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Time in grade tracker & campaign ribbons #13

Open BLOODWOLF333 opened 8 years ago

BLOODWOLF333 commented 8 years ago

So the first tab I have is just how I do my rank system(USMC) the time in grade(TIG) requirement are accurate for real life but, I change the TIS requirements to just the time of all the TIG's where as realistically TIS for an E8 would be like 8 or 10 years I think and so on. Enlisted start at PFC with 6 months TIS(basic training) and commissioned officers start with 9 months TIS & TIG(officer school). The age column is for the predicted age of the personnel if they joined at 18-28yrs for enlisted or 22-28yrs for officers. I put the rank in the upper left corner of the portrait in paint, the service strips(one stripe/four years TIS) in the upper right and the campaign ribbons at the bottom centered. Command column is how big of a unit they can lead into battle for each and rank and also how heavy of a mech/vehicle they can pilot. Skill requirements I know arent important everyone would have their own ideas.

The campaign ribbons are for personnel when they complete the required feats per scenario or mission. Used to put stars on the ribbons for second, third, and up awards but, was too time consuming. The ribbons that state "(staff)" to the far right of the table would be for staff non-commissioned officers and commissioned officers only since it would give them credit for their leadership of the company as a whole completing a certain feat and because higher ranks would rarely be on the battlefield doing the fighting from my experience. The medals to the left of the ribbons would be awarded to and go on the portraits of the force icons for the units involved in that deployment. In the force descriptions I keep track of the lance/company/battalion's kills and time spent in foreign theaters. Individuals would receive these awards and gain the xp after the contract/mission either on the jumpship en route to the next mission or once they arrived on their home world.and had time to conduct the awards ceremony.

Map tab on the bottom is just to write down and help me generate the maps and forces for my scenarios. Setup tab AtB already incorporates most of the stuff. I had made those tables before I used AtB but, I still use them for my scenarios since my unit only comprises a lance right now. Temperature is the only thing I've seen that AtB does not cover so, I just go off the planets equat. temp and roll to determine the season the planet is in and add/subtract the number in (##), roll for daylight which is no change or dusk/dawn which would take the temp down 5'c. Arctic or desert terrain would also modify the temp but, after all that I then roll 2D6 where 7 is +/- 0 to the temp, 8 is +1, 9+2, etc. 6 is -1, 5 is -2, etc. Just little things that I think add more realism to yall's awesome product.

pheonixstorm commented 8 years ago

So I think adding time in rank might be a bit much but I can see adding a new section for the rank system to give people an idea of how often a units person should take to go from one rank to another. The USMC model works better for house units but goes out the window for merc units as the majority work more like a corporate structure. They may promote from within but if they can find a Captain or Major at a hiring hall then all the others get bypassed. Not to mention each House military has its own unique requirements as well such as Steiner social generals, Kurita loyalty promotions, Clan trials...

Or even a small writeup on the subject might work well. A handy guide to handling promotions.

BLOODWOLF333 commented 8 years ago

Right, all I play as so far is a Federated Suns House unit. But, if all it does is give you some ideas and inspiration Im happy.

BLOODWOLF333 commented 8 years ago

Federated Suns Armored

Campaign file is an example of what I have come up with for TIG & TIS.

BLOODWOLF333 commented 8 years ago

Updated TIS & TIG to be more accurate to battletech.

BLOODWOLF333 commented 8 years ago

Is it possible to have the TIS & TIG display in months and have the beginning dates for service and grade reference the log entry? Because if I create a new unit and have a Staff Sergeant as the lance commander, he needs to have already been in the unit for at least 5 years and if the TIS only goes off the date he was added then it wouldnt make sense and would need some way to tell HQ that this guy has been in since 09/01/3019 for example. I moved up to a company level force and realize how much time this would take me to do by hand so, am just going off the log dates now instead of writing TIS: & TIG: on every single pilot, its too much.

pheonixstorm commented 8 years ago

The service date is editable in the customize person panel