phenology / springtime

Spatiotemporal phenology research with interpretable models
Apache License 2.0
3 stars 2 forks source link

PyPI publisher #227

Open fnattino opened 1 month ago

fnattino commented 1 month ago

The PyPI publisher has failed. @Peter9192 I realised that one also needs to add the trusted publisher information in the project settings on PyPI - have you already done this by any chance?

Peter9192 commented 1 month ago

Hmm, strange. It has been added as trusted publisher: image

I also tried adding you as an owner/maintainer on PyPI, but I get User 'fnattino' does not have a verified primary email address and cannot be added as a Owner for project

Could it be this line that causes the issue? Not sure why it's there.

fnattino commented 1 month ago

I also tried adding you as an owner/maintainer on PyPI, but I get User 'fnattino' does not have a verified primary email address and cannot be added as a Owner for project

Oh, very weird, I have just logged in into PyPI and indeed it asked me to (re-)verify my email address..

Could it be this line that causes the issue? Not sure why it's there.

From the documentation, it seems that the URL should only appear on the deployments page for the repository - so it shouldn't really do much..

Peter9192 commented 1 month ago

You should now have an invite for PyPI. I don't have time to look into this any further until after next week. Feel free to tinker with it or create the release manually e.g. with twine