Open samreid opened 7 years ago
This shows a checkbox for everything in the initialize-globals schema:
If we are going to leverage schemas, we would want to do the following at a minimum:
The goal is to avoid duplication and provide automatic sim-specific synchronizing of query parameters for different contexts, for the ease of developers and QA team, but this would be a significant and disruptive task, and I'm having difficulty justifying that "now's the time to implement it." I think I'll save this issue for a rainy day.
Here's my working copy that was used to generate the image above:
// Copyright 2016, University of Colorado Boulder
* Page for quickly launching phet-related tasks, such as simulations, automated/unit tests, or other utilities.
* Displays three columns:
* - Repositories: A list of repositories to select from, each one of which has a number of modes.
* - Modes: Based on the repository selected. Decides what type of URL is loaded when "Launch" or the enter key is
* pressed.
* - Query Parameters: If available, controls what optional query parameters will be added to the end of the URL.
* Mode has the format:
* {
* name: {string} - Internal unique value (for looking up which option was chosen, and storing in localStorage),
* text: {string} - Shown in the mode list,
* description: {string} - Shown when hovering over the mode in the list,
* url: {string} - The base URL to visit (without added query parameters) when the mode is chosen,
* queryParameters: {Array.<QueryParameter>}
* }
* QueryParameter has the format:
* {
* value: {string} - The actual query parameter included in the URL,
* text: {string} - Shown in the query parameter list,
* [default]: {boolean} - If true, the query parameter will be true by default
* }
(function() {
'use strict';
// TODO: Use schema? (commented out for linting)
var schema = window.phet.chipper.queryParameterSchema;
var simQueryParameters = window.phet.chipper.queryParameterSchema;
// var simQueryParameters = [
// { value: 'accessibility', text: 'Accessibility' },
// { value: 'audioVolume=0', text: 'Mute' },
// { value: 'fuzzMouse', text: 'Fuzz Mouse' },
// { value: 'dev', text: 'Dev' },
// { value: 'profiler', text: 'Profiler' },
// { value: 'showPointers', text: 'Pointers' },
// { value: 'showPointerAreas', text: 'Pointer Areas' },
// { value: 'showFittedBlockBounds', text: 'Fitted Block Bounds' },
// { value: 'showCanvasNodeBounds', text: 'CanvasNode Bounds' },
// { value: 'webgl=false', text: 'No WebGL' }
// ];
var devSimQueryParameters = {};
var phetIOQueryParameters = {};
var phetIORepos = [
var colorProfileRepos = [
// Track whether 'shift' key is pressed, so that we can change how windows are opened
var shiftPressed = false;
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
shiftPressed = event.shiftKey;
} );
window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( event ) {
shiftPressed = event.shiftKey;
} );
function openURL( url ) {
if ( shiftPressed ) { url, '_blank' );
else {
window.location = url;
* Fills out the modeData map with information about repositories, modes and query parameters.
