phiamo / MopaBootstrapSandboxBundle

Sandbox Bundle used to seperate live doc from code
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Flash example for 2.0.x #9

Closed purplefish32 closed 12 years ago

purplefish32 commented 12 years ago

I cant seem to find how to set/retireve flash messages with the 2.0.x version, Could you please provide an example

phiamo commented 12 years ago that should be enough or?

purplefish32 commented 12 years ago

Wow, that was fast, I got that part and I am setting the falsh messages like this : $this->get('session')->setFlash( 'alert', 'wtf!' ); Can you confirm this is the correct syntax ?

phiamo commented 12 years ago says so .. dont have 2.0.x installation avail atm :(

purplefish32 commented 12 years ago

Found my error : type must be one of the following types = ['info', 'error', 'warning', 'success'] So my 'alert' type is wrong - Thanks for your time and keep up the excellent work

phiamo commented 12 years ago

np nice to hear