phenomejs / phenome

The ultimate cross-framework component compiler
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Remove pointless statements #36

Closed nolimits4web closed 6 years ago

nolimits4web commented 6 years ago

If we have the following code in our JSX components:

if (process.env.COMPILER === 'react') {
  console.log('i am in react');
if (process.env.COMPILER === 'vue') {
  console.log('i am in vue');

the compiled code in, for example, Vue component, will be:

if ('vue' === 'react') {
  console.log('i am in react');
if ('vue === 'vue') {
  console.log('i am in vue');

which doesn't make much sense. So we need to walk through such simple literal conditions and remove/modify them to:

in react we should have only:

console.log('i am in react');

and in vue:

console.log('i am in vue');
nolimits4web commented 6 years ago

Fixed in