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Figure out why bf-tests/sound-board is not loading #237

Open jessegreenberg opened 3 weeks ago

jessegreenberg commented 3 weeks ago

It errors out when we try to load. Why?

jessegreenberg commented 3 weeks ago

Comonents are missing in the saved state in the database.

There is a component called 'objectBounds_Copy2' with dependencies

(10) ['position_Copy2', 'leftTopBounds_Copy1', 'centerTopBounds_Copy1', 'rightTopBounds_Copy1', 'leftCenterBounds_Copy1', 'centerBounds_Copy1', 'rightCenterBounds_Copy1', 'leftBottomBounds_Copy1', 'centerBottomBounds_Copy1', 'rightBottomBounds_Copy1']

But only position_Copy2 exists in the save state for this project in the database. The others are not in the JSON.

It is possible that this happened before was fixed (it even has the same error message) - This is only possible if sound-board project was last saved before November 21, 2023. @brettfiedler is that possible? If not, there may be another bug with how programs are saved.

The broken component was in a Program called "Grid Mapped Speech". Removing that program produces a loadable project. Ill put it here:

Restored Project ```json { "programs": [ { "number": 978, "title": "Grid Mapped Sound", "keywords": "", "description": "", "expanded": true, "topWhiskerLength": 0.2, "rightWhiskerLength": 0.2, "bottomWhiskerLength": 0.2, "leftWhiskerLength": 0.2, "positionProperty": { "x": 491.1453893771304, "y": 128.10045918524656 }, "modelContainer": { "namedBooleanProperties": [], "namedVector2Properties": [ { "name": "position", "propertyType": "Vector2Property", "defaultX": 0, "defaultY": 0 } ], "namedNumberProperties": [], "namedEnumerationProperties": [], "namedDerivedProperties": [ { "name": "objectBounds", "propertyType": "DerivedProperty", "dependencyNames": [ "position", "leftTopBounds", "centerTopBounds", "rightTopBounds", "leftCenterBounds", "centerBounds", "rightCenterBounds", "leftBottomBounds", "centerBottomBounds", "rightBottomBounds" ], "derivation": "if ( leftTopBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return leftTopBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( centerTopBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return centerTopBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( rightTopBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return rightTopBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( leftCenterBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return leftCenterBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( centerBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return centerBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( rightCenterBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return rightCenterBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( leftBottomBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return leftBottomBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( centerBottomBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return centerBottomBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( rightBottomBounds.containsPoint( position ) ) {\r\n return rightBottomBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse {\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\n" } ], "namedBounds2Properties": [], "namedObservableArrays": [], "namedArrayItems": [], "namedArrayItemReferences": [], "namedStringProperties": [] }, "controllerContainer": { "vector2PropertyControllers": [ { "name": "positionController", "controlledComponentName": "position", "controlType": "MATCH_CENTER", "controlTypeFamily": "" } ], "boundsPropertyControllers": [], "booleanPropertyControllers": [], "numberPropertyControllers": [], "enumerationPropertyControllers": [] }, "viewContainer": { "soundViews": [ { "name": "leftTopSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "position", "leftTopBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (leftTopBounds.containsPoint( position) ) {\r\n play();\r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "birdCall.mp3", "loop": false, "autoplay": false }, { "name": "centerTopSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "position", "centerTopBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (centerTopBounds.containsPoint( position)) {\r\n play();\r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "cricketsLoop.mp3", "loop": false, "autoplay": false }, { "name": "rightTopSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "position", "rightTopBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (rightTopBounds.containsPoint( position)) {\r\n play();\r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "loonCall.mp3", "loop": false, "autoplay": false }, { "name": "leftCenterSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "position", "leftCenterBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (leftCenterBounds.containsPoint( position)) {\r\n play();\r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "rhodesChord.mp3", "loop": false, "autoplay": false }, { "name": "centerSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "position", "centerBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (centerBounds.containsPoint(position)) {\r\n play();\r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "thunder.mp3", "loop": false, "autoplay": false }, { "name": "rightCenterSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "position", "rightCenterBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (rightCenterBounds.containsPoint( position)) {\r\n