phetsims / greenhouse-effect

"Greenhouse Effect" is an educational simulation in HTML5, by PhET Interactive Simulations.
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Create a soundscape for the observation window #36

Closed jbphet closed 2 years ago

jbphet commented 3 years ago

The sound design team has been talking about creating a "soundscape" with multiple layers of sounds to portray/compliment the things that happen in the observation windows on the waves and photons screens (we'll worry about the layers screen later). This issue is where we will track the requirements and ideas.

jbphet commented 3 years ago

The things that we want to add sound for are:

jbphet commented 3 years ago

@Ashton-Morris demoed some pretty cool demos at this week's sound design meeting, so it's probably time to start trying to put some sounds into the sim. Can I get the background drone, wave emission, and wave reflection sounds from the demo?

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

Here are some base sounds to start with.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

Also, @emily-phet wanted me to export a short mockup video I showed the team of the photons screen. Here it is.

emily-phet commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Ashton-Morris !

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

During yesterdays meeting I showed a mockup of how the audio for the temperature would work. We decided that it was a good starting direction and that we should attempt to replicate it in sim. Here's how the audio functioned in the mockup:

We have 3-4 audio files that fade into one another. Starting from low temperature all the way up to the highest temperature, this works by using a crossfade between files and having that be modulated by the temperature. The audio files will be a single note ambiance each being the same note.

Emily suggested to have a 4th ambient file noting the temperature zone that human life flourishes comfortably, this will be a slightly positive sounding ambient sound.

At the end of that signal chain we will have a filter where the cutoff frequency follows and is modulated by the temperature. We decided to test it with a Bandpass filter and a Lowpass Filter in the sim.

This is an rough example of how it looks in my software.

Screen Shot 2021-06-16 at 9 51 00 AM

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

I am adding 4 ambiences to try when @jbphet get's the time to start testing our temperature concept.

jbphet commented 3 years ago

This was discussed in the 6/29/2021 meeting, and the next step is to try integrating all of these sounds and cross fading between them at the various temperature values, something like the diagram above. We'll try the filter idea after that.

@Ashton-Morris - Can I get mp3 versions of these sounds? I'm a little concerned about how much size this will add to the sim with 4 uncompressed loops.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

Sure I have added the files here.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

We reviewed the progress that JB made this past week and we were all impressed. He added all of the ambiences in the above comment and added the fades between them.

Overall the fades and transitions and transition time when going through temperature changes sounded very cohesive and pleasant. The notes on what could be improved and what to do next are:

Todo Ashton


Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

Adding these assets now.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

In todays meeting we mixed and matched a few of the above ambiences to create a nice blend.

// favorite set from the 7/13/2021 sound design meeting (was a mix-and-match sort of thing)

JB showed a few pieces of music with nice ambiences in the background and we decided to create another set with those as inspiration. The new set would have a chord or multiple notes in the ambience to give it a little more movement and a lot less ear fatigue.

AM Will work on creating that new set of ambiences next for next week.

JB Will continue working on adding the wave emission and reflection sounds so we can hear them in context with the ambiences.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

I added these sounds which I had intended to upload in the above comment.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

I created 4 harmonious ambiences for us to test out. They all have the same base note and differing secondary notes.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

@emily-phet Here is an example of how the above Harmonious Ambiences would sound with random IR sounds in the pentatonic scale playing also.

The white line going across the screen is the temperature.

emily-phet commented 3 years ago

@Ashton-Morris I like the basic feel of it!

Our upcoming meeting this week will probably be a good time to talk through and check-in on our current mappings between sounds and photon / wave events, so these ideas mesh with the latest understanding of everyone, and we're all on the same page.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

@jbphet Here are the harmonious ambiences with a type of rhythm to them for you to test out.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

I have come cool mockups to show in tomorrows meeting but I will post them here as well so they can be heard outside of your meeting.


These have the the same sounds as the continuous one but they are short and not continuous. One has the ambient temperature sound that we worked on with some blips that go along with the temperature and one has it without the blips.

@emily-phet take a listen!

jbphet commented 3 years ago

Some early interviews were done on the soundscape, specifically the ambient-ish sound that represents temperature, see We discussed the outcome of these interviews in the 8/3/2021 sound design meeting, and decided that we'd like to pursue something that was possibly a more overt sonic representation of the temperature. Here are some things that we

We will start this process using the loops that we already have and are using for the cross-fade examples.

@Ashton-Morris will mock these up before we try to put any of them into code.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

During yesterdays meeting I had the time to create some of these mockups and go through them with the team. We found some directions that might work and found out which directions probably wouldn't work.

We decided that @jbphet would try 3 approaches.

