phenaproxima / starshot-prototype

Prototype of a new kind of Drupal, based on recipes and loaded up with contrib's best modules and themes. Not a fork or a distribution.
106 stars 36 forks source link

[META] Unprioritized and non-exhaustive list of user stories #36

Open balsama opened 2 months ago

balsama commented 2 months ago
  1. [CURRENT PRIORITY] As an early user of Drupal CMS, I want a curated list of a few reasonable recipes exposed in the UI. (Multilingual)
  2. As a long time Drupalist, I want to feel confident that when I visit wherever development is happening on Drupal CMS, it’s the official thing.
  3. As a site builder I want to install additional functionality through the UI after initial site installation. E.g Multilingual.
  4. As a consumer, I want a canonical name for this project
  5. As a potential user, I want a clear understanding of the intended users and use cases (e.g., is this thing only for evaluators? Should it ever be the basis for a production build (or is it “throw-away” for POC-ing, etc.)?.
  6. 70

  7. As a consumer of Drupal CMS, I want the recipes to be atomically packaged and atomically consumable.
  8. [#47]
  9. As a site builder, I want to be able to select only the features and functionality that I actually need with no cruft.
  10. As a site builder, I don’t want to undo many defaults and want minimal complexity out of the box (e.g. no multilingual)
  11. As a creator of distributions, I want to be able to customize the set of recipes that’s installed by default.
  12. As a consumer of Drupal CMS, I want to customize the installation by selecting/deselecting individual recipes as one of the first steps of the installer.
  13. As a site builder, I want the additional available recipes exposed in the UI as part of the initial site installation process.
  14. As a maintainer of a site bootstrapped with Drupal CMS, I want there to be a balance between the functionality I expect and minimizing the total number of modules that are installed by default so that things that I don't need or aren't critical don't block me from updating or cause other toil [E.g. #35].
  15. 71

phenaproxima commented 2 months ago

As a site builder I want to install additional functionality through the UI after initial site installation. E.g Multilingual.

This is partly addressed by #37.