phetsims / fluid-pressure-and-flow

"Fluid Pressure and Flow" is an educational simulation in HTML5, by PhET Interactive Simulations.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Code review #298

Open zepumph opened 6 years ago

zepumph commented 6 years ago

It was suggested by @samreid that I give this sim a code review before really diving into the sim. I like this idea, but I don't want to loose track of the goal which is gauged towards bringing the sim up to current PhET standards, and familiarizing myself with the code. I care less about pieces of the review that I think are just going to change soon anyways.

tagging @ariel-phet to make sure that this aligns with his thoughts on the matter.

zepumph commented 6 years ago

NOTE! Prior to doing a code review, copy this checklist to a GitHub issue for the repository being reviewed. Please mark failed items with ❌

PhET code-review checklist

Build and Run Checks

~#### Memory Leaks~ see

Performance, Usability


Repository structure

         (see section below)

For a common-code repository, the structure is similar, but some of the files and directories may not be present if the repo doesn’t have audio, images, strings, or a demo application.


Coding Conventions

var numPart;            // incorrect
var numberOfParticles;  // correct

var width;              // incorrect
var beakerWidth;        // correct
// modules
var inherit = require( 'PHET_CORE/inherit' );
var Line = require( 'SCENERY/nodes/Line' );
var Rectangle = require( 'SCENERY/nodes/Rectangle' );

// strings
var kineticString = require( 'string!ENERGY/energy.kinetic' );
var potentialString = require( 'string!ENERGY/energy.potential' );
var thermalString = require( 'string!ENERGY/energy.thermal' );

// images
var energyImage = require( 'image!ENERGY/energy.png' );

// audio
var kineticAudio = require( 'audio!ENERGY/energy' );

For example, this constructor uses parameters for everything. At the call site, the semantics of the arguments are difficult to determine without consulting the constructor.

 * @param {Ball} ball - model element
 * @param {Property.<boolean>} visibleProperty - is the ball visible?
 * @param {Color|string} fill - fill color
 * @param {Color|string} stroke - stroke color
 * @param {number} lineWidth - width of the stroke
 * @constructor
function BallNode( ball, visibleProperty, fill, stroke, lineWidth ){
   // ...

// Call site
var ballNode = new BallNode( ball, visibleProperty, 'blue', 'black', 2 );

Here’s the same constructor with an appropriate use of options. The call site is easier to read, and the order of options is flexible.

 * @param {Ball} ball - model element
 * @param {Property.<boolean>} visibleProperty - is the ball visible?
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @constructor
function BallNode( ball, visibleProperty, options ) {

  options = _.extend( {
    fill: 'white',  // {Color|string} fill color
    stroke: 'black', // {Color|string} stroke color
    lineWidth: 1 // {number} width of the stroke
  }, options ); 

  // ...

// Call site
var ballNode = new BallNode( ball, visibleProperty, {
  fill: 'blue', 
  stroke: 'black', 
  lineWidth: 2 
} );
 * The PhetDeveloper is responsible for creating code for simulations
 * and documenting their code thoroughly.
 * @param {string} name - full name
 * @param {number} age - age, in years
 * @param {boolean} isEmployee - whether this developer is an employee of CU
 * @param {function} callback - called immediate after coffee is consumed
 * @param {Property.<number>} hoursProperty - cumulative hours worked
 * @param {string[]} friendNames - names of friends
 * @param {Object} [options] - optional configuration, see constructor
 * @constructor
function PhetDeveloper( name, age, isEmployee, callback, hoursProperty, friendNames, options ) {}
var self = this; function(){
} );
  return inherit( Object, Line, {

    * Gets the slope of the line
    * @returns {number}
    getSlope: function() {
      if ( this.undefinedSlope() ) {
        return Number.NaN;
      else {
        return this.rise /;

     * Given x, solve y = m(x - x1) + y1.  Returns NaN if the solution is not unique, or there is no solution (x can't 
     * possibly be on the line.)  This occurs when we have a vertical line, with no run.
     * @param {number} x - the x coordinate
     * @returns {number} the solution
    solveY: function( x ) {
      if ( this.undefinedSlope() ) {
        return Number.NaN;
      else {
        return ( this.getSlope() * ( x - this.x1 ) ) + this.y1;
  } );

// OK isFaceSmile ? : self.frown();

// OK if ( isFaceSmile ) {; } else { self.frown(); }

- [ ] It is not uncommon to use conditional shorthand and short circuiting for invocation. 

( expression ) && statement;
( expression ) ? statement1 : statement2;
( foo && bar ) ? fooBar() : fooCat();
( foo && bar ) && fooBar();
( foo && !(bar && fooBar)) && nowIAmConfused();
this.fill = ( foo && bar ) ? 'red' : 'blue'; 

If the expression is only one item, the parentheses can be omitted. This is the most common use case.

assert && assert( happy, ‘Why aren\’t you happy?’ );
happy && smile();
var thoughts = happy ? ‘I am happy’ : ‘I am not happy :(’;
// Randomly choose an existing crystal to possibly bond to
var crystal = this.crystals.get( _.random( this.crystals.length - 1 ) );

// Find a good configuration to have the particles move toward
var targetConfiguration = this.getTargetConfiguration( crystal );
Visibility Annotations

Because JavaScript lacks visibility modifiers (public, protected, private), PhET uses JSdoc visibility annotations to document the intent of the programmer, and define the public API. Visibility annotations are required for anything that JavaScript makes public. Information about these annotations can be found here. (Note that other documentation systems like the Google Closure Compiler use slightly different syntax in some cases. Where there are differences, JSDoc is authoritative. For example, use Array.<Object> or Object[] instead of Array<Object>). PhET guidelines for visibility annotations are as follows:

 * Creates the icon for the "Energy" screen, a cartoonish bar graph.
 * @returns {Node}
 * @public
// @public Adds a {function} listener
addListener: function( listener ) { /*...*/ }

Math Libraries

Organization, Readability, Maintainability

ariel-phet commented 6 years ago

@zepumph probably not a bad first step, but agreed, the main goal would be bringing things up to current standard. This sim was code reviewed, but it was quite some time ago (over 2 years), and lots has changed since then.

zepumph commented 6 years ago

String keys for screen names should have the general form "screen.{{screenName}}", e.g. "screen.lab"

In, @samreid said that we can't change string keys for the string keys used by the "Under Pressure" screen, so I think we are stuck with underPressureScreenTitle. My question is if it is better to keep all the screen titles like that for consistency, or to change the other two screens to use the screen.flow type key. @samreid what do you think?

samreid commented 6 years ago

That would be a great question for @pixelzoom or @jbphet!

pixelzoom commented 6 years ago

I recall commenting on a similar question from @jbphet about one of his sims recently, but can't find the issue. My feedback was something like "given how much work is involved in changing a string key, I would live with the inconsistency".

zepumph commented 6 years ago

"given how much work is involved in changing a string key, I would live with the inconsistency".

I'm not sure if that applies directly to the question at hand, because they aren't currently inconsistent, but I'm wondering if it is worth changing the other screen title keys to match convention, creating an inconsistency and leaving the under pressure screen key in the dust.

pixelzoom commented 6 years ago

@zepumph asked:

I'm wondering if it is worth changing the other screen title keys to match convention, creating an inconsistency and leaving the under pressure screen key in the dust.

Yes, fix unpublished screen title keys to follow convention. We can live with underPressureScreenTitle not following convention.

jbphet commented 6 years ago

I agree that we should live with it. Here is a link to a similar issue that @pixelzoom referenced above where I listed what would be involved in changing it: