phax / phoss-smp

phoss SMP - a Peppol and OASIS BDXR SMP Server, CEF eDelivery compliant
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Problem First Login #262

Closed DioMeo closed 7 months ago

DioMeo commented 7 months ago

Hello, I'm trying to do the first login with the user "", like the instruction at:, but I can't enter. Has anyone had the same problems? In "users.xml" there is the user, but it is it didn't make the match. Thanks.

phax commented 7 months ago

Hi, if this is your first login ,delete the users.xml - it should be created automatically

DioMeo commented 7 months ago

Hello Philip, nope.. it doesn't work. I insert the user and pwd but, instead of entering in the site, it returns to the login home page. I don't have any ideas what to check. Regards.

phax commented 7 months ago

Very weird. Do you see any other error message on SMP server startup. Is it ensured, that the Tomcat user can read and write the directory containing the files?

What does the log file say, when you want to login and it fails?

DioMeo commented 7 months ago

It's strange because the permissions of "smp" folder are 755 but the file is created with permission 640, with owner and groups "tomcat". I forced the permission on file as 755, but without results to access in the site. this is the localhost_access log file: localhost_access_log.2023-12-01.txt and this the localhost log file: localhost.2023-12-01.log I didn't find nothing of strange or can help me to understand. Regards.

phax commented 7 months ago

What does catalina.out write in case of failed login?

DioMeo commented 7 months ago

this is the file, I renamed it or I can't attach it catalina.out.txt

phax commented 7 months ago
14-Nov-2023 16:14:55.817 INFO [Catalina-utility-2] org.apache.catalina.users.MemoryUserDatabase.backgroundProcess Reloading memory user database [UserDatabase] from updated source [file:/opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml]
14-Nov-2023 16:14:55.824 SEVERE [Catalina-utility-2] org.apache.tomcat.util.digester.Digester.fatalError Parse fatal error at line [18] column [6]
    org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 18; columnNumber: 6; The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed.
        at java.xml/
        at java.xml/
        at java.xml/

So please make sure to remove all comments from the XML so that the fiirst bytes are "<?xml" or post the file here.

DioMeo commented 7 months ago

this is my tomcat-user.xml file [file removed because of password] I don't have any comments, as first row.

phax commented 7 months ago

Eventually the namespaces are incorrect of that file? In my (later version) Tomcat the file uses the following root level element:

<tomcat-users xmlns=""
              xsi:schemaLocation=" tomcat-users.xsd"

Please check the source file of your installation to verify it

DioMeo commented 7 months ago

I found the problem: there was a commented line in my Reverse Proxy file. Decommenting it, the login works. Thanks for all Your support :)

phax commented 7 months ago

Congrats - it's a good time to start the weekend :)