phetsims / phetmarks

Bookmark URLs for use in PhET development
MIT License
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phetmarks should leverage QueryStringMachine schemas #7

Open samreid opened 8 years ago

samreid commented 8 years ago

Instead of hard coded "copied" schemas, we should leverage the pre-existing schemas, see

samreid commented 8 years ago

This shows a checkbox for everything in the initialize-globals schema:


If we are going to leverage schemas, we would want to do the following at a minimum:

  1. Add documentation fields into the schemas, so it can be presented.
  2. Add flags into the schema to identify which should be shown/suppressed for phetmarks
  3. Separate out the phet-io flags into a separate schema.
  4. Show sections for each schema: (a) main schema (b) phet-io schema (c) sim schema
  5. Order the entries in the schema as we want them to appear in phetmarks (i.e. not alphabetized)

The goal is to avoid duplication and provide automatic sim-specific synchronizing of query parameters for different contexts, for the ease of developers and QA team, but this would be a significant and disruptive task, and I'm having difficulty justifying that "now's the time to implement it." I think I'll save this issue for a rainy day.

samreid commented 8 years ago

Here's my working copy that was used to generate the image above:

// Copyright 2016, University of Colorado Boulder

 * Page for quickly launching phet-related tasks, such as simulations, automated/unit tests, or other utilities.
 * Displays three columns:
 * - Repositories: A list of repositories to select from, each one of which has a number of modes.
 * - Modes: Based on the repository selected. Decides what type of URL is loaded when "Launch" or the enter key is
 *          pressed.
 * - Query Parameters: If available, controls what optional query parameters will be added to the end of the URL.
 * Mode has the format:
 * {
 *   name: {string} - Internal unique value (for looking up which option was chosen, and storing in localStorage),
 *   text: {string} - Shown in the mode list,
 *   description: {string} - Shown when hovering over the mode in the list,
 *   url: {string} - The base URL to visit (without added query parameters) when the mode is chosen,
 *   queryParameters: {Array.<QueryParameter>}
 * }
 * QueryParameter has the format:
 * {
 *   value: {string} - The actual query parameter included in the URL,
 *   text: {string} - Shown in the query parameter list,
 *   [default]: {boolean} - If true, the query parameter will be true by default
 * }

(function() {
  'use strict';

  // TODO: Use schema? (commented out for linting)
  var schema = window.phet.chipper.queryParameterSchema;

  var simQueryParameters = window.phet.chipper.queryParameterSchema;
  // var simQueryParameters = [
  //   { value: 'accessibility', text: 'Accessibility' },
  //   { value: 'audioVolume=0', text: 'Mute' },
  //   { value: 'fuzzMouse', text: 'Fuzz Mouse' },
  //   { value: 'dev', text: 'Dev' },
  //   { value: 'profiler', text: 'Profiler' },
  //   { value: 'showPointers', text: 'Pointers' },
  //   { value: 'showPointerAreas', text: 'Pointer Areas' },
  //   { value: 'showFittedBlockBounds', text: 'Fitted Block Bounds' },
  //   { value: 'showCanvasNodeBounds', text: 'CanvasNode Bounds' },
  //   { value: 'webgl=false', text: 'No WebGL' }
  // ];

  var devSimQueryParameters = {};

  var phetIOQueryParameters = {};

  var phetIORepos = [

  var colorProfileRepos = [

  // Track whether 'shift' key is pressed, so that we can change how windows are opened
  var shiftPressed = false;
  window.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
    shiftPressed = event.shiftKey;
  } );
  window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function( event ) {
    shiftPressed = event.shiftKey;
  } );
  function openURL( url ) {
    if ( shiftPressed ) { url, '_blank' );
    else {
      window.location = url;

   * Fills out the modeData map with information about repositories, modes and query parameters.
   * @param {Array.<string>} activeRunnables - from active-runnables
   * @param {Array.<string>} activeRepos - from active-repos
   * @param {Array.<string>} activeSims - from active-sims
   * @returns {Object} - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
  function populate( activeRunnables, activeRepos, activeSims ) {
    var modeData = {};

    activeRepos.forEach( function( repo ) {
      var modes = modeData[ repo ] = [];

      var isPhetIO = _.contains( phetIORepos, repo );
      var hasColorProfile = _.contains( colorProfileRepos );

      if ( _.contains( activeRunnables, repo ) ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'requirejs',
          text: 'Require.js',
          description: 'Runs the simulation from the top-level development HTML in require.js mode',
          url: '../' + repo + '/' + repo + '_en.html',
          queryParametersSchemas: [ simQueryParameters ]
        } );
        modes.push( {
          name: 'compiled',
          text: 'Compiled',
          description: 'Runs the English simulation from the build/ directory (built from chipper)',
          url: '../' + repo + '/build/' + repo + '_en.html',
          queryParametersSchemas: [ simQueryParameters ]
        } );

