phetsims / paper-land

Build and explore multimodal web interactives with pieces of paper!
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Investigating interface needs for the papyrus tool #25

Closed brettfiedler closed 11 months ago

brettfiedler commented 1 year ago

Currently, we have four required tabs to use the tool. The camera, the projector, the editor (opened from camera), and the new board.html. We would like to identify the necessary features for papyrus and investigate how to combine or modify the existing interface to make using the tool more efficient (and aesthetic if possible).

Creating this as a broad issue to propose, discuss, and commit against.

@jbphet already took a step by modifying index.html to contain links of the needed HTML pages (

brettfiedler commented 1 year ago

Made a small commit to remove the yellow banner on camera.html (from cameraMain.js) and added some attribution to our new index.html for Paper Programs and Dynamicland.

brettfiedler commented 1 year ago

Open questions:

Ideas to implement

brettfiedler commented 1 year ago

Outline of Desired Tool Components (rough draft, incomplete)

brettfiedler commented 1 year ago

Calling designers here to list/ideate needs of the interface. At the moment, I am creating a list above of what each "piece" would need, but don't feel like you need to approach it from that level of detail/hierarchy.

!!! Add any feature/interface need would help you use the tool for any exciting example use case for you.

terracoda commented 1 year ago

I need more details on the landing page, like what each link is for? Maybe a list of icons after each, or just some words.

I would like to know what I am supposed to do on (if anything) on each link. It seems there would be very different strategies depending on whether you are working remotely or on a table top with actual papers.

brettfiedler commented 1 year ago

Sounds great, @terracoda. I actually want to flesh out that landing page quite a bit to be more informational in ways that will echo a lot of the information we'd provide in a webpage about the tool as well as in the

If this is a pressing need at this moment, then we can go ahead and create a rough version with that information tacked on. Otherwise, I'll factor that into the information for that page when I'm able to visit it.

Edit: made a really quick rough edit. Will clean up and prettify later.

brettfiedler commented 11 months ago

This issue is too general. Many other issues for interface exist. We did note that we are trying to keep the interface relatively condensed (~2 windows) to avoid requiring multiple monitors to comfortably use. This resulted in an editor div in camera.html