phetsims / paper-land

Build and explore multimodal web interactives with pieces of paper!
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Add tooltips across buttons in interface to help tutorialize use #270

Open brettfiedler opened 2 weeks ago

brettfiedler commented 2 weeks ago

Can use the Tooltip from react-bootstrap/Tooltip to use OverlayTrigger on buttons.

CameraMain.js for example

<OverlayTrigger placement='left' overlay={<Tooltip id='tooltip'>Click to toggle the sidebar</Tooltip>}>
  onClick={() => this.setState({ sidebarOpen: !this.state.sidebarOpen })}
  {this.state.sidebarOpen ? '☰ Close Sidebar' : '☰ Open Sidebar'}

Will work on adding this to other buttons across the interface.

brettfiedler commented 2 weeks ago
