phetsims / paper-land

Build and explore multimodal web interactives with pieces of paper!
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Generated code errors should be caught by the board or Creator #179

Closed jessegreenberg closed 7 months ago

jessegreenberg commented 7 months ago

While working with @terracoda we encountered a code failure that occurred in the projector page. We had to go to that tab and open the dev tools to see it. Errors should be caught earlier. At the very least they should be reported to the user in the Board dev tools. Ideally there would be a lot of validation after the code is generated and before it is sent to the playground.

jessegreenberg commented 7 months ago

There are now syntax checks before the generated code is sent to the playground. I think this is what we need to catch these things.

There ARE try/catch sections when running the program code in the board so errors should be reported there as well. CLosing.