phenoscape / EnviroPackets

exploration of using phenopackets to describe environments
MIT License
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body length manchester syntax #1

Open teleaslamellatus opened 6 years ago

teleaslamellatus commented 6 years ago

has part some (body and (has part some median anatomical line) and (bearer of some (length and (is quality measured as some ((has measurement unit label value millimeter) and (has measurement value some (float[>= 5.5f] and float[<= 9.1f])))))))

austinmeier commented 6 years ago

'hadalpelagic zone' and ('bearer of' some (pressure and ('is quality measured as' some (('has measurement unit label' value pascal) and ('has measurement value' some (xsd:float[>= 111460000.0f] and xsd:float[<= 311460000.0f])))))))