phetsims / function-builder

"Function Builder" is an educational simulation in HTML5, by PhET Interactive Simulations at the University of Colorado Boulder.
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symmetry problems with card images #109

Closed pixelzoom closed 7 years ago

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Related to phetsims/tasks#828 and

In addition to master, this problem is present in the production version of Function Builder (1.0.6), demonstrable on all platforms.

Many of the card images (png files) do not behave properly with the Mirror function. Some of the cards (snowflake, butterfly, star, rectangle, circle, triangle, star) are supposed to have symmetry about their x and/or y axes. And applying the Mirror function to there cards should result in no change. That is not the case -- these images are currently not symmetrical.

In the sim, applying the Mirror function causes them to shift horizontally. Try the 'Star' card with the 'Mirror' function for a particularly obvious example:


Using the "Image -> Image Rotation -> Flip Canvas Horizontal" menu item in Photoshop verifies that the problem is with the images, they can be seen to shift horizontally there too. Even the butterfly seems wrong -- it's body remains stationary, but the wings move slightly, which points to a problem with the .ai artwork.

So... @amanda-phet to address this issue and, we need to redo all of the .png files for cards. They must have even dimensions, and they must exhibit the desired symmetry with "Flip Canvas Horizontal" in Photoshop.

The .ai file:

The .png files:

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@phet-steele so that you're aware of this.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Symmetry problems should be checked using the following function configurations:

Mirror Mirror > Rotate90 Rotate90 > Mirror Mirror > Rotate180 Rotate180 > Mirror

The images that have a symmetry problem are:

snowflake.png butterfly.png* sun.png circle.png (see Rotate90 > Mirror) star.png

With the possible exception of circle.png, all of these need to be fixed in the .ai file.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Looking at the images in Photoshop using "Flip Canvas Horizontal" and "Flip Canvas Vertical", here are the axes that demonstrate symmetry problems:

image Flip Horizontal Flip Vertical
snowflake.png x x
butterfly.png x N/A
sun.png x x
circle.png x x
star.png x N/A
pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@amanda-phet What's your feeling about the priority of this issue? Should it be addressed before publishing Function Builder: Basics? Does it require a maintenance release of Function Builder?

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

In, @amanda-phet indicated that she's going to reach out to the artist to see how much work this is.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@amanda-phet @pixelzoom

There seem to be two different issues.

  1. The actual illustration is not symmetrical. No matter how the art board is aligned in export, the image will never be symmetrical. This can almost always be fixed.

  2. The illustration is not aligned symmetrically on the art board. When these are exported, the image on the png shifts back and forth when you rotate or reflect it in PS. No matter what you do, some images will not align on the art board. Pointy objects seem to be the worst! I've been trolling the Illustrator forums and cannot find any information to perfectly align the object but have not found anything useful. One solution may be to make the problem illustrations very large in Illustrator, export as pngs, pull the pngs into Photoshop, and crop them there. That might minimize Illustrator's inability to align the objects to the art board.

So, as of now, all of the objects are perfectly symmetrical (the feet and the Erlenmeyer flask were a bit off so I corrected them also). In addition, the butterfly, snowflake, circle, feet, and Erlenmeyer are all perfectly symmetrical when exported from Illustrator. The star and sun are not perfectly aligned when exported so still display that jump when reflected or rotated.


pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@clmccutchan @amanda-phet Do one of you have the new .ai and .png files for the images that have been fixed?

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom @amanda-phet Chris, while all of the objects are symmetrical, there may still be a problem with exporting some of them. The pointy objects are particularly fussy and don't seem to export symmetrically in the Illustrator artboard. I'll attach all of the exported pngs and share the .ai url from my Google drive. I don't know if this will give you access to the file or not. I can also email the .ai file to you.

