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Review Video Bumper & Add Sound #187

Closed terracoda closed 1 year ago

terracoda commented 1 year ago

Sarah has created a new video bumper.

Here's the final version to review:

Sarah needs @emily-phet to have a final look before @Ashton-Morris adds sound to it.

Assigning to @emily-phet to comment that it is good to add sound, and to assign the issue to @Ashton-Morris.

Related to issue #181

emily-phet commented 1 year ago

This looks beautiful! Two comments:

terracoda commented 1 year ago

I agree with @emily-phet, that it feels fast. Slowing down the airplane, allowing for time to read the text at a relatively normal rate:

would push the intro to about 10 seconds. I like the suggestion of slowing things down.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

I think the slower bumper looks good in Voicing and Alt Input videos.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

Tagging @emily-phet in case you haven't reviewed the new bumper yet.

Ashton-Morris commented 1 year ago

I worked on three SFX bumper examples which you can view and listen to below.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

Nice work Ashton. I like them all.

Sound is not my forte, so take my feedback with that in mind.

Personally, I like the lightness of the minimal version the best. That preference might have to do with volume of the the sounds in all the bumpers.

There seems to be a little flutter sound on the airplane in the magic version one which I like. I would be curious to hear what others think about the swoosh sound on the airplane. The plane is flying pretty fast, but I feel like a bit of a lighter swoosh - something more paper-y; maybe with the flutter - could give air plane a lighter feel?

But honestly, I defer to others because my ear is not the best critic.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

@emily-phet, what do you think?

terracoda commented 1 year ago

Just adding: And I like the sparkly magic sound, too. I am wondering how the bumpers would sound with the voice over, "PhET Interactive Simulations presents Inclusive Features"? Any chance of pairing the sound with the voice over?

emily-phet commented 1 year ago

Hmm, I'm not sure if this is intended to stand alone, or if it's intended to have music playing in the background as well.

I've been imagining that there would be a musical riff that played for the intro (made by @Matthew-Moore240, I think), like other PhET videos, the also had a swooshing sound. So with that in mind, the minimal swooshing would probably make the most sense so there's not competition between the airplane sounds and the intro music.

I agree with Taliesin that as it is in the links with only the airplane sound, it sounds a bit heavy. Not sure if it needs that heaviness to work with music playing as well. Maybe if there was a little bit of a rustling quality to it, like you would get with a relatively flimsy paper in the wind, would help give more of a "paper airplane" feel.

@Ashton-Morris If you know of a way to get that kind of rusting quality without a lot of effort, go for it. If it's unclear or very effortful, let's just see how the current sound effects sound with music layered in.

Additionally, I would love to try having the text on screen read out - no additional words. Just "PhET Interactive Simulations", "Inclusive Features" "Feature Name" as these appear on screen. @terracoda I think you were planning to record your own voice saying these things after last week's meeting, correct?

terracoda commented 1 year ago

SB shared a version with the voice and I like the one that says presents, but they both work well. I also like the one where the music starts with the start of the inclusive feature. That creates a nice transition after the swoosh, or maybe with the final swoosh.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

@emily-phet, there are now bumper versions with the music and voice overs.

Sarah asked me to try

"INTRODUCTION_TO_Interactive_Description_v3" has music and voice over with "presents". "Inclusive_Feature_Bumper_Full_Audio" has it without "presents".

And "Inclusive_Features_Bumper_no_music" has the music come in at the end.

I personally, like the music coming in at the end, but I am good with what others like.

Ashton-Morris commented 1 year ago

I think I made some nice improvements based on your feedback. I also tested it with some of Matthew's music in the background and I think it will work however we set it up.

emily-phet commented 1 year ago

Yup - I like the rustling!

terracoda commented 1 year ago

I think everyone reviewed this version. I can post another issue, or reopen this one if there is more to review.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

I think the bumper is complete, and we are just working on videos, so closing for now.