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git credentials for phet-admin are stuck #237

Closed mattpen closed 3 years ago

mattpen commented 3 years ago

The git credentials for phet-admin are stuck in storage and aren't clearable by normal means. The credentials that are stored are using a basic password, so all git operations in private repos are failing. This is causing all production, rc, and translation builds to fail.

I've used the normal method (i.e. git credential-cache exit) to clear the credentials for my user (mape5853) on phet-server succesfully, and I've used this method to clear the credentials for phet-admin on bayes successfully, but phet-admin on phet-server is stubbornly refusing to prompt for a new username/password.

Things I've tried include: git credential-cache exit git config --global --unset credential.helper (and with --system, --local, etc) git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout 1' (credential cache timeout should be 1 second) git config --global credential.helper '' (there should be no credential helper ... git should prompt every operation!)

git credential reject

I've tried updating git from 1.8 to 2.9 and get the same results. I've tried cloning repos in different directories (such as ~/ and /tmp) but no luck.

Error message:

phet-admin@phet-server:/data/share/phet/phet-repos/studio$ git pull
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
remote: Please see for more information.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403

@jonathanolson or @markmorlino - can you think of anything else to try here? I'm grasping at straws. I'm considering a power cycle, but I really hope that isn't needed!

markmorlino commented 3 years ago

I heard about this change but mostly deal with Github enterprise so I haven't had to fix issues related to it yet. I would try renaming the /home/phet-admin/.git-credentials file as a first step and seeing if it will let you add new credentials after that is gone

mattpen commented 3 years ago

@markmorlino - we use the credential helper cache instead of the credential store, so /home/phet-admin/.git-credentials doesn't exist.

markmorlino commented 3 years ago
[phet-admin@bayes ~]$ pwd
[phet-admin@bayes ~]$ ls -l .git-credential*
-rw-------. 1 phet-admin phet 43 Mar  5  2019 .git-credentials

total 0
srwxrwxr-x. 1 phet-admin phet 0 Aug 13 15:17 socket
mattpen commented 3 years ago

@markmorlino - bayes is working fine, the problem is on phet-server.

phet-admin@phet-server:~$ ls -l .git*
-rw-rw-r--. 1 phet-admin phet 41 Aug 13 16:44 .gitconfig
mattpen commented 3 years ago

@markmorlino - I tried using the credential store, but still no luck:

phet-admin@phet-server:/data/share/phet/phet-repos/studio$ git config --global credential.helper store
phet-admin@phet-server:/data/share/phet/phet-repos/studio$ git pull
remote: Support for password authentication was removed on August 13, 2021. Please use a personal access token instead.
remote: Please see for more information.
fatal: unable to access '': The requested URL returned error: 403
phet-admin@phet-server:/data/share/phet/phet-repos/studio$ cd -
phet-admin@phet-server:~$ ls -l .git*
-rw-rw-r--. 1 phet-admin phet 29 Aug 13 17:28 .gitconfig
markmorlino commented 3 years ago

I'm at a loss to explain what is going on with this

jonathanolson commented 3 years ago

I strace'ed it (strace -f -e trace=open git pull), saw:

[pid 23794] open("/home/phet-admin/.netrc", O_RDONLY) = 8

This included a developer's username/password. I removed the file, and it's now prompting for a username.

Presumably this should be sufficient to get the token approach working now?

kathy-phet commented 3 years ago

Thanks for helping here, @jonathanolson. Sounds promising!

mattpen commented 3 years ago

I used the "website-meteor" PAT from the credentials spreadsheet in a git pull as phet-admin and it worked succesfully. Subsequent git pull's in other private repos worked as expected and did not prompt for credentials. It looks like this is solved --- thanks @jonathanolson!!!

I also reenabled rosetta and tested a translation of chains successfully.