phazei / Win11AutoHotKeyFixes

This is to resolve deficiencies of Win11 window management, specifically moving active window to next desktop and cascading/tiling windows
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Office 365 pops up unexpectedly #2

Open christodoulos opened 1 year ago

christodoulos commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks a lot for your repository! I use Windows 11 Pro 22H2, and I am experiencing super strange behavior when I move a window for a second time using WinCtrlShift and the arrow keys: The window carries just fine between the virtual desktops, but after the second movement, the Office 365 setup pops up! Of course, I can quickly close the popup, and even with this glitch moving windows between desktops is super easy instead of clicking on the taskbar with dragging and dropping.

Office 365 is already installed, and I am using it through my university subscription. I wonder if I am the only one experiencing this strange behavior. Am I missing something here? I am not a Windows power user, and I miss the shortcuts of the Linux desktop.

Thanks again.

phazei commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I noticed that the active window list has some windows that aren't visible. I filter them out by only using directly visible windows I think. That's the only thing I can think it possibly causing it, there's something in the background that gets triggered. It is a peculiar issue.

I've noticed myself that parts of these shortcuts sometimes stop working then start again with different windows updates, heh. I'm on Win11 22H2 23451.1 Insider Preview and am not experiencing any similar issues. Just did it, I do not have Office 365 installed, but in this very same chrome browser, a new tab opened up to "" asking me to login. I closed the tab and haven't had it happen again. No clue why or how to fix it though, 😅 Hopefully it stops on the next preview edition

phazei commented 1 year ago

Maybe there's a hidden office window that could be added to the list here:

I'm guessing that's what that line is for. I say guessing because I'm exceptionally good at learning something for a specific purpose and then promptly entirely forgetting it. Pretty sure I knew what every line did when I wrote it. If you want to try it out, that's the best/only tool to let you debug AHK scripts and examine parameters as it runs.

FuPeiJiang commented 1 year ago

what commit of VD.ahk are you on ? @phazei you were able to reproduce the bug ? so all I have to do is get a Win11 22H2 23451.1 Insider Preview ? I will try to skip past invisible windows, could you give me the some info on the Office 365 setup ?

a little debug script: "WinGetTitle and Style.ahk"

WinGetTitle winTitle, A
WinGetClass className, A
WinGet processName, ProcessName, A
WinGet winStyle, Style, A
WinGet winExStyle, ExStyle, A
clipText:=winTitle "`n" className "`n" processName "`n" winStyle "`n" winExStyle
ToolTip % clipText
Sleep 500

try with

; move window to left and follow it
^#+left::VD.goToDesktopNum(VD.MoveWindowToRelativeDesktopNum("A", -1))
; move window to right and follow it
^#+right::VD.goToDesktopNum(VD.MoveWindowToRelativeDesktopNum("A", 1))
christodoulos commented 1 year ago

what commit of VD.ahk are you on ?

C:\Users\christodoulos\VD.ahk>git log
commit e229ab53b3fcfda76f1340307226448a640aa572 (HEAD -> class_VD, origin/class_VD, origin/HEAD)
Author: Mr. Doge <>
Date:   Thu May 4 11:47:59 2023 -0400 link to v2_port


All these processes appear out of the blue. None was present before moving the Terminal Window using WinCtrlShiftArrow back and forth between the first and the second virtual desktop. My Windows version:
