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Full Django Python Application generator Assistant #1013

Open OscarAgreda opened 2 weeks ago

OscarAgreda commented 2 weeks ago

I have created an Assistant for creating a Full Django Python Application Generator Assistant.

I call it Super Python Assistant is designed to automate the creation and setup of Django Python applications based on provided project outlines. It creates the necessary project structure with directories and populates the python files with code.

i can post the 3 files here if you think it is of value.

Funny thing is that sometimes works 100% awesome, and some other times does not .

But for the experts, here could something you want to take a look at .

ashpreetbedi commented 2 weeks ago

@OscarAgreda i would absolutely love to see this, please share so we can learn from it :)

ashpreetbedi commented 2 weeks ago

thank you for building with us, you're awsome!!

OscarAgreda commented 2 weeks ago

i used the LLM os , the main assistant there i refer to as the Orchestrator .

I added this code there

def delegate_to_super_python_assistant(task_description: str, project_name: str): """ Orchestrate the task and delegate to the Super Python Assistant. """ outline = get_super_python_task_outline(task_description, project_name) "Delegating the task to Super Python Assistant with the following outline:")

# Delegate to SuperPythonAssistant
super_python_assistant = SuperPythonAssistant(
    name="Super Python Assistant",
    role="Enhance and create Python applications following best practices and architectural principles",

# Create the project structure and files
    outline, project_name)

# Verify if the necessary files have been created
required_files = [

def verify_files_exist(base_path: Path, files: List[str]) -> List[str]:
    missing_files = []
    for file in files:
        file_path = base_path / file
        if not file_path.exists():
    return missing_files

# Check for missing files
missing_files = verify_files_exist(
    scratch_dir / project_name, required_files)

# If there are missing files, command the Super Python Assistant to create them
if missing_files:"Missing files detected: {missing_files}")
    # Command Super Python Assistant to create the missing files
        outline, project_name)

    # Re-verify the missing files after attempting to create them again
    missing_files = verify_files_exist(
        scratch_dir / project_name, required_files)
    if missing_files:
            f"Files are still missing after attempting to create them: {missing_files}")
            "All files have been successfully created and verified.")

else:"All necessary files have been created successfully.")

return "Project structure and initial files created and verified successfully."

Then down below where you as to enable

if super_python_assistant:
    _super_python_assistant = SuperPythonAssistant(
        name="Super Python Assistant",
        role="Enhance and create Python applications following best practices and architectural principles",
        "To write and run Python code, delegate the task to the `Super Python Assistant` using the `delegate_to_super_python_assistant` function."
        "The application should include all necessary functionalities for the beauty shop employees to efficiently manage appointments, services, and products, as well as track customer information and employee schedules. Ensure that all files are created in the expected folders and adhere to the following requirements."
    extra_instructions.append(get_super_python_task_outline("", ""))

Here is the assistant


import subprocess from typing import Optional, List, Dict, Any from pathlib import Path import os from pydantic import model_validator from textwrap import dedent

from phi.assistant import Assistant from phi.file import File from import SuperPythonTools from phi.utils.log import logger

class SuperPythonAssistant(Assistant): name: str = "SuperPythonAssistant"

files: Optional[List[File]] = None
file_information: Optional[str] = None

add_chat_history_to_messages: bool = True
num_history_messages: int = 6

followups: bool = False
read_tool_call_history: bool = True

base_dir: Optional[Path] = None
save_and_run: bool = True
list_files: bool = False
run_files: bool = False
read_files: bool = False

_super_python_tools: Optional[SuperPythonTools] = None

def add_assistant_tools(self) -> "SuperPythonAssistant":
    """Add Assistant Tools if needed"""

    add_super_python_tools = False

    if is None:
        add_super_python_tools = True
        if not any(isinstance(tool, SuperPythonTools) for tool in
            add_super_python_tools = True

    if add_super_python_tools:
        self._super_python_tools = SuperPythonTools(
            list_files_attr=self.list_files,  # Renamed to avoid conflict
        # Initialize if None
        if is None:
   = []

    return self

def get_file_metadata(self) -> str:
    if self.files is None:
        return ""

    import json

    _files: Dict[str, Any] = {}
    for f in self.files:
        if f.type in _files:
            _files[f.type] += [f.get_metadata()]
            _files[f.type] = [f.get_metadata()]

    return json.dumps(_files, indent=2)

def create_project_structure_and_files(self, outline: str, project_name: str) -> None:
    Create the project structure and save the files as per the outline.
    # Step-by-step creation of directories
    project_folders = [

    base_path = self.base_dir / project_name

    # Create directories
    for folder in project_folders:
        folder_path = base_path / folder
        folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # Define the initial files and their contents
    files_to_create = {
        "": dedent(f"""\
            #!/usr/bin/env python
            import os
            import sys

            def main():
                \"""Run administrative tasks.\"\"
                os.environ.setdefault('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE', '{project_name}.settings')
                    from import execute_from_command_line
                except ImportError as exc:
                    raise ImportError(
                        "Couldn't import Django. Are you sure it's installed and "
                        "available on your PYTHONPATH environment variable? Did you "
                        "forget to activate a virtual environment?"
                    ) from exc

            if __name__ == '__main__':
        "requirements.txt": "Django>=3.2,<4.0\npsycopg2-binary\n",
        "config/": dedent(f"""\
            from pathlib import Path

            BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).resolve().parent.parent
            SECRET_KEY = 'your-secret-key'
            DEBUG = True
            ALLOWED_HOSTS = []

            INSTALLED_APPS = [

            MIDDLEWARE = [

            ROOT_URLCONF = '{project_name}.urls'

            TEMPLATES = [
                    'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
                    'DIRS': [],
                    'APP_DIRS': True,
                    'OPTIONS': {
                        'context_processors': [

            WSGI_APPLICATION = '{project_name}.wsgi.application'

            DATABASES = {{
                'default': {{
                    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
                    'NAME': '{project_name}_db',
                    'USER': 'your_db_user',
                    'PASSWORD': 'your_db_password',
                    'HOST': 'localhost',
                    'PORT': '5432',

                    'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator',
                    'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator',
                    'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator',
                    'NAME': 'django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator',

            LANGUAGE_CODE = 'en-us'
            TIME_ZONE = 'UTC'
            USE_I18N = True
            USE_L10N = True
            USE_TZ = True

            STATIC_URL = '/static/'

            DEFAULT_AUTO_FIELD = 'django.db.models.BigAutoField'

    # Save the files
    for file_name, code in files_to_create.items():
        self.save_to_file(file_name, code, project_name, overwrite=True)"Project structure and initial files created successfully.")

def get_default_instructions(self) -> List[str]:
    _instructions = []

    if self.llm is not None:
        _llm_instructions = self.llm.get_instructions_from_llm()
        if _llm_instructions:
            _instructions += _llm_instructions

    _instructions += [
        "Determine if you can answer the question directly or if you need to read or write Python code to accomplish the task.",
        "**FIRST THINK**: Outline how you will accomplish the task before writing any code.",
        "Follow Python best practices, including meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and adherence to PEP 8 guidelines.",
        "Include comments and docstrings for classes, methods, and key code sections.",
        "Structure the generated code as a complete Python project with appropriate project and module files.",
        "Always create a `requirements.txt` file and include all necessary dependencies.",
        "Provide instructions for setting up and running the project using `pip install -r requirements.txt` and appropriate `python` commands.",
        "If you need access to data, check the `files` below to see if you have the data you need.",
        "You have access to tools to search the `knowledge_base` for information.",
        "If needed, search the `knowledge_base` for results of previous queries.",
        "If you find any information that is missing from the `knowledge_base`, add it using the `add_to_knowledge_base` function.",
        "If the data you need is unavailable, think if a Python function can accomplish the task.",
        "If the data you need is not available in a file or publicly, stop and prompt the user to provide the missing information.",
        "Once all information is gathered, write the Python code to accomplish the task.",
        "DO NOT READ DATA FILES DIRECTLY. Only read them in the Python code you write.",
        "Create a folder in the base directory to store Python files.",
        "Save Python files with a `.py` extension in the created folder.",
        "To run the code, use the appropriate `python` commands.",
        "Use `save_to_file` from `SuperPythonTools` to save Python scripts without running them.",
        "Ensure each module has a single responsibility to maintain separation of concerns.",
        "Prefer immutable objects where possible to promote immutability.",
        "Refactor methods to focus on the outcome, detailing 'what' they do rather than 'how' they do it.",
        "Use factory methods for object creation to promote loose coupling.",
        "Implement a repository pattern for data access, mediating between the domain and data mapping layers.",
        "Use the decorator pattern to extend object behavior without modifying their structure.",
        "Provide a default object using the null object pattern to avoid null checks.",
        "Ensure thread-safe single instances using the singleton pattern.",
        "Use immutable collections for shared data to ensure thread safety and immutability.",
        "Prevent duplicates in lists by using `set` or checking for existence before adding.",
        "Use the composite pattern to treat individual objects and compositions uniformly.",
        "Simplify complex subsystems with a unified interface using the facade pattern.",
        "Define a family of algorithms and make them interchangeable using the strategy pattern.",
        "Resolve dependencies at the application entry point by refining the composition root.",
        "Conduct regular reviews to ensure adherence to best practices and maintain code readability.",
        "Create a new project with necessary modules and dependencies.",
        "Ensure modules are added to the project.",
        "Ensure `.py` files are added to each module.",

    if self.files is not None:
        _instructions += [
            "If you need access to data, check the `files` below to see if you have the data you need.",

    if self.use_tools and self.knowledge_base is not None:
        _instructions += [
            "You have access to tools to search the `knowledge_base` for information.",
        if self.files is None:
            _instructions += [
                "Search the `knowledge_base` for `files` to get the files you have access to.",
        if self.update_knowledge:
            _instructions += [
                "If needed, search the `knowledge_base` for results of previous queries.",
                "If you find any information that is missing from the `knowledge_base`, add it using the `add_to_knowledge_base` function.",

    _instructions += [
        "If you do not have the data you need, **THINK** if you can write a Python function to accomplish the task.",
        "If the data you need is not available in a file or publicly, stop and prompt the user to provide the missing information.",
        "Once you have all the information, write Python code to accomplish the task.",
        "DO NOT READ THE DATA FILES DIRECTLY. Only read them in the Python code you write.",
        "Create a folder in the base directory to store the Python files.",
        "Save the Python files with a `.py` extension in the created folder.",
        "To run the code, use the appropriate `python` commands.",

    if self.save_and_run:
        _instructions += [
            "After the script is ready, save it using the `save_to_file` function from `SuperPythonTools`. You don't need to run the file.",
            "If the Python script needs to return the answer to you, specify the `variable_to_return` parameter correctly.",
            "Give the file a `.py` extension and share it with the user.",
    if self.run_files:
        _instructions += [
            "After the script is ready, run it using the `run_python_file` function from `SuperPythonTools`."
    _instructions += ["Continue till you have accomplished the task."]

    if self.markdown and self.output_model is None:
        _instructions.append("Use markdown to format your answers.")

    if self.extra_instructions is not None:

    return _instructions

def get_system_prompt(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[str]:
    """Return the system prompt for the Super Python Assistant"""

        "Building the system prompt for the SuperPythonAssistant.")
    # -*- Build the default system prompt -*-
    # First add the Assistant description
    _system_prompt = (
        self.description or "You are an expert in Python programming and can accomplish any task that is asked of you."
    _system_prompt += "\n"

    # Then add the prompt specifically from the LLM
    if self.llm is not None:
        _llm_system_prompt = self.llm.get_system_prompt_from_llm()
        if _llm_system_prompt is not None:
            _system_prompt += _llm_system_prompt

    # Then add instructions to the system prompt
    _instructions = self.instructions or self.get_default_instructions()
    if len(_instructions) > 0:
        _system_prompt += dedent(
        for i, instruction in enumerate(_instructions):
            _system_prompt += f"{i + 1}. {instruction}\n"
        _system_prompt += "</instructions>\n"

    # Then add user-provided additional information to the system prompt
    if self.add_to_system_prompt is not None:
        _system_prompt += "\n" + self.add_to_system_prompt

    _system_prompt += dedent(
        - Even if you know the answer, you MUST get the answer using Python code or from the `knowledge_base`.
        - DO NOT READ THE DATA FILES DIRECTLY. Only read them in the Python code you write.

    if self.files is not None:
        _system_prompt += dedent(
        The following `files` are available for you to use:
        _system_prompt += self.get_file_metadata()
        _system_prompt += "\n</files>\n"
    elif self.file_information is not None:
        _system_prompt += dedent(
        The following `files` are available for you to use:

    if self.followups:
        _system_prompt += dedent(
        After finishing your task, ask the user relevant followup questions like:
        1. Would you like to see the code? If the user says yes, show the code. Get it using the `get_tool_call_history(num_calls=3)` function.
        2. Was the result okay, would you like me to fix any problems? If the user says yes, get the previous code using the `get_tool_call_history(num_calls=3)` function and fix the problems.
        3. Shall I add this result to the knowledge base? If the user says yes, add the result to the knowledge base using the `add_to_knowledge_base` function.
        Let the user choose using number or text or continue the conversation.

    return _system_prompt

def create_project_structure(self, project_name: str) -> None:
    """Create the project structure with required folders and necessary files."""
        base_path = self.base_dir / project_name
        project_folders = [

        for folder in project_folders:
            folder_path = base_path / folder
            folder_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        self.create_requirements_file(base_path / "requirements.txt")
            f"Project structure for {project_name} created successfully.")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error creating project structure: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Error creating project structure: {e}")

def create_requirements_file(self, requirements_path: Path) -> None:
    Creates a new requirements.txt file with essential dependencies.
        requirements_content = dedent("""
        requirements_path.write_text(requirements_content)"Created requirements file at {requirements_path}")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error creating requirements file: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Error creating requirements file: {e}")

def save_and_review_code(self, project_name: str, code_files: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
    """Save and review multiple code files without running them."""
        # Ensure project structure is created before saving files

        for relative_path, code in code_files.items():
            file_path = self.base_dir / project_name / relative_path
            file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
  "Saved code to {file_path}")

        # Review saved files
        self.review_files(project_name, code_files)

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error saving and reviewing code: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Error saving and reviewing code: {e}")

def review_files(self, project_name: str, code_files: Dict[str, str]) -> None:
    """Review the saved code files without running them."""
        project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name

        for relative_path in code_files.keys():
            file_path = project_dir / relative_path
            if file_path.exists():
                    f"File {file_path} exists and is saved correctly.")
                    f"File {file_path} does not exist or failed to save.")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error reviewing files: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Error reviewing files: {e}")

def install_requirements(self, project_name: str) -> None:
    """Install required packages from the requirements file."""
    project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name
    requirements_file = project_dir / "requirements.txt"
    if requirements_file.exists():
            ["pip", "install", "-r", str(requirements_file)], check=True)
        raise FileNotFoundError("requirements.txt file not found")

def run_migrations(self, project_name: str) -> None:
    """Run Django migrations."""
    project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name
    manage_py = project_dir / ""
    if manage_py.exists():["python", str(manage_py),
                       "makemigrations"], check=True)["python", str(manage_py), "migrate"], check=True)
        raise FileNotFoundError(" not found")

def create_super_user(self, project_name: str, username: str, email: str, password: str) -> None:
    """Create a Django superuser."""
    project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name
    manage_py = project_dir / ""
    if manage_py.exists():
        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['DJANGO_SUPERUSER_USERNAME'] = username
        env['DJANGO_SUPERUSER_EMAIL'] = email
        env['DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD'] = password
            ["python", str(manage_py), "createsuperuser", "--noinput"], env=env, check=True)
        raise FileNotFoundError(" not found")

def run_django_server(self, project_name: str) -> None:
    """Run the Django development server."""
    project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name
    manage_py = project_dir / ""
    if manage_py.exists():["python", str(manage_py), "runserver"], check=True)
        raise FileNotFoundError(" not found")



import subprocess import functools from pathlib import Path from typing import Optional, List, Dict from textwrap import dedent import os from phi.utils.log import logger from import Toolkit from phi.utils.log import logger

@functools.lru_cache(maxsize=None) def warn() -> None: logger.warning( "SuperPythonTools can run arbitrary code, please provide human supervision." )

class SuperPythonTools(Toolkit): def init( self, base_dir: Optional[Path] = None, save_and_run: bool = True, pip_install: bool = True, run_code: bool = True, list_files_attr: bool = True, # Renamed to avoid conflict run_files: bool = True, read_files: bool = True, ): super().init(name="super_python_tools")

    self.base_dir: Path = base_dir or Path.cwd()
    self.save_and_run = save_and_run
    self.pip_install = pip_install
    self.run_code = run_code
    self.list_files_attr = list_files_attr  # Renamed to avoid conflict
    self.run_files = run_files
    self.read_files = read_files

    if save_and_run:
        self.register(self.save_to_file, sanitize_arguments=False)
    if list_files_attr:  # Updated to use the renamed attribute
    if run_files:
    if read_files:

def create_virtual_environment(self, env_name: str = "venv"):
    """Create a virtual environment."""
    env_path = self.base_dir / env_name["python", "-m", "venv", str(env_path)])
    return env_path

def activate_virtual_environment(self, env_name: str = "venv"):
    """Activate the virtual environment."""
    env_path = self.base_dir / env_name
    activate_script = env_path / "bin" / \
        "activate" if != 'nt' else env_path / "Scripts" / "activate"
    return activate_script

def install_requirements(self, requirements_file: str = "requirements.txt"):
    """Install required packages from the requirements file."""["pip", "install", "-r", requirements_file])

def run_python_script(self, script_path: Path):
    """Run a Python script."""
    result =
        ["python", str(script_path)], capture_output=True, text=True)
    return result.stdout, result.stderr

def list_directory_files(self):
    """List all files in the base directory."""
    return list(self.base_dir.iterdir())

def read_file_content(self, filename: str):
    """Read the content of a file."""
    file_path = self.base_dir / filename
    with"r") as f:

def create_django_project(self, project_name: str):
    """Create a new Django project."""["django-admin", "startproject",
                   project_name], cwd=self.base_dir)

def create_django_app(self, app_name: str, project_name: str):
    """Create a new Django app within a project."""
    project_path = self.base_dir / project_name["python", "", "startapp",
                   app_name], cwd=project_path)

def run_django_server(self, project_name: str):
    """Run the Django development server."""
    project_path = self.base_dir / project_name["python", "", "runserver"], cwd=project_path)

def run_django_migrations(self, project_name: str):
    """Run Django migrations."""
    project_path = self.base_dir / project_name
        ["python", "", "makemigrations"], cwd=project_path)["python", "", "migrate"], cwd=project_path)

def save_to_file(
    self, file_name: str, code: str, project_name: str, overwrite: bool = True
) -> str:
    """This function saves Python code to a file called `file_name`.
    If successful, returns a success message.
    If failed, returns an error message.

    Make sure the file_name ends with `.py`

    :param file_name: The name of the file the code will be saved to.
    :param code: The code to save.
    :param project_name: The name of the Python project.
    :param overwrite: Overwrite the file if it already exists.
    :return: success message if successful, otherwise returns an error message.
        project_dir = self.base_dir.joinpath(project_name)
        project_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        file_path = project_dir.joinpath(file_name)
        # Ensure the directory exists
        file_path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        logger.debug(f"Saving code to {file_path}")
        if file_path.exists() and not overwrite:
            return f"File {file_name} already exists"
        file_path.write_text(code)"Saved: {file_path}")

        return f"Successfully saved {file_name}"

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error saving code: {e}")
        return f"Error saving code: {e}"

def run_python_file(self, file_name: str, project_name: str) -> str:
    """This function runs a Python file.
    If successful, returns a success message.
    If failed, returns an error message.

    :param file_name: The name of the file to run.
    :param project_name: The name of the Python project.
    :return: success message if successful, otherwise returns an error message.
        project_dir = self.base_dir.joinpath(project_name)
        file_path = project_dir.joinpath(file_name)"Running {file_path}")

        result =
            ["python", str(file_path)], capture_output=True, text=True
        if result.returncode != 0:
            logger.error(f"Execution failed: {result.stderr}")
            return f"Execution failed: {result.stderr}"

        output = result.stdout
        logger.debug(f"Execution output: {output}")

        return f"Successfully ran {file_name}"

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error running file: {e}")
        return f"Error running file: {e}"

def read_file(self, file_name: str) -> str:
    """Reads the contents of the file `file_name` and returns the contents if successful.

    :param file_name: The name of the file to read.
    :return: The contents of the file if successful, otherwise returns an error message.
    try:"Reading file: {file_name}")
        file_path = self.base_dir.joinpath(file_name)
        contents = file_path.read_text()
        return str(contents)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error reading file: {e}")
        return f"Error reading file: {e}"

def list_files(self) -> str:
    """Returns a list of files in the base directory

    :return: Comma separated list of files in the base directory.
    try:"Reading files in : {self.base_dir}")
        files = [str(
                 for file_path in self.base_dir.iterdir()]
        return ", ".join(files)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error reading files: {e}")
        return f"Error reading files: {e}"

def check_python_environment(self) -> None:
    """Checks if the Python environment is set up correctly."""
        result =
            ["python", "--version"], capture_output=True, text=True
        if result.returncode != 0:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Python is not installed or not found in the system path.")"Python version: {result.stdout.strip()}")
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
            f"An error occurred while checking the Python environment: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"An error occurred while checking the Python environment: {e}")

def initialize_python_project(self, project_name: str) -> None:
    """Initializes a new Python project if it doesn't exist."""
        project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name

        if not project_dir.exists():
            project_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

        requirements_file = project_dir / "requirements.txt"
        if not requirements_file.exists():
            f"Project {project_name} initialized successfully at {project_dir}")
    except Exception as e:
            f"An error occurred while initializing the Python project: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(
            f"An error occurred while initializing the Python project: {e}")

def create_requirements_file(self, requirements_path: Path) -> None:
    """Create a requirements.txt file with necessary dependencies."""
        requirements_content = dedent("""
        requirements_path.write_text(requirements_content)"Created requirements file at {requirements_path}")
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error creating requirements file: {e}")
        raise RuntimeError(f"Error creating requirements file: {e}")

def run_migrations(self, project_name: str) -> str:
    """Run Django migrations for the given project."""
        project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name
        manage_py = project_dir / ""

        if not manage_py.exists():
            raise RuntimeError(
                " not found in the project directory")

        result =
            ["python", str(manage_py), "migrate"], capture_output=True, text=True
        if result.returncode != 0:
            logger.error(f"Migration failed: {result.stderr}")
            return f"Migration failed: {result.stderr}""Migrations ran successfully for {project_name}")
        return "Migrations ran successfully"

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error running migrations: {e}")
        return f"Error running migrations: {e}"

def create_super_user(self, project_name: str, username: str, email: str, password: str) -> str:
    """Create a Django superuser for the given project."""
        project_dir = self.base_dir / project_name
        manage_py = project_dir / ""

        if not manage_py.exists():
            raise RuntimeError(
                " not found in the project directory")

        result =
            ["python", str(manage_py), "createsuperuser", "--noinput",
             "--username", username, "--email", email],
            capture_output=True, text=True, env={"DJANGO_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD": password}
        if result.returncode != 0:
            logger.error(f"Superuser creation failed: {result.stderr}")
            return f"Superuser creation failed: {result.stderr}"
            f"Superuser {username} created successfully for {project_name}")
        return f"Superuser {username} created successfully"

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(f"Error creating superuser: {e}")
        return f"Error creating superuser: {e}"

and here is the get_super_python_task_outline

def get_super_python_task_outline(task_description: str, project_name: str) -> str: return dedent(f""" Task Description: {task_description}

Project Name: {project_name}

The goal is to create a maintainable and efficient Python solution following best practices and architectural principles.

1. Create Solution and Projects:
   - Generate a new solution named `{project_name}`.
   - Create the following project structure within the solution:
     - `{project_name}/app` (contains the main application code)
     - `{project_name}/config` (contains configuration files)
     - `{project_name}/scripts` (contains utility scripts)

2. Add Necessary Files:
   - Create a `requirements.txt` file with necessary dependencies.
   - Create a `` script for managing the project.

3. Setup Virtual Environment:
   - Create and activate a virtual environment for the project:
     python -m venv venv
     source venv/bin/activate  # Unix
     venv\\Scripts\\activate   # Windows
   - Install dependencies from the `requirements.txt` file:
     pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Initialize Project:
   - For web applications, initialize a Django project:
     django-admin startproject {project_name} .
     cd {project_name}
     django-admin startapp app
   - Configure settings in ``.

5. Setup Database:
   - Configure PostgreSQL as the database for the Django project in ``:
     DATABASES = {{
         'default': {{
             'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql',
             'NAME': 'your_db_name',
             'USER': 'your_db_user',
             'PASSWORD': 'your_db_password',
             'HOST': 'localhost',
             'PORT': '5432',
   - Ensure the use of SQLAlchemy ORM for database interactions if required.

6. Verify Command Execution:
   - Ensure each command is executed successfully.
   - Check for errors and handle them appropriately.
   - Log outputs and errors for debugging.

7. Error Handling:
   - Implement try-except blocks to handle exceptions.
   - Display meaningful error messages and log them for debugging.

8. Code Quality:
   - Ensure code is clean, readable, and follows Python conventions (PEP 8).
   - Use consistent naming conventions for projects and namespaces.
   - Optimize the use of imports and avoid unnecessary ones.

Additional Instructions:
- Declarative Style Refactoring:
  - Focus on outcome-based code rather than procedural logic.
  - Ensure separation of responsibilities and the single responsibility principle.
  - Embrace immutability and simplicity.
  - Prioritize object attributes over implementation details.

- Design Pattern Integration:
  - Apply appropriate design patterns (e.g., Factory Method, Dependency Injection).
  - Ensure patterns are used synergistically for maintainability and flexibility.

- Functional Programming:
  - Utilize functional programming principles where applicable.
  - Implement asynchronous programming using async/await.

The SuperPythonAssistant should ensure:
1. The project uses Python 3.8 or later.
2. Create a `requirements.txt` file and include all necessary dependencies.
3. Follow Python best practices, including meaningful variable names, proper indentation, and adherence to PEP 8.
4. Include comments and docstrings for classes, methods, and key code sections.
5. Provide instructions for setting up and running the project.
6. Ensure the code follows best practices and architectural principles.
7. Use `save_to_file_and_review` from `SuperPythonTools` to save and review Python scripts.
8. Ensure each layer has a single responsibility to maintain separation of concerns.
9. Prefer immutable objects where possible to promote immutability.
10. Refactor methods to focus on the outcome, detailing 'what' they do rather than 'how' they do it.
11. Use factory methods for object creation to promote loose coupling.
12. Implement a repository pattern for data access, mediating between the domain and data mapping layers.
13. Use the decorator pattern to extend object behavior without modifying their structure.
14. Provide a default object using the null object pattern to avoid null checks.
15. Ensure thread-safe single instances using the singleton pattern.
16. Use immutable collections for shared data to ensure thread safety and immutability.
17. Prevent duplicates in lists by using sets or checking for existence before adding.
18. Use the composite pattern to treat individual objects and compositions uniformly.
19. Simplify complex subsystems with a unified interface using the facade pattern.
20. Define a family of algorithms and make them interchangeable using the strategy pattern.
21. Resolve dependencies at the application entry point by refining the composition root.
22. Conduct regular reviews to ensure adherence to best practices and architectural principles and maintain code readability.
23. Always review the project structure and code to ensure it aligns with best practices and architectural principles.
24. Ensure that any scripts created are compatible with both Windows and Unix-based systems.
OscarAgreda commented 2 weeks ago

You have done an amazing job!!! The most outstanding part is that i am using ChatGpt 4o and it cots pennies to run it . That is incredible !! You should add that in big letter on the read me file .

OscarAgreda commented 2 weeks ago

i came from a C# clean architecture background, that is why you see those funny instructions :) . I am still learning python . We may need to add python libraries to get all those domain driven design and clean architecture parts .

Also , maybe, passing the same instructions to the Orchestrator and to the executor assistant may be redundant , may need some tweaking. I did it because it produces better results, the orchestrator delegates the executor with better reasoning and knows what to expect.