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Consider developing more in branches #222

Open jessegreenberg opened 2 months ago

jessegreenberg commented 2 months ago

We would like to consider working on feature branches instead of doing all development on the main branch. We are planning on a brainstorm discussion for this. This issue is to document thoughts about what this process change would entail.

To get started, here are some benefits of working in feature branches:

Here are some potential drawbacks of working in feature branches:

Here are some questions that need to be answered.

zepumph commented 2 months ago

@samreid and I are very excited for our discussion tomorrow! Here are some notes from a discussion we had today about branches. One central question we had was "What would it look like if we wanted to move Buoyancy development to a branch today."

Some more discussion questions:

  1. Feature branches for each individual, or one per sim, and then a single checkout for most common code.
  2. "main is stable" now, vs. "main is just as unstable, but it always passes git hooks"
  3. What if we have a new branch for all repos called "unstable". Then we do everything we current do off of that. Maybe sim branches still branch off of main though?
  4. Noting that there will always will be conflicts and disruptions between different projects, but the goal is that we get to decide when to handle them (not if).
  5. Use of git cherry -v was very helpful for releasing Projectile Data Lab in RC. git cherry -v 1.0 main. MK uses Webstorm (git->branches->repo->branch->"Compare with OTHER_BRANCH")
  6. Policy adjustment about the overhead behind branches (github issues to match). Instead use a different convention, or improve tooling to handle this. Ideas: single issue for all branches, name the branch for a github issue, special branch name schema ("feature/upgrade-typescript-5.4/chipper-1432"), committed in the branch, etc.

Notes on how to do testing:

brent-phet commented 2 months ago

FYI - I am interested in the github issue <-> branch relation. I've used it in the past to understand the status of an issue by following the link to the branch and comparing it to main (in our case). This is also helpful for compiling release notes depending on the relation between issues/branches and releases.

  1. Policy adjustment about the overhead behind branches (github issues to match). Instead use a different convention, or improve tooling to handle this. Ideas: single issue for all branches, name the branch for a github issue, special branch name schema ("feature/upgrade-typescript-5.4/chipper-1432"), committed in the branch, etc.
brent-phet commented 2 months ago

Also a question: since we are discussing feature branches here, does that mean discussion on other branches (hotfix/bug/qa/release) would be follow-on conversations?

marlitas commented 2 months ago

I did some googling as @pixelzoom recommended in slack and found some really useful resources.

marlitas commented 1 month ago

5/7 Meeting Summary:

The meeting focused on discussing branching strategies for development within the PhET project. The team brainstormed ideas, identified concerns, and planned for subteams to start using branches in some form. Here are the key points discussed:

Github flow vs. Trunk:

Benefits of Branches:

Concerns and Questions:

Proposed Solutions and Ideas:

Action Items:

Overall, the team emphasized the importance of keeping branches short-lived and discussed transitioning from commit-based concerns to merge-based concerns in development processes. Further meetings were planned to address specific concerns and finalize branching strategies.

samreid commented 1 month ago

Some notes to jog my memory for Thursday's conversation:

Prefer short-lived branches

On Wednesday I asked @marlitas about long vs short-lived branches. @marlitas referred to this section which says:

The short-lived feature branch should only last a day or two and never diverge from the trunk enough so that a merge back is problematic. After the seal of approval from code reviewers and CI daemons, it should be merged back into the trunk. It should be deleted, as proof of convergence. The developer in question may then go ahead and make the next short-lived feature branch for the next story/task they’re doing.

Thanks for helping me understand that better, that makes perfect sense.

This also overlaps with a proposal @zepumph described (if I understood correctly), where there would be a long-running "development" branch. If I understand correctly, that proposal shares commonalities with the Gitflow workflow described here, where most work is done in the "develop" branch and merged to main at checkpoints: However, that section is guarded with the caveat:

Gitflow is a legacy Git workflow that was originally a disruptive and novel strategy for managing Git branches. Gitflow has fallen in popularity in favor of trunk-based workflows, which are now considered best practices for modern continuous software development and DevOps practices. Gitflow also can be challenging to use with CI/CD. This post details Gitflow for historical purposes.

Therefore, it seems that the feature branches proposal described in is the most promising.

Main is stable

The main theme of our discussion has been to increase the stability of the main branch, by pushing higher-quality less-frequent changes to main. I believe this is related to the problem we worked on in CT being green is not a sufficient condition to main being stable, but it is a necessary condition. I don't know of any of our tests that are overly sensitive (like an assertion or failure that is "ok"). Our team is kind of using main as a way to invoke testing on CT. Like "things are working well in my working copy, let's see what CT says about it". But in order to do that, we have to push to main, thus destabilizing main. Maybe one way to describe the instability of main right now is: if common code has received one push that hasn't yielded a solid green column, main is unstable. So we will need a way to better test things before they get to main. Maybe the gitflow "develop" branch was supposed to be one way of doing that? But I think we should look for other ways.

samreid commented 1 month ago

I used a short-lived feature branch for the development of and it went very well. A brief summary of my process:

  1. create the branch. Notify my subteam. I used the branch name focus-order/density-buoyancy-common/121
  2. commit + push to the remote branch as I go. Type check, lint, test as needed. Pushed 12 commits over the course of a few hours. No worries about failing CT, CTQ, or disrupting another simulation, or disrupting others working in the same simulation.
  3. run the precommit hooks once
  4. merge to main + push
  5. delete the branch (locally and remote)

I could have also left the changes in the branch for the code review. I was also surprised there was no evidence of the deleted branch afterwards.

This was a straightforward process and worked well for this "hello world" ultra-simplistic use case.

samreid commented 1 month ago

Brainstorming one more "stepping stone" idea before we work out our long-term solution. We could develop a notion of "unstable" on CT. For instance, if code has been pushed to main that has not yet yielded a solid green column, then we would consider main "unstable". In that case, team members would be warned to "pull at your own risk". Once new code has been pushed to CT and has yielded a green column or two, then we could consider it pullable. Of course it would be nice to supplement this with other testing (more thorough than precommit hooks) so code can already be stable by the time it lands on main. Just an idea.

zepumph commented 1 month ago

Last week we decided to try a branch naming schema like: feature-name/issue-repo/issue-number.

Today @samreid @AgustinVallejo and I found that our currently decided on branch naming (with path slashes) looks awkward in the git branches dialog of Webstorm. It creates directory structure that results in more key presses. And it results in feeling like you are checking out a branch named as just the issue number.


Instead we recommend changing this to feature-name_issue-repo_issue-number

pixelzoom commented 1 month ago

Instead we recommend changing this to feature-name_issue-repo_issue-number

That general form hurts my brain.

It's almost the same thing, but how about featureName_issueRepo_issueNumber. Require camelcase for featureName, and ban separators (especially '_') in featureName. Bonus point for verifying that issueNumber is actually a positive integer.

For example:


samreid commented 1 month ago

The recommendation above has inconsistencies and it is unclear what is meant. "how about" has "_" but the example has "/". The how about has issueRepo as camel case but in the example, it is hyphenated.

pixelzoom commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I mean stackTraceLimit_density-buoyancy-common_121 for the example. Guess I've been looking at too many "conventions for feature branch names", all of which recommend using "/" by the way.

issueRepo is a placeholder, not implying camelcase.