phenopackets / phenopacket-python

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Adding environments to the schema? #6

Open austinmeier opened 6 years ago

austinmeier commented 6 years ago

We are attempting to modify the phenopacket format to allow us to describe environments using specific attributes (temp, humidity, pressure, light, etc...) and have a mock up of an environment that can be found here:

However, when attempting to validate the test packet, we run into this error:

Invalid phenopacket found in  ~/git/EnviroPackets/hadalpelagic_zone.json
'environment' is not one of ['disease', 'organism', 'patient', 'variant', 'genotype', 'paper']

It's pretty clear that an environment is not one of those options, so my assumption is that we need to add a "type" to the possible options? I do not see these classes defined in the schema.
