phiamo / MopaBootstrapSandboxBundle

Sandbox Bundle used to seperate live doc from code
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Struggling with MopaBootstrap Install #2

Closed mojo5000 closed 12 years ago

mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

Admittedly I am new to Symfony, but I've been struggling with installing MopaBootstrap.

I downloaded the sandbox and followed directions.

Dumb Q: what url should I be going to / how should I have Apache configured? i.e. - do I need it to be at the base? How do I make sure the location of the public resources comes through?

i.e. - with my MAMP install pointing to web, and the URL:


I don't get the css, js, etc.

Once I get going with this I'd love to contribute back.

phiamo commented 12 years ago

hmm yeah there should be a little more doc ... at least less should be working (for assetic) i will write a bit tomorrow ... you should have a apache vhost to get it running and install less as described in docs of bootstrapbundle ... probably you can get it runnign .... otherwise you will have to wait until i get some sleep and time to describe it in detail ...

mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

On Mon, May 7, 2012 at 3:49 PM, phiamo <


hmm yeah there should be a little more doc ... at least less should be working (for assetic)

I ran:

php app/console assets:install --symlink web/

To get a symlink to the assets.

i will write a bit tomorrow ...

you should have a apache vhost to get it running and install less as described in docs of bootstrapbundle ...

I was hoping I could do things LESSless and just CSS. :) I will look through that.

probably you can get it runnign .... otherwise you will have to wait until i get some sleep and time to describe it in detail ...

Anything is appreciated. This project has great potential.


Do you have HTML5BP integrated as well?

What do you do about DatePickers?

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phiamo commented 12 years ago

HTML5BP was requested but i dont have time to do it atm ... i would love to see it integrated too, probably a meta bunle combinding both worlds world be nice.

less is recommended but not necessary, have a look in the docs:

it makes life easier and you can combine less with css ....

datepickers, i had in an 6 month ago project easily integrated, but there is no code yet in the sandbox, if you would like to make a pr, or need help, this should be quite easy

phiamo commented 12 years ago here there is someone working on initialirz integration which includes html5bp too

phiamo commented 12 years ago

I updated documentation. Hopefully that maks it all a bit clearer, please open another issue if you have further problems

mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

Thanks. What docs did you specifically update? I am using the bootstrap-sandbox:

  1. I installed composer.phar in /usr/local/bin.
  2. I follow your brief directions concerning downloading the package from Git and configuring.
  3. I install node.js and LESS.

What is not showing up properly are the assets. Could it be a LESS configuration that is off?

I am on a Mac. By default node.js installs into /usr/local/bin.

I edit config.yml to reflect this as mentioned:

Assetic Configuration

assetic: debug: %kernel.debug% use_controller: false filters: less: node: /usr/local/bin/node node_paths: [/opt/lessc/lib, /usr/local/lib/node_modules] apply_to: ".less$"

I get a 404 for assets.

/opt/lessc/lib - is not there. What should this be pointing to?

phiamo commented 12 years ago

all the bootstrap docs including sandbox etc

first of all try app/console assetic:dump

if it throws any errors try the last part of it also tells about /opt/lessc/lib

hopefully you have it up and running by then ...

ah and have a look into your config.yml, if there is a key:

    bundles:        [ ]

remove it! there you can configure which bundles assetic should scan, either you add everything manually or remove the key to let assetic decide what to do

mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

Yes, I believe it is an assetic issue.

I go to http://localhost:8888 (root on my MAMP install pointing to symfony-bootstrap-sandbox/web)

The src for the css asset:

Which gives me a 404.

The only thing I get with my dump is:

Warning: date_default_timezone_get(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are required to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'America/Los_Angeles' for 'PDT/-7.0/DST' instead in /Users/steve/dev/workspace/symfony-bootstrap-sandbox/vendor/jms/serializer-bundle/JMS/SerializerBundle/DependencyInjection/Factory/DateTimeFactory.php line 28

I installed LESS via:

sudo git clone /opt/lessc

Any way you'd be up for a GotoMeeting? :)

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:28 AM, phiamo <


all the bootstrap docs including sandbox etc

first of all try app/console assetic:dump

if it throws any errors try the last part of it also tells about /opt/lessc/lib

hopefully you have it up and running by then ...

ah and have a look into your config.yml, if there is a key:

   bundles:        [ ]

remove it! there you can configure which bundles assetic should scan, either you add everything manually or remove the key to let assetic decide what to do

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phiamo commented 12 years ago

ok two more things ... use the app_dev.php to access the system: http://localhost:8888/app_dev.php this should use the controllers to generate the file as in config_dev.yml and then you should probably try

app/console assetic:dump --end=prod to dump the assets for prod env too

phiamo commented 12 years ago

i use linux and gotomeeting has no client there we could use teamviewer

mojo5000 commented 12 years ago -



I get a memory err... is this an apache config prob?

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:47 AM, phiamo <


i use linux and gotomeeting has no client there we could use teamviewer

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mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

Thanks again. So I was able to recompile Bootstrap and get all libs, but still not working proper on dev.

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:58 AM, Steve Motola wrote: -



I get a memory err... is this an apache config prob?

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 6:47 AM, phiamo <


i use linux and gotomeeting has no client there we could use teamviewer

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phiamo commented 12 years ago

Could you paste the error please again. So I can try to find the cause Never seen that message before

mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

up for another

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:57 AM, phiamo <


Could you paste the error please again. So I can try to find the cause Never seen that message before

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mojo5000 commented 12 years ago

There actually isn't a good err msg.

On Tue, May 8, 2012 at 7:57 AM, phiamo <


Could you paste the error please again. So I can try to find the cause Never seen that message before

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