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normalize documentation #56

Open harryhoch opened 8 years ago

harryhoch commented 8 years ago

Consider reviewing various documentation pages for consistency of tone and coverage. For example, the ([identifiers page] refers to a default JSON-LD context, which might or might not make sense for YAML versions.

Similarly, we might want to help folks bridge JSON-LD vs. JSON-Schema....

cmungall commented 8 years ago

The YAML and JSON are structurally identical and can be trivially interconverted.

But any time you have flexibility like this, it inevitably leads to confusion. We should do more to clarify.

JSON-LD vs JSON-Schema is not a trivial thing to explain. I think it's best handled by explaining these things are meant for different groups of people.

harryhoch commented 8 years ago

@cmungall, understood about YAML and JSON, but this might not be clear to all readers. Would researchers working on human genetics tend to know about these file formats?

+1 to your point about different foci for different audiences. Clear guidance on these topics would be helpful.