phiamo / MopaBootstrapSandboxBundle

Sandbox Bundle used to seperate live doc from code
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For symfony 2.x should I be using master instead of the 2.0 branch? #8

Closed chaostheory closed 12 years ago

chaostheory commented 12 years ago

I'm noticing a bug related to navbar in Config.php that is fixed in master but not 2.0.x.

Specifically the 2.x version refers to a non-existent service name: mopa_bootstrap.example.navbar instead of mopa_bootstrap.example.navbar.

Trying to disable the navbar doesn't work either. mopa_bootstrap: navbar: ~

phiamo commented 12 years ago

for 2.1 / master use master for 2.0.x use 2.0.x branch ... which bug are you exactly talkin about