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Evaluate Safari bug for in PhET's published simulations #854

Closed kathy-phet closed 2 years ago

kathy-phet commented 2 years ago

Please do a quick check of published simulations at, and look for the Safari bug (in Safari 16). This bug was seen in Geometric Optics (, Mean Share and Balance ( and Gravity and Orbits (

Please test and answer the following questions:

@jonathanolson - Which sims are most likely to exhibit artifacts?

Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

in published waves intro, I see an artifact in the graph on the Water screen that is fixed in master.

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 1 22 04 PM
Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

Artifacts in trig tour still seen on master:

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 2 15 33 PM

Steps: slowly move red point on the circle--completing more than one 360 degree rotation.

jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

I'm able to reproduce the trig tour bug, and I should be able to narrow it down quickly (it seems to be present when I take a snapshot of the SVG)

Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

I also see one with States of Matter that is still present on master:

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 2 28 23 PM
Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

Resistance in a Wire also showing artifacts on master

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 2 37 05 PM

To reproduce--adjust the Area.

jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

Trig tour case is buggy with no workaround known yet. The clip area is showing the same issue, so it's leaking through some of the background (in this case, I'm showing the background at 0.1 opacity):


Minimum reproducible example below (with the spiral image redacted, since it puts over character limits):

```html Bug example ```
jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

It's showing up... with ?rootRenderer=canvas, with things confirmed as rendering in Canvas.

Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

Artifacts in Projectile Motion on the Vectors screen look fixed on master.

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 3 14 49 PM
Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

Artifacts on the Lab screen of Pendulum Lab and in Ohm's Law also look fixed on master

Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 3 30 33 PM Screenshot 2022-11-14 at 3 42 19 PM
jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

Buggy case in Safari's technology preview too.

  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

  <title>Bug example</title>

<body style="background-color: white;">
  <svg width="1012" height="816">
      <clipPath id="clip" clipPathUnits="userSpaceOnUse">
            d="M -13.41536647912858271070 -48.37424875107316069034 A 51.77079632679519249905 51.77079632679519249905 0 1 0 14.25492059817330492422 51.40158310364876825815 A 54.91238898038498206233 54.91238898038498206233 0 1 0 -15.09447471721803069045 -54.42891745622437582597 Z"></path>
    <g transform="matrix(0.98828125000000000000,0,0,0.98828125000000000000,100,100)" clip-path="url(#clip)">
      <image x="-500px" y="-500px" width="1155px" height="1164px"
jonathanolson commented 2 years ago

Some of the bugs look related to

kathy-phet commented 2 years ago

@jonathanolson - What is your recommendation here? Is this something we should work around? Or is this a bug we report and on Safari to fix? Or both?

kathy-phet commented 2 years ago

@Nancy-Salpepi - Please test on iPads/iPhones. Thanks!

Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

The artifacts seen on master with the mac + safari for Trig Tour, States of Matter and Resistance in a Wire are also seen on the iPad 9th generation with iPadOS 16. In order to see them on the iPad, you need to be zoomed in first.

@jonathanolson did you also want me to look at the sims that are fixed on master but show artifacts in published?

Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

I will go back and take a look at the sims with issues tomorrow using mac/iPad + chrome.

Nancy-Salpepi commented 2 years ago

I do see the same artifacts I reported earlier using iPadOS 16 and Chrome as well--Trig Tour, States of Matter, and Resistance in a Wire have artifacts on master. I don't see artifacts on States of Matter published because I can't zoom in. I see the artifacts for Waves intro and Projectile motion on published but not on master.

I don't see any issues with mac + chrome.

kathy-phet commented 2 years ago

Testing on this is sufficient. We've done what we will do for now. Closing this test issue.