phetsims / joist

Joist is the main framework for PhET Interactive Simulations. Joist creates and displays the simulation content, home screen, navigation bar, About dialog, enables switching between tabs, and other framework-related features.
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Long term: Update query parameter error message after website work to elevate visibility of query parameter options #967

Open kathy-phet opened 1 month ago

kathy-phet commented 1 month ago

<!channel> - Following up on the discussion around the query parameter error dialog last week, in talking with JO, it will be costly to do something parameter specific, so I am leaning towards adding this generic text as an additional line under the current text for the error dialog:

"Find all query parameters in the Teacher Tips document for this simulation, available at the PhET website."

With Teacher Tips linked to (e.g.) And link would be disabled for disableLinks query parameter. The link would always land on the "en" version of tips, since we cannot guarantee other languages will be there. And the query parameters are in english no matter what.

NOTE: This would only be MRd as far back as it is relatively easy for JO to add it ... but with a goal for at least all of the Hydrogen versioned PhET-iO sims.

Sound OK? Is that a good general message?

Slack Message

kathy-phet commented 1 month ago

Conclusion: Deferred until we have a website solution for elevating visibility of query parameters.