      // Color picker UI
      if ( hasColorProfile ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'colors',
          text: 'Color Editor',
          description: 'Runs the top-level -colors.html file (allows editing/viewing different profile colors)',
          url: '../' + repo + '/' + repo + '-colors.html'
        } );

      if ( repo === 'axon' || repo === 'phet-core' || repo === 'dot' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'scenery' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'unitTestsRequirejs',
          text: 'Unit Tests (Require.js)',
          description: 'Runs unit tests in require.js mode',
          url: '../' + repo + '/tests/qunit/unit-tests.html'
        } );
        modes.push( {
          name: 'unitTestsCompiled',
          text: 'Unit Tests (Compiled)',
          description: 'Runs unit tests from a compiled (built) file. Run "grunt build-js" first',
          url: '../' + repo + '/tests/qunit/compiled-unit-tests.html'
        } );
      if ( repo === 'scenery' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'dot' || repo === 'phet-io' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'documentation',
          text: 'Documentation',
          description: 'Browse HTML documentation',
          url: '../' + repo + '/doc/'
        } );
      if ( repo === 'scenery' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'dot' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'examples',
          text: 'Examples',
          description: 'Browse Examples',
          url: '../' + repo + '/examples/'
        } );
      if ( repo === 'scenery' || repo === 'kite' || repo === 'dot' || repo === 'phet-core' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'playground',
          text: 'Playground',
          description: 'Loads ' + repo + ' and dependencies in the tab, and allows quick testing',
          url: '../' + repo + '/tests/playground.html'
        } );
      if ( repo === 'phet-io' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'wrappers',
          text: 'Wrappers',
          description: 'Points to many dev wrappers',
          url: '../' + repo + '/html/dev-wrappers.html'
        } );
      if ( repo === 'phetmarks' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'launcher',
          text: 'Launcher',
          description: 'Launcher for phet-io',
          url: '../phetmarks/launcher'
        } );
      if ( repo === 'chipper' || repo === 'aqua' ) {
        modes.push( {
          name: 'test-sims',
          text: 'Test Sims (Fast Build)',
          description: 'Runs automated testing with fuzzing, 10 second timer, and 4 concurrent builds',
          url: '../aqua/test-server/test-sims.html?ea&audioVolume=0&testDuration=10000&testConcurrentBuilds=4&fuzzMouse'
        } );
        modes.push( {
          name: 'test-sims-load-only',
          text: 'Test Sims (Load Only)',
          description: 'Runs automated testing that just loads sims (without fuzzing or building)',
          url: '../aqua/test-server/test-sims.html?ea&audioVolume=0&testTask=false&testBuilt=false'
        } );

      // phet-io wrappers
      if ( isPhetIO ) {
        ].forEach( function( wrapper ) {
          var url = wrapper === 'console' ?
                    '../' + repo + '/' + repo + '_en.html?brand=phet-io&phet-io.log=console' :
                    '../phet-io/wrappers/' + wrapper + '/' + wrapper + '.html?sim=' + repo;
          modes.push( {
            name: wrapper,
            text: wrapper,
            description: 'Runs the phet-io wrapper ' + wrapper,
            url: url,
            queryParameters: [ simQueryParameters ]
          } );
        } );

      modes.push( {
        name: 'github',
        text: 'GitHub',
        description: 'Opens to the repository\'s GitHub main page',
        url: '' + repo
      } );
      modes.push( {
        name: 'issues',
        text: 'Issues',
        description: 'Opens to the repository\'s GitHub issues page',
        url: '' + repo + '/issues'
      } );
    } );

    return modeData;

  function clearChildren( element ) {
    while ( element.childNodes.length ) { element.removeChild( element.childNodes[ 0 ] ); }

   * @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
   * @returns { element: {HTMLSelectElement}, get value(): {string} }
  function createRepositorySelector( modeData ) {
    var repositories = Object.keys( modeData );

    var select = document.createElement( 'select' );
    select.autofocus = true;
    repositories.forEach( function( repo ) {
      var option = document.createElement( 'option' );
      option.value = option.label = option.innerHTML = repo;
      select.appendChild( option );
    } );

    // IE or no-scrollIntoView will need to be height-limited
    if ( select.scrollIntoView && navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Trident/' ) < 0 ) {
      select.setAttribute( 'size', repositories.length );
    else {
      select.setAttribute( 'size', 30 );

    // Select a repository if it's been stored in localStorage before
    if ( localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-repo' ) ) {
      select.value = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-repo' );


    // Scroll to the selected element
    select.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
      var element = select.childNodes[ select.selectedIndex ];
      if ( element.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded ) {
      else if ( element.scrollIntoView ) {
    } );

    return {
      element: select,
      get value() {
        return select.childNodes[ select.selectedIndex ].value;

   * @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
   * @param {Object} repositorySelector
   * @returns { element: {HTMLSelectElement},
   *            get value(): {string},
   *            get mode(): {Mode},
   *            update: function() }
  function createModeSelector( modeData, repositorySelector ) {
    var select = document.createElement( 'select' );

    var selector = {
      element: select,
      get value() {
        return select.childNodes[ select.selectedIndex ].value;
      get mode() {
        var currentModeName = selector.value;
        return _.filter( modeData[ repositorySelector.value ], function( mode ) {
          return === currentModeName;
        } )[ 0 ];
      update: function() {
        localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-repo', repositorySelector.value );

        clearChildren( select );
        modeData[ repositorySelector.value ].forEach( function( choice ) {
          var choiceOption = document.createElement( 'option' );
          choiceOption.value =;
          choiceOption.label = choice.text;
          choiceOption.title = choice.description;
          choiceOption.innerHTML = choice.text;
          select.appendChild( choiceOption );
        } );
        select.setAttribute( 'size', modeData[ repositorySelector.value ].length );
        select.value = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-choice' );
        if ( select.selectedIndex < 0 ) {
          select.selectedIndex = 0;

    select.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
      localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-choice', selector.value );
    } );

    return selector;

  function createScreenSelector() {
    if ( typeof localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-screens' ) !== 'string' ) {
      localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-screens', 'all' );

    var div = document.createElement( 'div' );

    function createScreenRadioButton( name, value, text ) {
      var label = document.createElement( 'label' );
      label.className = 'screenLabel';
      var radio = document.createElement( 'input' );
      radio.type = 'radio'; = name;
      radio.value = value;
      radio.checked = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-screens' ) === value;
      radio.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
        var selectedValue = $( 'input[name=screens]:checked' ).val();
        localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-screens', selectedValue );
      } );
      label.appendChild( radio );
      label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( text ) );
      return label;

    div.appendChild( createScreenRadioButton( 'screens', 'all', 'All screens' ) );
    for ( var i = 1; i <= 6; i++ ) {
      div.appendChild( createScreenRadioButton( 'screens', '' + i, '' + i ) );

    return {
      element: div,
      get value() {
        return $( 'input[name=screens]:checked' ).val();
      reset: function() {
        $( 'input[value=all]' )[ 0 ].checked = true;
        localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-screens', 'all' );

   * @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
   * @param {Object} modeSelector
   * @returns { element: {HTMLSelectElement}, get value(): {string} }
  function createQueryParameterSelector( modeData, modeSelector ) {
    var screenSelector = createScreenSelector();

    var customTextBox = document.createElement( 'input' );
    customTextBox.type = 'text';
    if ( localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-customText' ) ) {
      customTextBox.value = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-customText' );
    customTextBox.addEventListener( 'input', function() {
      localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-customText', customTextBox.value );
    } );

    var toggleContainer = document.createElement( 'div' );

    var selector = {
      screenElement: screenSelector.element,
      toggleElement: toggleContainer,
      customElement: customTextBox,
      get value() {
        var screensValue = screenSelector.value;
        return _.filter( $( toggleContainer ).find( ':checkbox' ), function( checkbox ) {
          return checkbox.checked;
        } ), function( checkbox ) {
        } ).concat( customTextBox.value.length ? [ customTextBox.value ] : [] ).concat(
          screensValue === 'all' ? [] : [ 'screens=' + screensValue ]
        ).join( '&' );
      update: function() {
        clearChildren( toggleContainer );

        var queryParametersSchemas = modeSelector.mode.queryParametersSchemas || [];
        queryParametersSchemas.forEach( function( schema ) {
          for ( var parameter in schema ) {
            var label = document.createElement( 'label' );
            var checkBox = document.createElement( 'input' );
            checkBox.type = 'checkbox';
   = parameter;
            label.appendChild( checkBox );
            label.appendChild( document.createTextNode( parameter + ' (' + parameter + ')' ) );
            toggleContainer.appendChild( label );
            toggleContainer.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
            var checked = localStorage.getItem( 'testmarks-query-' + parameter.value );
            if ( typeof checked === 'string' ) {
              checkBox.checked = checked === 'true';
            else {
              checkBox.checked = !!parameter.default;

            checkBox.addEventListener( 'change', function() {
              localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-query-' + parameter.value, checkBox.checked );
            } );

        } );
      reset: function() {

        customTextBox.value = '';
        localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-customText', '' );
        _.forEach( $( toggleContainer ).find( ':checkbox' ), function( checkbox ) {
          // var parameter = _.filter( modeSelector.mode.queryParameters, function( param ) { return param.value ===; } )[ 0 ];
          // checkbox.checked = !!parameter.default;
          // localStorage.setItem( 'testmarks-query-' + parameter.value, checkbox.checked );
        } );

    return selector;

   * Create the view and hook everything up.
   * @param {Object} modeData - Maps from {string} repository name => {Mode}
  function render( modeData ) {
    var repositorySelector = createRepositorySelector( modeData );
    var modeSelector = createModeSelector( modeData, repositorySelector );
    var queryParameterSelector = createQueryParameterSelector( modeData, modeSelector );

    function getCurrentURL() {
      var queryParameters = queryParameterSelector.value;
      return modeSelector.mode.url + ( queryParameters.length ? '?' + queryParameters : '' );

    var launchButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); = 'launchButton'; = 'launch';
    launchButton.innerHTML = 'Launch';

    var resetButton = document.createElement( 'button' ); = 'reset';
    resetButton.innerHTML = 'Reset Query Parameters';

    function header( str ) {
      var head = document.createElement( 'h3' );
      head.appendChild( document.createTextNode( str ) );
      return head;

    // Divs for our three columns
    var repoDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'repositories';
    var modeDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'choices';
    var queryParametersDiv = document.createElement( 'div' ); = 'queryParameters';

    // Layout of all of the major elements
    repoDiv.appendChild( header( 'Repositories' ) );
    repoDiv.appendChild( repositorySelector.element );
    modeDiv.appendChild( header( 'Modes' ) );
    modeDiv.appendChild( modeSelector.element );
    modeDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
    modeDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
    modeDiv.appendChild( launchButton );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( header( 'Query Parameters' ) );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( queryParameterSelector.toggleElement );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( queryParameterSelector.screenElement );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( document.createTextNode( 'Query Parameters: ' ) );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( queryParameterSelector.customElement );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( document.createElement( 'br' ) );
    queryParametersDiv.appendChild( resetButton );
    document.body.appendChild( repoDiv );
    document.body.appendChild( modeDiv );
    document.body.appendChild( queryParametersDiv );

    function updateQueryParameterVisibility() { = modeSelector.mode.queryParametersSchemas.length>0 ? 'inherit' : 'hidden';

    // Align panels based on width
    function layout() { = ( repositorySelector.element.clientWidth + 20 ) + 'px'; = ( repositorySelector.element.clientWidth + +modeDiv.clientWidth + 40 ) + 'px';

    window.addEventListener( 'resize', layout );

    // Hook updates to change listeners
    function onRepositoryChanged() {

    function onModeChanged() {

    repositorySelector.element.addEventListener( 'change', onRepositoryChanged );
    modeSelector.element.addEventListener( 'input', onModeChanged );

    // Clicking 'Launch' or pressing 'enter' opens the URL
    function openCurrentURL() {
      openURL( getCurrentURL() );

    window.addEventListener( 'keydown', function( event ) {
      // Check for enter key
      if ( event.which === 13 ) {
    }, false );
    launchButton.addEventListener( 'click', openCurrentURL );

    // Reset
    resetButton.addEventListener( 'click', queryParameterSelector.reset );

  // Splits file strings (such as chipper/data/active-runnables) into a list of entries, ignoring blank lines.
  function whiteSplit( str ) {
    return str.split( '\n' ).map( function( line ) {
      return line.replace( '\r', '' );
    } ).filter( function( line ) {
      return line.length > 0;
    } );

  // Load files serially, populate then render
  $.ajax( {
    url: '../chipper/data/active-runnables'
  } ).done( function( activeRunnablesString ) {
    var activeRunnables = whiteSplit( activeRunnablesString );

    $.ajax( {
      url: '../chipper/data/active-repos'
    } ).done( function( activeReposString ) {
      var activeRepos = whiteSplit( activeReposString );

      $.ajax( {
        url: '../chipper/data/active-sims'
      } ).done( function( activeSimsString ) {
        var activeSims = whiteSplit( activeSimsString );

        render( populate( activeRunnables, activeRepos, activeSims ) );
      } );
    } );
  } );

pixelzoom commented 4 years ago

This is probably referring to phetmarks, so I'll change the title.