play();\r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "short-success.mp3", "loop": false, "autoplay": false } ], "descriptionViews": [], "textViews": [], "shapeViews": [ { "name": "objectView", "modelComponentNames": [ "position" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setCenterX( position.x );\r\nsetCenterY( position.y );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "circle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": "0.1", "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } } ], "backgroundViews": [], "imageViews": [] }, "listenerContainer": { "linkListeners": [], "animationListeners": [], "bluetoothListeners": [] }, "customCodeContainer": { "onProgramAddedCode": "", "onProgramRemovedCode": "", "onProgramChangedPositionCode": "", "onProgramMarkersAddedCode": "", "onProgramMarkersRemovedCode": "", "onProgramMarkersChangedPositionCode": "", "onProgramAdjacentCode": "", "onProgramSeparatedCode": "" } }, { "number": 971, "title": "Bounds (required)", "keywords": "", "description": "", "expanded": true, "topWhiskerLength": 0.2, "rightWhiskerLength": 0.2, "bottomWhiskerLength": 0.2, "leftWhiskerLength": 0.2, "positionProperty": { "x": 321.9042516986174, "y": 14.918676799144933 }, "modelContainer": { "namedBooleanProperties": [], "namedVector2Properties": [], "namedNumberProperties": [], "namedEnumerationProperties": [], "namedDerivedProperties": [], "namedBounds2Properties": [ { "name": "leftTopBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": 0, "defaultMinY": 0, "defaultMaxX": "0.33", "defaultMaxY": "0.33" }, { "name": "centerTopBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": "0.33", "defaultMinY": 0, "defaultMaxX": "0.66", "defaultMaxY": "0.33" }, { "name": "rightTopBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": "0.66", "defaultMinY": 0, "defaultMaxX": 1, "defaultMaxY": "0.33" }, { "name": "leftCenterBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": 0, "defaultMinY": "0.33", "defaultMaxX": "0.33", "defaultMaxY": "0.66" }, { "name": "centerBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": "0.33", "defaultMinY": "0.33", "defaultMaxX": "0.66", "defaultMaxY": "0.66" }, { "name": "rightCenterBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": "0.66", "defaultMinY": "0.33", "defaultMaxX": 1, "defaultMaxY": "0.66" }, { "name": "leftBottomBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": 0, "defaultMinY": "0.66", "defaultMaxX": "0.33", "defaultMaxY": 1 }, { "name": "centerBottomBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": "0.33", "defaultMinY": "0.66", "defaultMaxX": "0.66", "defaultMaxY": 1 }, { "name": "rightBottomBounds", "propertyType": "Bounds2Property", "defaultMinX": "0.66", "defaultMinY": "0.66", "defaultMaxX": 1, "defaultMaxY": 1 } ], "namedObservableArrays": [], "namedArrayItems": [], "namedArrayItemReferences": [], "namedStringProperties": [] }, "controllerContainer": { "vector2PropertyControllers": [], "boundsPropertyControllers": [], "booleanPropertyControllers": [], "numberPropertyControllers": [], "enumerationPropertyControllers": [] }, "viewContainer": { "soundViews": [], "descriptionViews": [], "textViews": [], "shapeViews": [ { "name": "leftTopView", "modelComponentNames": [ "leftTopBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( leftTopBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", 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"polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "rightTopView", "modelComponentNames": [ "rightTopBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( rightTopBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "leftCenterView", "modelComponentNames": [ "leftCenterBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( leftCenterBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "centerView", "modelComponentNames": [ "centerBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( centerBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(128, 0, 128, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "rightCenterView", "modelComponentNames": [ "rightCenterBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( rightCenterBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(255, 165, 0, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "leftBottomView", "modelComponentNames": [ "leftBottomBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( leftBottomBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(255, 192, 203, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "centerBottomView", "modelComponentNames": [ "centerBottomBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( centerBottomBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(165, 42, 42, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } }, { "name": "rightBottomView", "modelComponentNames": [ "rightBottomBounds" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setRectBounds( rightBottomBounds );\r\nsetFill( 'rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5)' );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "rectangle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": 0.5, "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } } ], "backgroundViews": [], "imageViews": [] }, "listenerContainer": { "linkListeners": [], "animationListeners": [], "bluetoothListeners": [] }, "customCodeContainer": { "onProgramAddedCode": "", "onProgramRemovedCode": "", "onProgramChangedPositionCode": "", "onProgramMarkersAddedCode": "", "onProgramMarkersRemovedCode": "", "onProgramMarkersChangedPositionCode": "", "onProgramAdjacentCode": "", "onProgramSeparatedCode": "" } }, { "number": 