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Website Activities Pages #1122

Open chrisklus opened 1 month ago

chrisklus commented 1 month ago

Website Activities Pages

Mentions: @kathy-perkins @mattpen @KatieWoe @amanda-phet @oliver-phet @arouinfar @terracoda

When Problems are Found

New Issues should be opened in Please ping @mattpenn or @chrisklus on slack if you have questions for the developers.

Note: Please wait to test screen readers and keyboard navigation until @chrisklus gives the all clear. @terracoda and @chrisklus are still iterating on some fixes.

Pages To Test


Please test all of the above pages in these translations:

Platforms To Test and Test Matrix

Test Matrices

Focus and Special Instructions

Note that activity 7474 + Kepler's Law's is used as an example in these page links, but activities have varying features that will alter the content of the pages. It seems best to test all of the features by creating your own activities on ox-dev, so the features can be tested fully from the author side to the user side. This also includes the flow back and forth between an author and an activity reviewer. An example flow may look like:

For QA...

Accessibility features

Screen Readers

This sim may support screen readers. If you are unfamiliar with screen readers, please ask Katie to introduce you to screen readers. If you simply need a refresher on screen readers, please consult the [QA Book](, which should have all of the information you need as well as a link to a screen reader tutorial made by Jesse. Otherwise, look over the a11y view before opening the simulation. Once you've done that, open the simulation and make sure alerts and descriptions work as intended.

Platforms and Screen Readers to Be Tested

- Windows 10 + Latest Chrome + Latest JAWS - Windows 10 + Latest Firefox + Latest NVDA - macOS + Safari + VoiceOver - iOS + Safari + VoiceOver (only if specified in testing issue)

Critical Screen Reader Information

We are tracking known screen reader bugs in [here]( If you find a screen reader bug, please check it against this list.

Keyboard Navigation

This sim supports keyboard navigation. Please make sure it works as intended on all platforms by itself and with a screen reader.


This sim supports magnification with pinch and drag gestures on touch screens, keyboard shortcuts, and mouse/wheel controls. Please test magnfication and make sure it is working as intended and well with the use cases of the simulation. Due to the way screen readers handle user input, magnification is NOT expected to work while using a screen reader so there is no need to test this case.
FAQs for QA Members
There are multiple tests in this issue... Which test should I do first? Test in order! Test the first thing first, the second thing second, and so on.

How should I format my issue? Here's a template for making issues: Test Device blah Operating System blah Browser blah Problem Description blah Steps to Reproduce blah Visuals blah
Troubleshooting Information blah

Who should I assign? We typically assign the developer who opened the issue in the QA repository.

My question isn't in here... What should I do? You should: 1. Consult the [QA Book]( 2. Google it. 3. Ask Katie. 4. Ask a developer. 5. Google it again. 6. Cry.

KatieWoe commented 1 month ago

I find it odd that an activity can be approved, but still under review. Should approving it mark it as such automatically?

mattpen commented 1 month ago

I find it odd that an activity can be approved, but still under review.

This is a pretty legitimate situation.

  1. An activity is approved, but without a gold star.
  2. The author makes some updates and submits it for review to try to get a gold star.
  3. A reviewer puts it in "Under Review" to evaluate the changes, but does not remove the "Approved" since it was already published.

Should approving it mark it as such automatically?

I think this would be a good improvement, if you click the "Approved" checkbox that it also changes the status to "Completed". @amanda-phet what do you think?

KatieWoe commented 1 month ago

The website in general seems to be rather laggy on the android tablet.

KatieWoe commented 2 weeks ago

Not necessarily a bug, but I wonder if there is a way to alert a screen reader that the review page has loaded. At the moment, if they get to it fast enough the page seems mostly blank and they may not know when its done loading.

Edit: this was very noticeable on iPadOS VO

mattpen commented 2 weeks ago

Not necessarily a bug, but I wonder if there is a way to alert a screen reader that the review page has loaded.

@KatieWoe - can you open that as a new issue?

KatieWoe commented 2 weeks ago

All platforms have been tested. We have noticed instances of bugs popping up after we've tested something, so I'm not certain how stable everything is. How do you want to move forward?

mattpen commented 2 weeks ago

How do you want to move forward?

We have a lot to fix in the queue at the moment. Let's get everything addressed first, I'm thinking we may need to run a second test on a few specific items (I'm thinking the autocomplete comboboxes and the modals), but I'll let you know.

mattpen commented 1 week ago

Issues MP & CK are planning to fix (or investigate further) in this iteration:

These issues are require decisions about priority, workload, or design in order to fix them in this iteration:

As issues are fixed, we'll list them in the next QA test: