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CSUN John Travoltage Manuscript - Remaining To Do's #123

Closed emily-phet closed 5 years ago

emily-phet commented 5 years ago


Supporting Resources


briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet do I have access to that JT description folder that you mentioned? (I'm not sure how to get to it, since you've separately shared some of the folders outside of the Sonification Work with me directly). If you have a link that would be sweet!

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Ok. I just finished building out all of the references in Mendeley, and put them into the doc + updated the works cited at the bottom.

@emily-phet I'm currently using MLA version 8 for this (based on the plugin that's available). I couldn't find in the email from CSUN if it was MLA v7 or 8.

emily-phet commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson I just sent an invite to you and @kainip to the "Multimodal Features" folder for John Travoltage. Inside this folder is a sound and description folder...the description folder holds what I mentioned above in the checklist.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet was that spreadsheet supposed to be for JT only?

I only just realized that's where it was... Is there somewhere we should put all of them (the non-JT interviews?)/does that mean there are separate ones for the other sims?

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

@kainip - do you know why we only included 5 of the 6 semi-structured interview participants? I just pulled a new copy of the data (and it looks like we have numbers for all 6... so I'm not exactly sure why it wasn't counted before)

emily-phet commented 5 years ago

Maybe one of the later ones didn't have sound (unintended)? There was some issue with one of them, and I just can't recall what it was.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Yes, that was p605 --- but Prakriti re-ran that session (and there's comments in the semi-structured interview notes about the participants responses to the sounds).

@briannatomlinson to check with Prakriti on this :)

elharden2 commented 5 years ago

I just uploaded Word docs of the two Qualtrics surveys I used into the JT->Multimodal Features->Sound and 2019_CSUN-_Manuscript->Additional Submission Docs folders on the Drive (wasn't sure the best place to put them yet, so feel free to delete them from one folder). @kainip, I think I used the exact same demographics survey questions as you, but it would be a good idea to double check they are indeed the same. I did modify and add to the other Likert-style survey. If you like, you can add any questions I deleted from your survey back into the doc, and we can somehow indicate which questions were just asked to the VI users, and which questions were asked to the sighted learners.

elharden2 commented 5 years ago

I realized I probably need to upload a doc with the questions I asked during the semi-structured interviews too, since I modified those a bit from the ones asked to VI users. I'll try and add those to the Drive folder today or tomorrow.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

I started a table drafts doc here today --

pkaini commented 5 years ago

@elharden2 The doc I uploaded has some questions from the semi-structured interview but not all (only the description and sound specific question + end comments). I haven’t had a chance to compare the demographics questions yet, will do by the end of this week.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Ok! I took a first shot at the tables -- @emily-phet I don't know how relevant you think some of those outcomes are...

@elharden2 I looked through the notes you had on the sounds analysis and the semi-structured interview notes. I think at the level I have concepts broken down to, it seemed like all the students got the concepts. I can check tomorrow or if you have some free time you can review!

If you have other feedback on the outcomes (things we learned from the MS or College students) please add them in! I've just tossed some from the top of my head in there.

[do I check off things at the top if I've "started them" but not finished?]

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

I have all the new numbers for the surveys, too (including the last persons data)!

  new average scores SD
UMUX 18.67 5.35
BUZZ 71 5.51
BUZZ aesthetics 25.67 2.07
SUS 90 12.25
terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet, the figure 2 image is almost up-to-date. The Mute Sound button in actually in Sim Resources, but the Keyboard Shortcuts and PhET Menu buttons are not indicated. I will add them.

In addition, do you think the the dynamic descriptions column should indicate what parts of the phrases actually change? For example, I could add braces like in our design documents and code.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet, I updated Figure 2 and uploaded it to the folder. I left both versions, but the one labelled csun-fig02 is the updated one.


If you need a different scenario (e.g. fewer charges) that is easy to change.


Note: I made this one for my poster, so I am not sure if it will fit in the columns of the paper. I we need to adjust the actual document size of the source file to create a figure with different dimension, we will need to call in the help of someone who knows Adobe Illustrator better than me.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, FYI, I adjusted the table that described the sound mappings for the ASSETS demo visual poster. I thought it was important to use the real name (actual labels) for the Foot and Arm in the Sim Features column.

Copying here in case it is at all helpful or needed.

screen shot 2018-11-15 at 1 22 20 pm
briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Awesome, @terracoda! Thanks for the figure! I'll put it into the doc and let you know if it seems too big or anything (I assume it will be fine). I think a scenario with a lot of charges is fine, since that's one half of the image in figure 1

Thanks for the table of the sounds I'll check that too!

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

@terracoda Ok, I've updated the figure and table. Thanks a bunch for that!

There's a sentence in the paper that says "Our efforts extend existing practices in image description (Keane and Laverentz) and alternative input (Taliesin’s choice), and methods for designing and evaluating auditory cues (Barrass and Kramer)." <-- I'm wondering if there's a particular citation you would like to add to this?

I've updated the numbers in the paper. Now on v7

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet, I updated the John Travoltage's A11y Design document adding a couple more details for the Leg swing slider, updating the PDOM figure, and adding the Keyboard Dialog design and content.

It seems complete from my perspective.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet and @briannatomlinson, I uploaded a word document with a couple of comments on the description section. This was on version 6:

Comments are:

aria-valuetext is used for both the leg (leg swing slider) and the arm (hand position slider). The descriptions for the arm; however, are more dynamic as we use logic to add in directional changes when necessary.

More accurate to say “changes in direction indicating progress towards or away from doorknob.”

I replaced "and" with "indicating"

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Oh! I'll make sure those are integrated into the v7 version -- thanks for letting me know!

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, my first comment is to make you and @emily-phet aware of how we used aria-valuetext. If help is needed tweaking the section on descriptions, let me know.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson I provided the caption and alternative text for Figure 2. I have uploaded it to the folder on google drive (

I try to briefly explain the figure for everyone in the caption and then in the alternative text try to fully describe the figure for non-visual readers. I do not try to explain the figure in the alternative text.

If these are too long, let me know and I can try to reduce. Text-filled diagrams are a challenge to fully describe.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, I made comments to Table 2, the Challenges Table regarding descriptions.

I have some concerns, but not sure how much you can fit.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, I commented in the alt text document that I provided new caption and alt text for figure 2.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, I see my name is attached to helping with the Challenges Tables. I'll make some time to incorporate my thoughts, rather than just commenting. Let me know when you are working on this.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet and @briannatomlinson I made a version 2 of Figure 2 which is the the PDOM and Description Strategy. It may be too complicated or too busy, so we can stick withe version one if you think it is better for this paper.

I am posting it here so you can compare to the one in


Key difference is:

John Travoltage Design folder Both a hi-res PNG and its illustrator file have been uploaded to the John Travoltage Design folder here:

Question Should I put copies of the final figures in the manuscript folder?

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson and @emily-phet in terms of references in the description section, I commented in version 7 that I think it makes sense to cite my MRP

And for alternative input it makes sense to cite the 2018 HCII paper:

The above refs are MLA version 8. Is that the correct format?

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, FYI, I uploaded version 7 with my references and comments. I am not exactly sure where the latest version is.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Hi @terracoda thanks for all your notes in the table. I was mostly just brainstorming ideas last week for this. @emily-phet asked me to get a list down so I didn't word things too closely of specifically. I was hoping to talk to her this week about it, but can refine on my own.

If there's particular ones you want worded a certain way, please change them directly. I don't always know all of the terminology you would want to include, or what level of detail is appropriate for a summary vs. a specific description of the interaction/description design. I was trying to give a short description for what things are, using terminology that most people reading the paper would understand.

I'd recommend a more general description or comment and then more specific details (e.g., for the aria roles or design patterns).

We can do what you think is best, though.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

@terracoda thanks for updating the alt-text --> like I said before I don't always know the terminology that you would prefer me to use. I'm almost never involved in the description design so I just don't know the specifics of what things are called.

Please update any of the docs as needed! I'm mostly using place holders so we don't forget to do it for the final submission!

I think using the updated Fig 2 is fine -- would you like to make changes to that description to match it?

Last year CSUN asked for separate documents for: 1) the main manuscript 2) a folder or document of images 3) longer alt text 4) shorter image descriptions

I'm going to update the main documents with the things you've shared (e.g., the alt text, the image descriptions, and the images themselves).

