Related to #169 @jonathanolson in 6c83cc605276e21a7cd0d9c99a7f06185075ce5f, you removed the usage of CollisionLabUtils.forEachPossiblePair.
This was used to detect collisions between every pair of balls (ie ball1 can collide with ball2 or ball3 etc.).
However, you replaced this with
for ( let i = 1; i < this.ballSystem.balls.length; i++ ) {
const ball1 = this.ballSystem.balls[ i - 1 ];
const ball2 = this.ballSystem.balls[ i ];
which loops through each adjacent ball.
Loading the sim locally, as expected, most ball-ball collisions are no longer being detected, and only adjacent balls are being collided together (ie. ball1 and ball2 are colliding but ball1 and ball3 are not colliding).
Related to #169 @jonathanolson in 6c83cc605276e21a7cd0d9c99a7f06185075ce5f, you removed the usage of CollisionLabUtils.forEachPossiblePair.
This was used to detect collisions between every pair of balls (ie ball1 can collide with ball2 or ball3 etc.).
However, you replaced this with
which loops through each adjacent ball.
Loading the sim locally, as expected, most ball-ball collisions are no longer being detected, and only adjacent balls are being collided together (ie. ball1 and ball2 are colliding but ball1 and ball3 are not colliding).