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Phoenix bloodline markup in description and unkown key in prerequisites. #38

Open DanScallion opened 11 months ago

DanScallion commented 11 months ago

Two errors exist in Phoenix bloodline for bloodrager.

  1. It has wrong prerequisite key, it says [unkown key: PhoenixBloodlienRequisiteFeature.Name] due to it not only does it display incorrectly but if I take second bloodline mythinc, it allows to pick phoenix bloodline twice.
  2. It has markup or formatting tag in description.

Here image of how the error looks when selecting the bloodline, markup code in description and wrong key. Selection

In here you can see I have phoenix bloodline as bloodrager, that I picked as normal. Phoenix Bloodrager bloodline And here the same bloodline as mythic bloodline Phoenix Second Mythic Bloodline As you can see, due to error in its prerequisite key it can be selected more than once.