phenology / springtime

Spatiotemporal phenology research with interpretable models
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Api docs #164

Closed Peter9192 closed 1 year ago

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

To do (in follow-up):

closes #149

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

Running doctest as standalone behaves differently then running it through pytest:

# With doctest
python -m doctest -v src/springtime/datasets/

# With pytest
pytest --doctest-modules src/springtime/datasets/ -v

Pytest correctly limits terminal width to 80 (the default value), whereas doctest let's it depend on terminal width. Thus, to get reproducible behaviour, the best option is to always run doctests through pytest. We have two options for the pandas repr behaviour:

import pandas as pd
import pytest

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True, scope='session')
def pandas_terminal_width():
    pd.set_option('display.width', None)
    pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 7)
    pd.set_option("display.max_colwidth", 20)

The fixture needs to be in in the same dir as the module that's being tested.

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

To get copy-pastable output from doctest: --doctest-report none

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago
  • Option 1: Use pytest with default of 80 chars

  • Option 2: Use pytest fixture to customize the printed dfs:

Prefer option 1. More reproducible, and also keeps linter happy :-)

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

Code blocks formatted like this render nicely and also work with doctest:

class A:


        >>> import time
        >>> print('something')

- "Example" and "Examples" behave differently
- Whiteline at the end is necessary to break out of the output block
- "pycon" is syntax highlight for python console (
- Modifying copy behaviour is possible but doesn't feel nice (
Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

Having a hard time deciding whether to keep the example notebooks, doctests (or api docs in general), or both. There's signification overlap, but they also have their unique advantages.

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

Decided to keep both apidocs examples and notebooks.

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the review and adding your own suggestions! We now seem to have a new issue with displaying type inheritance:


I think the issue appeared only recently due to the latest release of griffe including

ps in the screenshot also the internal links appear to have broken.

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago

Okay, after a lot of tinkering I figured out that the order of the docstrings is what causes this weird behaviour.

Option 1: first own attributes, then inherited attributes --> repeated type of last own attribute in all inherited docstrings Option 2: first inherited attributes, then own attributes --> empty type for inherited docstrings

sverhoeven commented 1 year ago

Ok so you went with option 2, so we are not displaying incorrect data just empty types.

Peter9192 commented 1 year ago