* @param {Array.<string>} activeRunnables - from active-runnables
* @param {Array.<string>} activeRepos - from active-repos
* @param {Array.<string>} activeSims - from active-sims
* @returns {Object} - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
function populate( activeRunnables, activeRepos, activeSims ) {
var modeData = {};
activeRepos.forEach( function( repo ) {
var modes = modeData[ repo ] = [];
var isPhetIO = _.contains( phetIORepos, repo );
var hasColorProfile = _.contains( colorProfileRepos );
if ( _.contains( activeRunnables, repo ) ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'requirejs',
text: 'Require.js',
description: 'Runs the simulation from the top-level development HTML in require.js mode',
url: '../' + repo + '/' + repo + '_en.html',
queryParametersSchemas: [ simQueryParameters ]
} );
modes.push( {
name: 'compiled',
text: 'Compiled',
description: 'Runs the English simulation from the build/ directory (built from chipper)',
url: '../' + repo + '/build/' + repo + '_en.html',
queryParametersSchemas: [ simQueryParameters ]
} );
// Color picker UI
if ( hasColorProfile ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'colors',
text: 'Color Editor',
description: 'Runs the top-level -colors.html file (allows editing/viewing different profile colors)',
url: '../' + repo + '/' + repo + '-colors.html'
} );
if ( repo === 'axon' || repo === 'phet-core' || repo === 'dot' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'scenery' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'unitTestsRequirejs',
text: 'Unit Tests (Require.js)',
description: 'Runs unit tests in require.js mode',
url: '../' + repo + '/tests/qunit/unit-tests.html'
} );
modes.push( {
name: 'unitTestsCompiled',
text: 'Unit Tests (Compiled)',
description: 'Runs unit tests from a compiled (built) file. Run "grunt build-js" first',
url: '../' + repo + '/tests/qunit/compiled-unit-tests.html'
} );
if ( repo === 'scenery' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'dot' || repo === 'phet-io' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'documentation',
text: 'Documentation',
description: 'Browse HTML documentation',
url: '../' + repo + '/doc/'
} );
if ( repo === 'scenery' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'dot' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'examples',
text: 'Examples',
description: 'Browse Examples',
url: '../' + repo + '/examples/'
} );
if ( repo === 'scenery' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'dot' || repo === 'phet-core' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'playground',
text: 'Playground',
description: 'Loads ' + repo + ' and dependencies in the tab, and allows quick testing',
url: '../' + repo + '/tests/playground.html'
} );
if ( repo === 'phet-io' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'wrappers',
text: 'Wrappers',
description: 'Points to many dev wrappers',
url: '../' + repo + '/html/dev-wrappers.html'
} );
if ( repo === 'phetmarks' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'launcher',
text: 'Launcher',
description: 'Launcher for phet-io',
url: '../phetmarks/launcher'
} );
if ( repo === 'chipper' || repo === 'aqua' ) {
modes.push( {
name: 'test-sims',
text: 'Test Sims (Fast Build)',
description: 'Runs automated testing with fuzzing, 10 second timer, and 4 concurrent builds',
url: '../aqua/test-server/test-sims.html?ea&audioVolume=0&testDuration=10000&testConcurrentBuilds=4&fuzzMouse'
} );
modes.push( {
name: 'test-sims-load-only',
text: 'Test Sims (Load Only)',
description: 'Runs automated testing that just loads sims (without fuzzing or building)',
url: '../aqua/test-server/test-sims.html?ea&audioVolume=0&testTask=false&testBuilt=false'
} );
// phet-io wrappers
if ( isPhetIO ) {
].forEach( function( wrapper ) {
var url = wrapper === 'console' ?
'../' + repo + '/' + repo + '_en.html?brand=phet-io&phet-io.log=console' :
'../phet-io/wrappers/' + wrapper + '/' + wrapper + '.html?sim=' + repo;
modes.push( {
name: wrapper,
text: wrapper,
description: 'Runs the phet-io wrapper ' + wrapper,
url: url,
queryParameters: [ simQueryParameters ]
} );
} );
modes.push( {
name: 'github',
text: 'GitHub',
description: 'Opens to the repository\'s GitHub main page',
url: '' + repo
} );
modes.push( {
name: 'issues',
text: 'Issues',
description: 'Opens to the repository\'s GitHub issues page',
url: '' + repo + '/issues'
} );
} );
return modeData;
function clearChildren( element ) {
while ( element.childNodes.length ) { element.removeChild( element.childNodes[ 0 ] ); }
* @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
* @returns { element: {HTMLSelectElement}, get value(): {string} }
function createRepositorySelector( modeData ) {
var repositories = Object.keys( modeData );
var select = document.createElement( 'select' );
select.autofocus = true;
repositories.forEach( function( repo ) {
var option = document.createElement( 'option' );
option.value = option.label = option.innerHTML = repo;
select.appendChild( option );
} );
// IE or no-scrollIntoView will need to be height-limited
if ( select.scrollIntoView && navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Trident/' ) < 0 ) {
select.setAttribute( 'size', repositories.length );
else {
select.setAttribute( 'size', 30 );
// Select a repository if it's been stored in localStorage before
if ( localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-repo' ) ) {
select.value = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-repo' );
// Scroll to the selected element
select.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