  1. The temperature is tied to a low pass filter cutoff frequency
  2. The temperature is tied to a band pass filter cutoff frequency
  3. The temperature is tied to a the playback rate of the ambience making it go up and down in pitch as the temperature changes

Here is the 4 octave ambience audio file for 1 and 2. greenhouse-effect-temperature-base-ambience-4-octaves.mp3

And I think you should use this file for 3. greenhouse-temperature-rising-with-base-note-low.mp3

Additionally I decided to mockup all of the variations incase we need to re-review them or reference them. @emily-phet if you're interested. Individual mockups can be found below or a zip file with all mockups can be downloaded here.

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

During our August 17th Sonification Meeting Emily and I thought it would be best to try this approach for the IR ReEmission in sim.

@jbphet Please view this mockup greenhouse-effect-waves-ir-reemission-and-temperature-mockup In the above video the sound plays each time the IR ReEmission occurs in the air. In the background we have the Temperature ambience with a Low Pass Filter.

jbphet commented 3 years ago

The first version of the IR re-emission sound was demonstrated in today's sound design meeting and, at least so far, we like it.

jbphet commented 3 years ago

The soundscape was turned off for an initial early delivery of this sim, but we want to be able to continue to refine it, so I've added a query parameter to turn it on. It is soundscape=true.

jbphet commented 3 years ago

I've added options to control the temperature sound and whether IR re-emission triggers a sound. The next step is to implement the sound generators that go with it and hook it all up.

jbphet commented 3 years ago

The sound generators have now been created and hooked up to the "Options" dialog.

@Ashton-Morris and @emily-phet - Please take this version for a test drive (link below) and log your thoughts on what works and what doesn't with respect to temperature and IR-reemission sounds. Keep in mind that we have a lot of flexibility here in terms of what loops and frequency ranges we use, as well as how they map to the temperature.

I think you'll enjoy trying this out. It's pretty cool.


Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

Wow these do sound cool!

These all came out well. My vote if for the one option 2: Low Pass Filter

Ashton-Morris commented 3 years ago

EM Said we should move forward with the Low Pass Filter option and work improving that when it comes to the Q.

jbphet commented 2 years ago

EM Said we should move forward with the Low Pass Filter option and work improving that when it comes to the Q.

We experimented with this a little during today's sound design meeting, but I'll make it easier and more definitive for the next meeting to that we can determine the value we want to commit to. We're mostly concentrating on the lowpass filter, but would like to try messing around with the Q on the bandpass as well.

Ashton-Morris commented 2 years ago

We decided today to try the Waves screen with continuous sounds for the IR coming up from the ground and the IR ReEmission. We also will try it with discrete sounds that play at the start of the loop and without. I am adding these files to be put in.

In total we will have three versions to compare (click to view mockup):

  1. Temperature + Discrete IR ReEmission sounds
  2. Temperature + Looping IR and IR ReEmission sounds
  3. Temperature + Looping and discrete IR and IR ReEmission sounds
jbphet commented 2 years ago

During today's sound design meeting, we clarified a few points about the experiment described in the previous comment:

The code for this is partially written, so I'll get it working with these points in mind and then will assign to the sound design team members for review.

jbphet commented 2 years ago

@emily-phet and @Ashton-Morris - I have the IR discrete sounds and loops working, please try them out in and record your thoughts here.

I played around with it for a bit, and found it very instructive to switch around what was on and off through the options dialog, but it definitely felt like too much when all of the sounds were on. I'll be interested to hear your take.

jbphet commented 2 years ago

The sound design team reviewed the latest version with the IR sound options in today's sound design meeting, and here are what we're thinking should be the next steps:

jbphet commented 2 years ago

We discussed the latest soundscape progress this week at the sound design meeting, and feel like this is progressing reasonably well. The next step is to turn down the temperature sounds a bit, then review the following configuration with the larger design team:


I'll request design time for this, since our usual weekly design meeting has been canceled while I'm focusing on the conversion to TypeScript.

jbphet commented 2 years ago

Another thing to discuss with the larger design team: If we keep the one-shot sound that signals the beginning of an IR-atmosphere interaction, should we force them to be staggered?

jbphet commented 2 years ago

@arouinfar, @kathy-phet, @Ashton-Morris and I just met to review the current implementation, and the conclusion was that with the settings shown in the comment just above the sound design is in a state where @arouinfar can start doing some interviews on it. I asked about whether to stagger the "IR interaction started sounds", and the feedback was that no, it's not really worth spending the time on it. We should do the interviews on what we have, get the other screens working, and then refine this based on what we learn.

The next steps are:

Assigning to @Ashton-Morris for the first item above.

Ashton-Morris commented 2 years ago

I couldn't get that sim to load from phettest. I had an unknown TypeError.

But from the last dev version and our last meeting I can recall thinking:

  1. Turn down the temperature sound 10%
  2. Turn up the IR Emission and Waves sounds 10%

I think those changes should suffice for the interviews.

jbphet commented 2 years ago

The soundscape has been in a state to support interviews on the "Waves" screen for a while, though I don't think they've happened. I think it's time to close this issue and do any other work, such as refinements to support other screens and modifications due to feedback from interviews, in other GitHub issues. Closing.