1586, "title": "Grid Mapped Volume", "keywords": "", "description": "", "expanded": false, "topWhiskerLength": 0.2, "rightWhiskerLength": 0.2, "bottomWhiskerLength": 0.2, "leftWhiskerLength": 0.2, "positionProperty": { "x": 143.3943977226401, "y": 283.9854541811713 }, "modelContainer": { "namedBooleanProperties": [], "namedVector2Properties": [ { "name": "position_Copy1", "propertyType": "Vector2Property", "defaultX": 0, "defaultY": 0 } ], "namedNumberProperties": [], "namedEnumerationProperties": [], "namedDerivedProperties": [ { "name": "objectBounds_Copy1", "propertyType": "DerivedProperty", "dependencyNames": [ "position_Copy1", "leftTopBounds", "centerTopBounds", "rightTopBounds", "leftCenterBounds", "centerBounds", "rightCenterBounds", "leftBottomBounds", "centerBottomBounds", "rightBottomBounds" ], "derivation": "if ( leftTopBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return leftTopBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( centerTopBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return centerTopBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( rightTopBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return rightTopBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( leftCenterBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return leftCenterBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( centerBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return centerBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( rightCenterBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return rightCenterBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( leftBottomBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return leftBottomBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( centerBottomBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return centerBottomBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse if ( rightBottomBounds.containsPoint( position_Copy1 ) ) {\r\n return rightBottomBounds;\r\n}\r\nelse {\r\n return null;\r\n}\r\n" } ], "namedBounds2Properties": [], "namedObservableArrays": [], "namedArrayItems": [], "namedArrayItemReferences": [], "namedStringProperties": [] }, "controllerContainer": { "vector2PropertyControllers": [ { "name": "positionController_Copy1", "controlledComponentName": "position_Copy1", "controlType": "MATCH_CENTER", "controlTypeFamily": "" } ], "boundsPropertyControllers": [], "booleanPropertyControllers": [], "numberPropertyControllers": [], "enumerationPropertyControllers": [] }, "viewContainer": { "soundViews": [ { "name": "objectSound", "modelComponentNames": [ "leftTopBounds", "centerTopBounds", "rightTopBounds", "leftCenterBounds", "centerBounds", "rightCenterBounds", "leftBottomBounds", "centerBottomBounds", "rightBottomBounds", "position_Copy1" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "if (leftTopBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (centerTopBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.1);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (rightTopBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.2);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (leftCenterBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.3);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (centerBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.4);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (rightCenterBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.5);\r\n play(); \r\n}\r\nelse if (leftBottomBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.6);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (centerBottomBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.7);\r\n play();\r\n}\r\nelse if (rightBottomBounds.containsPoint(position_Copy1)) {\r\n setPlaybackRate(1);\r\n setOutputLevel(0.8);\r\n play(); \r\n}", "lazyLink": false, "soundFileName": "trill1.wav", "loop": false, "autoplay": false } ], "descriptionViews": [], "textViews": [], "shapeViews": [ { "name": "objectView_Copy1", "modelComponentNames": [ "position_Copy1" ], "referenceComponentNames": [], "controlFunctionString": "setCenterX( position_Copy1.x );\r\nsetCenterY( position_Copy1.y );", "lazyLink": false, "defaultViewOptions": { "centerX": "", "centerY": "", "scale": 1, "rotation": 0, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "viewUnits": "model" }, "defaultShapeOptions": { "shapeType": "circle", "fill": "lightblue", "stroke": "red", "lineWidth": 1, "rectWidth": 0.5, "rectHeight": 0.5, "circleRadius": "0.1", "ellipseRadiusX": 0.3, "ellipseRadiusY": 0.15, "lineStartX": 0, "lineStartY": 0, "lineEndX": 0.3, "lineEndY": 0.3, "triangleBaseWidth": 0.1, "triangleHeight": 0.3, "polygonPoints": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0 ], [ 0.1, 0.1 ], [ 0, 0.1 ] ] } } ], "backgroundViews": [], "imageViews": [] }, "listenerContainer": { "linkListeners": [], "animationListeners": [], "bluetoothListeners": [] }, "customCodeContainer": { "onProgramAddedCode": "", "onProgramRemovedCode": "", "onProgramChangedPositionCode": "", "onProgramMarkersAddedCode": "", "onProgramMarkersRemovedCode": "", "onProgramMarkersChangedPositionCode": "", "onProgramAdjacentCode": "", "onProgramSeparatedCode": "" } } ] } ```

Making copies of "Grid Mapped Sound" program works well with save and load. I also tried with and without reference components.

Sorry @brettfiedler, I think the description program is lost. But hopefully this restored project makes it easier to recreate.