phev-remote / phev-ttgo

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MAC of my iPhone #3

Open MBj1703 opened 3 years ago

MBj1703 commented 3 years ago

Hi, I'm testing your solution. Just waiting for the board to arrive these days.

One question in advanced: I have already two mobiles (iPhone & Andorid) registered. Can I use the MAC of my iPhone for the TTGO Board? So my guess, I don't need to register the TTGO.

Thanks Markus

papawattu commented 3 years ago

The registration process should work without needing to use an existing MAC, I suggest clearing all the registrations first from the car - same as putting into registration mode but press the fob lock and unlock 20 times.

MBj1703 commented 3 years ago

The question is, can I use a registered MAC. I don't want to delete the two mobiles, I need them.

Only if there is no other option, I would clear them.

I will try later today, when my board arrived.

runestone74 commented 3 years ago

Yes, using a registered MAC will work.

ArhiLeeve commented 3 years ago

I cleard all registrations from phev, but still registration dosen't work. Registered my phone after that and tried iphone mac address. I have change MY17 option ON/OFF. Nothing seems to help.

MBj1703 commented 3 years ago

For me it was working after using the MAC of my iPhone.

ArhiLeeve commented 3 years ago

Could it be my version of PHEV my19? I have seen somebody commented somewhere that it is working in my19 also.. Iphone works fine... Damn it's could to test in -23 degrees outside(Finland)

MBj1703 commented 3 years ago

@runestone74 I know you are selling this on your webshop. Du you have it up and running with all setting possibilities?

papawattu commented 3 years ago

The question is, can I use a registered MAC. I don't want to delete the two mobiles, I need them.

Only if there is no other option, I would clear them.

I will try later today, when my board arrived.

You can re-add them, the point is that it tends to register only when its the first device.

MBj1703 commented 3 years ago

Could it be my version of PHEV my19? I have seen somebody commented somewhere that it is working in my19 also.. Iphone works fine... Damn it's could to test in -23 degrees outside(Finland)

Mine is also MY19 and it is working

papawattu commented 3 years ago

Could it be my version of PHEV my19? I have seen somebody commented somewhere that it is working in my19 also.. Iphone works fine... Damn it's could to test in -23 degrees outside(Finland)

You need to give it a few tries, the registration is quite flakey - For me it worked 1/3 times