Would you kindly post the following (or some version of it!) to social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) in the next day or two?
Curious about effective #STEM education practices with PhET simulations? Join our new Africa Share and Discuss webinar series to learn about the work of researchers and educators across Africa, starting with Dr. Umesh Ramnarain of the University of Johannesburg. Register: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrcOGtqTsqHtY6RzohzlFYQYtbHYLNM-W7
Would you kindly post the following (or some version of it!) to social media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn) in the next day or two?
Curious about effective #STEM education practices with PhET simulations? Join our new Africa Share and Discuss webinar series to learn about the work of researchers and educators across Africa, starting with Dr. Umesh Ramnarain of the University of Johannesburg. Register: https://cuboulder.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYrcOGtqTsqHtY6RzohzlFYQYtbHYLNM-W7