phenoscape / KB-DataFest-2017

Promoting Phenoscape KB Data Access and Interoperability Codefest, 2017
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Phenoscape semantic phenotype CRUD API #22

Open mjy opened 6 years ago

mjy commented 6 years ago

Roughly, as a developer, or user I would like to:

Authenticate to a phenoscape knowledgbase

Create, read, update or destroy a phenotype knowledgebase

Use JSON based templates for specific classes of phenotypes

Recieve URIs after POSTing new semantic phenotypes


mjcollin commented 6 years ago

Another path besides opening write access to the store (and addressing who gets that access) is to openly accept annotations on existing data and providing structures to merge "approved" annotations in later and display/hide available annotations to users. TDWG has an interest group that has thought about this in the context of data aggregators:

mjy commented 6 years ago

@mjcollin I'm mostly envisioning this for an empty instance of Phenoscape, or one under "my" control, i.e. I really do want to write new data. But, you're totally right as to the "one Phenoscape" approach, maybe we could make your suggestion a new issue? I.e. "Add annotations to Phenoscape"?