If it is relatively simple for you to test the objects for symmetry in the sim, that will help me determine which ones still need work. Thanks!

card-icons_butterfly card-icons_circle card-icons_feet card-icons_flask card-icons_person card-icons_planet card-icons_rectangle card-icons_snowflack card-icons_star card-icons_sun card-icons_triangle

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom I forgot to note that the original artwork is still in the .ai file on a single artboard. The new artwork is to the right of this, and each object is on a separate artboard.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Thanks @clmccutchan. But those PNG files that you've attached are nowhere near the sizes of the PNG files that I've been using (found here: The images that you've provided are much smaller, and scaling them up in the sim would look awful. I can access the .ai file on Google Drive, but I'd prefer not to attempt to export the PNG files from Illustrator myself.

amanda-phet commented 7 years ago

I plan to take care of this. @pixelzoom I will email you.

I can directly add these to github but will want the old images in case something goes wrong.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

All versions of old images are saved in GitHub. If/when you add the revised images to GitHub, reference this issue in your commit message, and also commit the revised file.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom @amanda-phet The objects can be exported as pngs from the .ai file at a much large size than those I provided. I didn't have specifications on the size needed for the pngs.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom @amanda-phet I've attached the next iteration of the pngs. These should (fingers crossed) all be symmetrical. The widest dimension on each png is 120 px. I can alter that if need be.

card-icons_butterfly card-icons_cherries card-icons_circle card-icons_feet card-icons_flask card-icons_person card-icons_planet card-icons_rectangle card-icons_snowflake card-icons_star card-icons_sun card-icons_triangle

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@clmccutchan Perhaps @amanda-phet hasn't communicated this to you.... After adjusting symmetry and using even numbers for width and height, we need the dimensions of the PNG files to be in the same ballpark as the current images. Some of these PNG files have dimensions that are very different. For example butterfly.png was 153x93, the new version is 120x84, so the new image will appear to be 22% smaller in the sim. The current images (and their dimensions) can be found at

@amanda-phet I'm also confused about how we're proceeding here. In you indicated that you were going to take care of this and add the new files to github.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

By the way... I spot checked a few of the above PNG images, and they behaved as desired with "Flip Canvas Horizontal" and "Flip Canvas Vertical" in Photoshop. So nice job @clmccutchan! Looks like all we have to do is get the PNG dimensions sorted out.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom @amanda-phet Amanda was going to take care of exporting pngs, but it proved to be more complicated than just simply exporting from Illustrator. To get them symmetrical, I had to export them at a large size from Illustrator and then crop them very precisely in Photoshop. I could then adjust the image size as necessary.

Amanda had specified in an email to me that you needed the images in an even number of pixels. The two I checked in the original file are not an even number of pixels. Would you like an even number of pixels on each image (though, this doesn't work for the snowflake) OR would you like them to match the dimensions of the original files?

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@clmccutchan asked:

Would you like an even number of pixels on each image (though, this doesn't work for the snowflake) OR would you like them to match the dimensions of the original files?

From (emphasis added):

After adjusting symmetry and using even numbers for width and height, we need the dimensions of the PNG files to be in the same ballpark as the current images.

@amanda-phet It was my understanding (based on our Skype chat) that you were going to specify the new dimensions. Here's our Skype chat, so that @clmccutchan is in the loop:

[5/15/17, 11:30:35 AM] Amanda McGarry: regarding the function builder images [5/15/17, 11:30:49 AM] Amanda McGarry: I can export at any size, and the issue really was about the size... [5/15/17, 11:31:14 AM] Amanda McGarry: The .ai file Cheryl gave me has the images slightly larger than the original [5/15/17, 11:33:09 AM] Amanda McGarry: so how many pixels are appropriate for these images [5/15/17, 11:33:26 AM] Amanda McGarry: the current beaker is 93x123 [5/15/17, 11:33:28 AM] Chris Malley: it shouldn't matter what size they are in the .ai file, that's the point of vector graphics. [5/15/17, 11:33:36 AM] Amanda McGarry: I mean the exported images [5/15/17, 11:34:16 AM] Chris Malley:the current beaker.png is 93x123. the revised one can be anything close to that with even dimensions. [5/15/17, 11:34:24 AM] Amanda McGarry: ok, anything close, that is helpful thank you [5/15/17, 11:34:34 AM] Amanda McGarry: sometimes I’m told not to make it too large [5/15/17, 11:34:39 AM] Amanda McGarry: sometimes an exact size [5/15/17, 11:35:14 AM] Chris Malley: in this case, we're trying to correct the symmetry issue, so will necessarily need to change the size of make both dimensions even (where relevant). [5/15/17, 11:35:25 AM] Amanda McGarry: correct [5/15/17, 11:35:56 AM] Amanda McGarry: ok thanks, I’ll try to do this, or ask Cheryl to export the images for me [5/15/17, 11:36:10 AM] Chris Malley: up to you whether you want to increase or decrease the size relative to the current PNG files. if you decrease the new files, they will decrease in the sim. Similarly for increase.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Perhaps it will be easier all around if I specify the desired dimensions, and @clmccutchan creates the PNG files? Stand by, I'll specify the dimensions in my next comment.

amanda-phet commented 7 years ago

Sorry for all of the confusion... since the beaker had a dimension of 123 px I figured 120-130 was a good range for the largest dimension, so I told Cheryl that was a good size. How wide are the cards?

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Cards are 70x70. PNG files are oversized so that quality is consistent across all supported platforms. When imported into the sim, the PNG files have a default scale of 0.4, which can be adjusted to optimize how the image looks. But none of that really matters for creating the PNG files. What matters is that the revised PNG files need to have even dimensions that are in the same ballpark as the old PNG files.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@clmccutchan Here are the desired dimensions for the PNG files. In all cases, I have simply added 1 to any odd dimension.

PNG file old dimensions desired dimensions
beaker.png 93 x 123 94 x 124
butterfly-hires.png 499 x 344 500 x 344
butterfly.png 135 x 93 136 x 94
cherries.png 93 x 117 94 x 118
circle.png 105 x 108 106 x 108
feet.png 120 x 108 120 x 108 (no change)
planet.png 99 x 162 100 x 162
rectangle.png 108 x 63 108 x 64
snowflake.png 111 x 129 112 x 130
star.png 125 x 122 126 x 122
stickFigure.png 87 x 138 88 x 138
sun.png 111 x 111 112 x 112
triangle.png 125 x 125 126 x 126


(1) Since some of the artwork has changed, it may not possible to meet the "desired dimensions" exactly. It's totally OK to increase/decrease one of the dimensions by a few pixels in order to maintain the aspect ratio.

(2) Please use the file names shown above for the PNG files.

(3) Please email the PNG files and .ai file to me.

Thanks, and let me know if you have any questions.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom Will the snowflake need to rotate 60º to show symmetry with rotation? If so, I will need to keep the dimensions at 118 x 130. If not, I can squish a bit to achieve 112 x130.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@clmccutchan yes, the snowflake needs to show symmetry across both horizontal and vertical axes. 118 x 130 will work just fine.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@amanda-phet @pixelzoom At 118 x 130, you can also rotate the snowflake 60º.

I'm going to email you two the final pngs and .ai file.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Thanks @clmccutchan, good to know, even thought we won't be rotating 60º. The relevant functions in the sim are mirror (reflection about x or y axis), rotate 90º, rotate 180º.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Revised artwork received from @clmccutchan via email, along with this note:

Attached are the symmetrical .png card icons and the .ai file. Note that some of the objects are not perfectly aligned on the artboards (Illustrator just won't align some images. Stupid Illustrator) so that when the pngs are exported there is a little more space on one side than the other. You can simply export some art from Illustrator and have a perfect symmetrical png. The solution is to pull them into Photoshop and crop then until they're symmetrical. Totally fun!

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

I've verified the revised artwork and checked it into GitHub. It looks great, and resolves both this issue and Nicely done @clmccutchan!

