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Types of sliders (simple, circular and multi-thumb sliders) #117

Open terracoda opened 5 years ago

terracoda commented 5 years ago

I am thinking about the Sphere and Charge position sliders in the the GFL series (GFL, GFLB, and CL).

@jessegreenberg and I have discussed how multi-thumb sliders are represented before. In a technical sense they are just two sliders, but visually they are communicated/appear as one.

So in Gravity Force Lab, the sphere positions are very much like a multi-thumb slider. I think a multi-thumb slider will have slightly different design considerations to communicate that it is a multi-thumb slider, rather than a single slider.

This got me thinking about the sliders we have experienced thus far, we seem to have three types:

I think we have experienced difference challenges for each of these interactions, and may need slightly different design considerations for each as well. They will have common aspects in the code but at least some differences in considering labels, help text, and of course position values.

My question: Do folks agree we might want to keep in mind three design patterns (or sub patterns) or at least three distinct examples that demonstrate the differences between these interactions?

Aside: Some challenges I am considering about multi-thumb sliders for these 3 sims are:

terracoda commented 5 years ago

I don't want to get into a huge online discussion. Alternatively, we could just discuss Tuesday's design meetings.

emily-phet commented 5 years ago

@terracoda (I love this issue, by the way!)

Let's talk about this in an 'office hours' topic on Tuesday.

In addition to the three types of sliders you mention above, we could also consider different types of position values (qualitative, quantitative, relative values, etc.).

Go ahead and put this on the office hours spreadsheet, please.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet, will add to office hours! Thanks! (done)

emily-phet commented 5 years ago

This issue discussed Aug 14th 2018. Taliesin, Emily, Jesse, Michael B. and Lynne were present. Conclusion - in the future we may decide to have standardized html description content provided in addition to the typical slider content as an additional "circular slider" attribute to accessible slider. We also may decide to create a new common slider type (?) that uses two accessible sliders that essentially provides standardized html description content for "multi-thumb slider" scenarios.

We need to further investigate the need for this in JT (circular slider) and GFL/GFL:B/CL (multi-thumb slider) before making a decision on this.

To be continued...