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

I made one update to the alt text after switching to your new Parallel DOM figure. @terracoda please check it to make sure you're ok with the changes.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Table updates:

Right now, the last column is open challenges, but I think it might be good to have it as an open challenge or successful outcome. If that would be too complex then we can stick to challenges. Thoughts @terracoda, @emily-phet (and @elharden2 or @kainip if you have any!)

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, nice work on table. I agree this is kind of hard, and I made some additions and edits.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet and @briannatomlinson, I reworded the description paragraph. It's probably too long now, but hopefully not. Let me know where if any other contributions are needed?

terracoda commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet and @briannatomlinson I shortened some of my text in the challenges table and added my comments to the other tables. I think the tables look good. I hope they will fit. Please let me know if anything else is needed from me. I've provided:

  1. references for description section
  2. figure 2 - if tweaks are needed just let me know.
  3. figure 2 alt text
  4. content and comments for tables
terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson and @emily-phet , I added some suggestions for how to describe figure 1 as well. Use what is useful and leave what is not.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Thanks a bunch! I'll update it this morning before our lab meeting

On Mon, Nov 26, 2018, 6:21 AM Taliesin L. Smith < wrote:

@briannatomlinson and @emily-phet , I added some suggestions for how to describe figure 1 as well. Use what is useful and leave what is not.

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emily-phet commented 5 years ago

Remaining to do's


Tables and Figures

Supporting Resources

Timeline Goal - materials ready to submit by end of day Friday November 30th

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

Emily, would it be useful for me to review the tables at all (like trying to reframe table 4) or would you rather I wait until you look at them to do something?

I can get a new version with less ceiling/floor on the images.

Alt text/captions are available here

emily-phet commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson No need to work on the tables today, I'll work on them more tomorrow, and we can talk about them when we meet later.

terracoda commented 5 years ago

Here's a web preview of the updated figure 2. I'll upload the PRINT file to the folder on google drive. I actually didn't know how to make a bent dotted line, but I figured it out. Thanks for asking @emily-phet.


terracoda commented 5 years ago

@briannatomlinson, I inserted the new Fig 2 into your document.

pkaini commented 5 years ago

Need to put together a single doc with all Qualtrics questions used (sound + description and visuals + sound versions) as supporting doc for paper.

@elharden2 i've put all the qualtrics questions in this doc and had a couple of questions:

For the visual usability survey, the instructions read "select from five options (strongly agree, somewhat agree, agree, somewhat disagree, and strongly disagree") but the actual options listed next to the questions have the 7 options, can you confirm which one was used?

In the demographics questions, Q34 (how often do you use high contrast) doesn't show up in the qualtrics survey, although high contrast is listed as one of the options in Q28 (what software tools or other device settings do you use). Was it removed intentionally?

elharden2 commented 5 years ago

@pkaini good catch on the visual usability survey questions! That must have been a copy and paste error on my part. I used the 7 options, not 5.

As far as the demographics questions go, I actually didn't modify the demographics survey at all from the one that you originally sent to me, so that question about high contrast must not have been there to begin with (I didn't remove it).

Let me know if you have any other questions!

pkaini commented 5 years ago

Thanks @elharden2 ! I've uploaded the updated version in the additional docs folder ( can you take a look and confirm everything is in place?

elharden2 commented 5 years ago

@pkaini Just FYI, I added a couple of questions to the semistructured interview that I asked the sighted learners regarding the visuals: What about the visuals in the sim helped you navigate it or figure out what to do? and How do the visuals change as you interact with the sim? I noticed you didn't include all of the semistructured interview questions listed on the Google sheet on the supporting doc, so if these particular questions about the visuals aren't really addressed in the rest of the paper, it's probably not worth listing them on this supporting doc. But, I wanted to give you a heads up just in case. Otherwise, everything looks good-- thanks so much!

pkaini commented 5 years ago

I must have missed them. Thanks for pointing out! I’ll go back and add them to the doc.

briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

@emily-phet and @terracoda, can you share the links for the two other documents that need to be added?

Ah-ha! It is this one. Ok, thanks Emily! [1. Full documentation of JT’s description (@terracoda has made a version of this, EM to review and give some feedback). Is it this one?]

  1. Link to documentation of sound - @emily-phet to work with @jbphet and AshM to finalize this.
briannatomlinson commented 5 years ago

I also went through and updated the links for the references (removed http from links, and updated single pages [tambo, phet design docs, etc.])

+Made bitly's for the links!