var element = select.childNodes[ select.selectedIndex ];
if ( element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ) {
else if ( element.scrollIntoView ) {
} );
return {
element: select,
get value() {
return select.childNodes[ select.selectedIndex ].value;
* @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
* @param {Object} repositorySelector
* @returns { element: {HTMLSelectElement},
* get value(): {string},
* get mode(): {Mode},
* update: function() }
function createModeSelector( modeData, repositorySelector ) {
var select = document.createElement( 'select' );
var selector = {
element: select,
get value() {
return select.childNodes[ select.selectedIndex ].value;
get mode() {
var currentModeName = selector.value;
return _.filter( modeData[ repositorySelector.value ], function( mode ) {
return === currentModeName;
} )[ 0 ];
update: function() {
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-repo', repositorySelector.value );
clearChildren( select );
modeData[ repositorySelector.value ].forEach( function( choice ) {
var choiceOption = document.createElement( 'option' );
choiceOption.value =;
choiceOption.label = choice.text;
choiceOption.title = choice.description;
choiceOption.innerHTML = choice.text;
select.appendChild( choiceOption );
} );
select.setAttribute( 'size', modeData[ repositorySelector.value ].length );
select.value = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-choice' );
if ( select.selectedIndex < 0 ) {
select.selectedIndex = 0;
select.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-choice', selector.value );
} );
return selector;
function createScreenSelector() {
if ( typeof localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-screens' ) !== 'string' ) {
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-screens', 'all' );
var div = document.createElement( 'div' );
function createScreenRadioButton( name, value, text ) {
var label = document.createElement( 'label' );
label.className = 'screenLabel';
var radio = document.createElement( 'input' );
radio.type = 'radio'; = name;
radio.value = value;
radio.checked = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-screens' ) === value;
radio.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
var selectedValue = $( 'input[name=screens]:checked' ).val();
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-screens', selectedValue );
} );
label.appendChild( radio );
label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
return label;
div.appendChild( createScreenRadioButton( 'screens', 'all', 'All screens' ) );
for ( var i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
div.appendChild( createScreenRadioButton( 'screens', '' + i, '' + i ) );
return {
element: div,
get value() {
return $( 'input[name=screens]:checked' ).val();
reset: function() {
$( 'input[value=all]' )[ 0 ].checked = true;
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-screens', 'all' );
* @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
* @param {Object} modeSelector
* @returns { element: {HTMLSelectElement}, get value(): {string} }
function createQueryParameterSelector( modeData, modeSelector ) {
var screenSelector = createScreenSelector();
var customTextBox = document.createElement( 'input' );
customTextBox.type = 'text';
if ( localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-customText' ) ) {
customTextBox.value = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-customText' );
customTextBox.addEventListener( 'input', function() {
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-customText', customTextBox.value );
} );
var toggleContainer = document.createElement( 'div' );
var selector = {
screenElement: screenSelector.element,
toggleElement: toggleContainer,
customElement: customTextBox,
get value() {
var screensValue = screenSelector.value;
return _.filter( $( toggleContainer ).find( ':checkbox' ), function( checkbox ) {
return checkbox.checked;
} ), function( checkbox ) {
} ).concat( customTextBox.value.length ? [ customTextBox.value ] : [] ).concat(
screensValue === 'all' ? [] : [ 'screens=' + screensValue ]
).join( '&' );
update: function() {
clearChildren( toggleContainer );
var queryParametersSchemas = modeSelector.mode.queryParametersSchemas || [];
queryParametersSchemas.forEach( function( schema ) {
for ( var parameter in schema ) {
var label = document.createElement( 'label' );
var checkBox = document.createElement( 'input' );
checkBox.type = 'checkbox'; = parameter;
label.appendChild( checkBox );
label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( parameter + ' (' + parameter + ')' ) );
toggleContainer.appendChild( label );
toggleContainer.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
var checked = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-query-' + parameter.value );
if ( typeof checked === 'string' ) {
checkBox.checked = checked === 'true';
else {
checkBox.checked = !!parameter.default;
checkBox.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-query-' + parameter.value, checkBox.checked );
} );
} );
reset: function() {
customTextBox.value = '';
localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-customText', '' );
_.forEach( $( toggleContainer ).find( ':checkbox' ), function( checkbox ) {
// var parameter = _.filter( modeSelector.mode.queryParameters, function( param ) { return param.value ===; } )[ 0 ];
// checkbox.checked = !!parameter.default;
// localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-query-' + parameter.value, checkbox.checked );
} );
return selector;
* Create the view and hook everything up.
* @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
function render( modeData ) {
var repositorySelector = createRepositorySelector( modeData );
var modeSelector = createModeSelector( modeData, repositorySelector );
var queryParameterSelector = createQueryParameterSelector( modeData, modeSelector );
function getCurrentURL() {
var queryParameters = queryParameterSelector.value;
return modeSelector.mode.url + ( queryParameters.length ? '?' + queryParameters : '' );
var launchButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); = 'launchButton'; = 'launch';
launchButton.innerHTML = 'Launch';
var resetButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); = 'reset';
resetButton.innerHTML = 'Reset Query Parameters';
function header( str ) {
var head = document.createElement( 'h3' );
head.appendChild( document.createTextNode( str ) );
return head;
// Divs for our three columns
var repoDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'repositories';
var modeDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'choices';
var queryParametersDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'queryParameters';
// Layout of all of the major elements
repoDiv.appendChild( header( 'Repositories' ) );
repoDiv.appendChild( repositorySelector.element );
modeDiv.appendChild( header( 'Modes' ) );
modeDiv.appendChild( modeSelector.element );
modeDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
modeDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
modeDiv.appendChild( launchButton );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( header( 'Query Parameters' ) );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( queryParameterSelector.toggleElement );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( queryParameterSelector.screenElement );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Query Parameters: ' ) );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( queryParameterSelector.customElement );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
queryParametersDiv.appendChild( resetButton );
document.body.appendChild( repoDiv );
document.body.appendChild( modeDiv );
document.body.appendChild( queryParametersDiv );
function updateQueryParameterVisibility() { = modeSelector.mode.queryParametersSchemas.length>0 ? 'inherit' : 'hidden';
// Align panels based on width
function layout() { = ( repositorySelector.element.clientWidth + 20 ) + 'px'; = ( repositorySelector.element.clientWidth + +modeDiv.clientWidth + 40 ) + 'px';
window.addEventListener( 'resize', layout );
// Hook updates to change listeners
function onRepositoryChanged() {
function onModeChanged() {
repositorySelector.element.addEventListener( 'change', onRepositoryChanged );
modeSelector.element.addEventListener( 'input', onModeChanged );
// Clicking 'Launch' or pressing 'enter' opens the URL
function openCurrentURL() {
openURL( getCurrentURL() );
window.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
// Check for enter key
if ( event.which === 13 ) {
}, false );
launchButton.addEventListener( 'click', openCurrentURL );
// Reset
resetButton.addEventListener( 'click', queryParameterSelector.reset );
// Splits file strings (such as chipper/data/active-runnables) into a list of entries, ignoring blank lines.
function whiteSplit( str ) {
return str.split( '\n' ).map( function( line ) {
return line.replace( '\r', '' );
} ).filter( function( line ) {
return line.length > 0;
} );
// Load files serially, populate then render
$.ajax( {
url: '../chipper/data/active-runnables'
} ).done( function( activeRunnablesString ) {
var activeRunnables = whiteSplit( activeRunnablesString );
$.ajax( {
url: '../chipper/data/active-repos'
} ).done( function( activeReposString ) {
var activeRepos = whiteSplit( activeReposString );
$.ajax( {
url: '../chipper/data/active-sims'
} ).done( function( activeSimsString ) {
var activeSims = whiteSplit( activeSimsString );
render( populate( activeRunnables, activeRepos, activeSims ) );
} );
} );
} );
This is probably referring to phetmarks, so I'll change the title.
Instead of hard coded "copied" schemas, we should leverage the pre-existing schemas, see