Closed zepumph closed 6 years ago
After talking with @ariel-phet, we think the best approach to get both a phet-io and phet brand published is to do the following three qa tests:
Alright the dev version is ready
Make sure to update credits before publishing
Issues to tackle before RC:
I made some substantial changes in #91, and I will do another dev test before going to RC.
phet-io dev test:
@zepumph don't forget #96 either!
@zepumph what is the status of this issue? We are ready to deploy a PhET brand RC of this sim with keyboard navigation, should we coordinate?
I think there is just (which effects RIAW as well). I would love some help on it, I think it has to do with some layout changes I did earlier in the summer, but I can't track down the problem.
Ok, thanks @zepumph. Does that need to be fixed before a redeploy? Does the currently deployed version have that issue as well?
I don't think it is in the latest version on phet. I'll take another look at it and see what I can do. is fixed, and we are ready for a release. I'm not sure if we should do a PhET-iO version now, since there seems to be no request for it. @samreid do you think we should release RIAW for phet-io right now too?
It is up to @kathy-phet.
On second thought, If the sim is improved, it seems we should also test and publish the phet-io one too.
@samreid how stable do you think master is right now due to Should we worry?
It still needs attention and should be considered unstable. You could grab an estimate earlier sha or wait unit it is resolved
I think that resolution sounds like a good idea. I will crank away at some of them, and try to get it more stable so we can figure out if that's the way we want to go definitively.
@jessegreenberg think that master is more stable now for an RC
Thanks @zepumph!
A phetio rc was deployed for testing here:
Once it passes testing, phet branded version will use the same SHAs.
Unassigning, let me know how I can help.
@zepumph in #107 we decided not to include keyboard nav in phet-io releases until a11y features work with PhET-iO. So the current plan is to deploy 1.3-phetio without keyboard nav and then a 1.4 PhET brand version with keyboard nav. Does that sound correct?
That sounds like our current plan, although it is kinda a pain in the butt. I want to double check with @samreid. Sam does this seem right to you?
Perhaps we should defer further phet-io releases until we get Faraday's Law stabilized and have PhET-iO design meetings for each sim?
That would be a question for @kathy-phet, using the old way of instrumenting. OL and RIAW are both ready for phet-io releases. The question is should we spend the QA time to do this if we will just need to republish a "stable" version soon.
@kathy-phet should we proceed with RIAW phet-io release even though it has not had design time to move it to a "stable api?"
phetio 1.3.0-phetio released!
@jessegreenberg you are taking on the phet version in a different issue and a different version (since it has accessibility enabled by default). Closing.
from, it would be good to do a dev release first. I will do one for phet-io, and then create RC's for the phet and phet-io versions.
I should do these first: