phetsims / kite

A library for creating, manipulating and displaying 2D shapes in JavaScript.
MIT License
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Slow bounds intersection (or will crash) #90

Closed jonathanolson closed 2 years ago

jonathanolson commented 2 years ago


// this intersection takes a long time
const screenShape = new kite.Shape( 'M 172.00000000000000000000 39.00000000000000000000 L 172.00000000000000000000 -51.00000000000000000000 L 225.00000000000000000000 -83.00000000000000000000 L 225.00000000000000000000 72.00000000000000000000 L 172.00000000000000000000 39.00000000000000000000 Z ' );
const diskShape = new kite.Shape( 'M 201.27956700139799295357 -70.46480403958862837044 A 2.55913400279601432885 1.27956700139800716443 450 0 1 198.72043299860195020301 -70.46480403958862837044 A 2.55913400279601432885 1.27956700139800716443 450 0 1 201.27956700139799295357 -70.46480403958862837044 Z ' );
screenShape.shapeIntersection( diskShape ).toString();

// notably an example segment bounds intersection
const aSegment = new kite.EllipticalArc( new dot.Vector2( 199.99999999999997, -70.46480403958863 ), 2.5591340027960428, 1.2795670013980214, 7.853981633974483, -0.000012503268166819126, 1.5707963267948966, false );
const bSegment = new kite.EllipticalArc( new dot.Vector2( 199.99999999999997, -70.46480403958863 ), 2.5591340027960428, 1.2795670013980214, 7.853981633974483, -0.5863612898477928, -0.000012503268166819126, false );
kite.Segment.intersect( aSegment, bSegment );
jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

Looks like this creates ~21738100 BoundsIntersection instances, which probably takes up a good amount of memory.

jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

Snapshot comparison looks good, closing.