I did notice one difference in the artwork for the basic shapes (rectangle, circle, triangle, star) that I believe may be significant. They have a noticeably reduced stroke width, and (to my eye) don't look as good - especially after put through some functions. Below is a screenshot that compares the old images (on left) to the revised images. You can also compare in these versions:

old images: 1.0.6 revised images: 1.1.0-dev.3

@clmccutchan was there a reason for reducing the stroke width on these images?

@amanda-phet do you think this is significant?


clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom Thanks! It was a little more involved than I suspected.

The outline stroke is smaller in the new images because of the image reduction in Photoshop. I can export these four objects from Illustrator with a wider outline stroke so that the reduction in Photoshop will leave a wider stroke.

Let me know what you think, @amanda-phet.

amanda-phet commented 7 years ago

I agree they don't look as good with the thin stroke. It's is pretty pixelated. It doesn't need to exactly match the original but would be good to have it a bit thicker. Sorry Cheryl!

From: clmccutchan Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2017 12:53:40 PM To: phetsims/function-builder Cc: Amanda McGarry; Mention Subject: Re: [phetsims/function-builder] symmetry problems with card images (#109)

@pixelzoom Thanks! It was a little more involved than I suspected.

The outline stroke is smaller in the new images because of the image reduction in Photoshop. I can export these four objects from Illustrator with a wider outline stroke so that the reduction in Photoshop will leave a wider stroke.

Let me know what you think, @amanda-phet

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amanda-phet commented 7 years ago

I've been playing with it a bit and am not actually bothered by the thin stroke in practice. The screenshots above show it much more zoomed in than on my actual screen, and maybe it's because I'm on a retina but it doesn't look bad to me. @pixelzoom would some displays make this situation worse than others?

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Everything looks better on retina :) Borrow one of the non-retina PhET test devices to evaluate.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@amanda-phet said:

The screenshots above show it much more zoomed in than on my actual screen,

The screenshots above show it just about identical in size and quality as what I see on my 2560 x 1440 Apple LED Cinema Display. And I suspect it looks pretty similar on my 17" 2009 MacBook Pro. (Neither display is retina.)

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

@amanda-phet What is your decision? I'm running out of time to complete this before my vacation.

amanda-phet commented 7 years ago

I planned to look at it on an iPad today but with meetings being remote today it slipped my mind. Let's make the stroke thicker to better match the originals. @clmccutchan are you able to get to this this week?

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@amanda-phet @pixelzoom Sure thing. Chris, when do you absolutely need these by?

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

We've missed the deadline. I won't be able to do anything else on this sim until June 5 at the earliest.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Actually... If I have the revised images (and before noon on Friday 5/19, I may be able to squeeze in integration of those images, then get the sim into QA before I go on vacation. Then (hopefully) QA would be completed by the time I get back, and we can publish before the June conference deadline. Otherwise, QA won't start until sometime the week of June 5.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom I emailed the four modified pngs with the thicker stroke to you.

amanda-phet commented 7 years ago

Thanks @clmccutchan , they look great.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Thanks @clmccutchan. I integrated the revised images, and they look great in the sim. We can now move forward with the next phase to RC testing.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom Awesome! Glad we could get that done before your vacation.

phet-steele commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom, ?C > shrink > ?C still has a slight issue with the new artwork:

An example where the planet and flask images are slightly bad

screen shot 2017-05-19 at 11 26 57 am
pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Ah yes. I'll also need to constrain Shrink function to even dimensions.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Fix for Shrink pushed to master, @phet-steele please verify.

phet-steele commented 7 years ago

@pixelzoom, symmetrical cards don't budge. Thanks @clmccutchan!

phet-steele commented 7 years ago

Fix for Shrink pushed to master, @phet-steele please verify.

Verified fixed.

clmccutchan commented 7 years ago

@phet-steele That's awesome! Glad I could work out the issue.

pixelzoom commented 7 years ago

Okey dokey, closing this one. Thanks everyone.