helger.phoss.smp.servlet.SMPApplicationXServletHandler.handleRequest( 31.: com.helger.xservlet.handler.simple.XServletHandlerToSimpleHandler.onRequest( 32.: com.helger.xservlet.AbstractXServlet._invokeHandler( 33.: com.helger.xservlet.AbstractXServlet.service( 34.: javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( 35.: com.helger.xservlet.AbstractXServlet.service( 36.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( 37.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 38.: org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter( 39.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( 40.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 41.: com.helger.web.servlets.scope.AbstractScopeAwareFilter.doHttpFilter( 42.: com.helger.servlet.filter.AbstractHttpServletFilter.doFilter( 43.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( 44.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 45.: com.helger.xservlet.AbstractXFilter.doHttpFilter( 46.: com.helger.servlet.filter.AbstractHttpServletFilter.doFilter( 47.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( 48.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 49.: com.helger.servlet.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doHttpFilter( 50.: com.helger.servlet.filter.AbstractHttpServletFilter.doFilter( 51.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter( 52.: org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter( 53.: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke( 54.: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke( 55.: org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke( 56.: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke( 57.: org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke( 58.: org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke( 59.: org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke( 60.: org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service( 61.: org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service( 62.: org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process( 63.: org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process( 64.:$SocketProcessor.doRun( 65.: 66.: org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( 67.: org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$ 68.: org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ 69.: java.base/

I had a look at the updated sample configuration properties and change the properties starting with pdclient to match:

pdclient.keystore.type = ${smp.keystore.type} pdclient.keystore.path = ${smp.keystore.path} pdclient.keystore.key.alias = ${smp.keystore.key.alias} pdclient.keystore.password = ${smp.keystore.password} pdclient.keystore.key.password = ${smp.keystore.key.password}

However it's still showing the same error above. Everything else seems to be configured correctly still.

phax commented 1 year ago

@Kristieb Can you please send me the source property file that caused that issue? It's clearly a bug "somewhere" in the variable resolution code :-/

Kristieb commented 1 year ago

@phax pasted the content of the below. Remove the actual passwords.

# Global flags for initializer
# For production debug should be false and production should be true
global.debug = true
global.production = false
global.debugjaxws = false

## Application Configuration
# Type (JKS or PKCS12)
pdclient.keystore.type = ${smp.keystore.type}
# The path should be absolute for docker configuration
# Put the .p12 file in the same directory as this file (depends on the docker config)
pdclient.keystore.path = ${smp.keystore.path}
pdclient.keystore.key.alias = ${smp.keystore.key.alias}

pdclient.keystore.password = ${smp.keystore.password}
pdclient.keystore.key.password = ${smp.keystore.key.password}

## SMP Configuration
# The backend to be used. Can either be "sql" or "xml". Any other value will result in a startup error
smp.backend = xml

## Keystore data

# Type (JKS or PKCS12)
smp.keystore.type = pkcs12
# The path should be absolute for docker configuration
# Put the .p12 file in the same directory as this file (depends on the docker config)
smp.keystore.path = /config/smp-test-complete.p12
smp.keystore.key.alias = smp-test
smp.keystore.password = password
smp.keystore.key.password = password

# This default truststore handles 2010 and 2018 PKIs
#smp.truststore.type     = jks
#smp.truststore.path     = truststore/complete-truststore.jks
#smp.truststore.password = peppol

# Force all paths (links) to be "/" instead of the context path
# This is helpful if the web application runs in a context like "/smp" but is proxied to a root path
smp.forceroot = true

# If this property is specified, it will overwrite the automatically generated URL
# for all cases where absolute URLs are necessary
# This might be helpful when running on a proxied Tomcat behind a web server
smp.publicurl =

## Write to SML? true or false
# Is an SML needed in the current scenario - show warnings if true
# The SMP ID also used in the SML!

# SML connection timeout milliseconds = 5000

# SML request timeout milliseconds = 20000

# Enable PEPPOL Directory integration?
#todo: change to true in prod

# Use PEPPOL identifiers (with all constraints) or simple, unchecked identifiers?
# Possible values are "peppol", "simple" and "bdxr"

# Central directory where the data should be stored.
# This should be absolute in production.
webapp.datapath = /home/git/conf

# Should all files of the application checked for readability?
# This should only be set to true when datapath is a relative directory inside a production version
webapp.checkfileaccess = false

# Is it a test version? E.g. a separate header is shown
webapp.testversion = true

# Use slow, but fancy dynamic table on the start page?
webapp.startpage.dynamictable = false

# Participant list is enabled by default
webapp.startpage.participants.none = false

# Don't show content of extensions by default on start page = false

# The name of the Directory implementation = PEPPOL Directory

# Don't show content of extensions by default in service groups = false
phax commented 1 year ago

The problem is most likely a solo "$" in one of your passwords. That is an error in variable resolution code that will be fixed for the next iteration. The only workaround I can current offer is not to use the $ sign in your passwords. Sorry for the inconvenience caused :(

phax commented 1 year ago

Will be fixed in the 6.0.6 version

phax commented 1 year ago

v6.0.6 is now available:

Kristieb commented 1 year ago

Thank you for resolving the issue the certificate is now being picked up.