Closed KatieWoe closed 5 years ago
The z-ordering of the grid is indeed a bit funky @KatieWoe. I would move the grid to the back, but the relative z-ordering of everything else looks fine to me @jbphet.
Unassigning until this sim comes back to my list of top priorities.
I believe I have addressed this issue now. Now the grid lines are at the very back but the relative ordering of everything else is the same.
Removing status:ready-for-review label and assigning to @arouinfar to review.
Looks good in master @SaurabhTotey.
Marking this as status:fixed-awaiting-deploy.
Tested on deployed version. Closing.
Test device: Dell Laptop Operating System: Win 10 Browser: chrome Problem description: For Present in the published version, but unintended per @jbphet. Also present in States of Matter under similar circumstances. When examining the graph the point representing the movable atom seems to be layered behind the grid. This also seems to be the case for the red line. Steps to reproduce:
Troubleshooting information (do not edit):